Nisha was on her way driving back home after spending her
day entirely on shopping. After all her wedding was approaching and she had to
look the best for she was finally getting married to Dr Sid. These days
went very busy as Nisha was inspecting the minutest detail of her wedding
planner , as nothing could go wrong with the most awaited day of her life. How
hard had she worked to achieve the perfection in her relationship with Dr Sid.
Likewise, nothing could go wrong till her wedding and thereafter
It was 11 pm and Nisha was speeding a little. Exhausted as
she was, she had to reach home, sleep ,get up early, hit the gym, and spend the
next day as planned on the preparations for her wedding. Her Sid has given her
his credit card and limitless shopping permission. She had her ideas working
for tomorrow, planning all the shops and the stores she would visit, when
suddenly she heard a colliding sound. Oops her car had collided with a oh my
God a buggati.
Nisha froze. The driver of the buggati came out, Nisha was
out of her wits. There was a minor scratch on the buggati but Nisha knew well
enough that even a small repair of this car would cost the owner millions
Little did she know that she would have to pay more than
that as the car belonged to Mr Abhiraj Dewan, one of the richest men in the
Abhiraj Dewan sitting in his car had baffled on hearing the
sound of the car scratch. He looked out of the window and saw a woman driving
her car. Such woman who drove, tried to shoulder men were devil according to
him. They had no maternal instincts and the world would be a better place did
they get rid of them.
The driver strode to inspect the car and then approached
Nisha. Madam you have caused great financial loss to my boss. He had purchased
this car just yesterday for crores of rupees.
Nisha was scared but did not want to accept her mistake.
Owning her mistake may cost her shelling out lakhs of rupees. She had
planned how to spend each and every
penny of Sid on her wedding. She
couldn't afford to lose any during this hour of time.
She proudly and arrogantly replied - oh it's your car that
changed the direction and not my mistake. Had you been carefully driving and
not changing lanes this may have never occurred
The driver calmly replied, "madam please accept it's your
mistake. We did not change the lane. You are probably tired and you did not see
the bent near the edge. Your mistake is causing a huge loss, at the least you
will have to say sorry to my boss and he may pardon you and not demand any
Relieved that she may not have to pay any money, Nisha
agreed, "I am still adamant that I am not at fault, however it doesn't cost
anything to apologize."
She haughtily moved towards the half-opened car window, saw
a handsome man sitting inside wearing dark glasses. He seemed to be tall well
built, having a sharp jawline, thin lips and striking features. He could easily
be a model or a movie star. Wondering why would anyone wear dark glasses during
night, she exclaimed, "sir well you see, although I am not at fault, I still
would want to say sorry if that pleases you.".
Behind the glasses, Abhir was analyzing at the outfit the
lady in front of him had worn. Exposing her cleavage, she looked nothing less
than a whore to him. Abhir always divided women he met in 2 categories- angel
and whore. So far only one woman in his life belonged to the former. Every
single female soul he came across were whores. Abhir did not like the arrogance
reflected in the tone of the woman who had come to apologize. He replied, "
It's your fault, accept it or I will force you too."
Nisha thought probably this man would be recording
her statement in some way and accepting it merely will complicate her way out
it. She laughed and pretending to be cool replied back, "You behave as if
your car is your child and I have whipped it."
As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Abhir froze. The
driver who overhead her went completely pale. Any one close to Abhir knew never
ever to mention of whipping.
He stormed out of his car caught her neck with his hand and
shouted, "you bloody whore, today I will teach you how is it to get whipped."
Few kms away Dr Sid was returning home after seeing his
patient when two gentlemen stood at the gate of his building. It has been a
tiring day, and after the emergency surgery that took hours, Dr Sid was
completely drained out. The gentlemen were blocking the gate, so Dr Sid came
out of the car to usher them away. As soon as he got near to him one man put a
handkerchief with chloroform to Dr Sid's mouth while the other caught his hands
to prevent him from restraining it, then they took him in the van.
Nisha had hardly stepped inside the house; she got a message
which said, 'check your mail.' The hair-raising experience with some Abhiraj
Dewan had already sullied her mood. But when Nisha checked her mail, it was
unfathomable. She had received a pic of Dr Sid tied to a chair and a message
saying, "if you want him alive meet Abhiraj Dewan."
It seemed as if the floor beneath her feet was slipping
away. Nisha quickly took her purse and drove off to the address mentioned in
the mail.
It was a room with some instruments neatly placed in the
shelf attached. In the middle of the room was a chair where Dr Sid was tied to.
Next to the chair lay a bed. Nisha was escorted to the room by a man in his
forties wearing suit and boot. There in the corner of the room stood Abhiraj
Dewan looking at the woman whose arrogance had triggered him, she was staring
at her fiancé in disbelief.
With a smirk on his face Abhir started, "if you want your
fiancé alive you have to comply my orders."
"And what is that" asked Nisha.
Abhir replied, "read and sign the paper in front of you."
It was all confusing for Nisha, she didn't understand as she
couldn't comprehend anything what was written. She looked at Abhir and he in
turn motioned the man in suit.
The man in suit came towards Nisha and spoke in a tone which
was neither harsh nor mocking basically devoid of any emotions. My name is
Pritam Singh . I am Mr. Abhiraj Dewans P.A. The contract papers you are holding
says that you have destroyed Mr. Dewans car and you are willing to sell your
body to pay back for it. Mr. Deewan will be making use of it in all possible
ways, also compensate you with 2 crore rupees for using your body.
The moment Dr Sid heard this he started to frantically
shaking his head motioning Nisha not to sign the contract.
But Nisha was too absorbed in the '2 crore' part that she
did not even look at Dr Sid, and spoke to Pritam Singh, "Mr. Singh I accept the
contract and I am ready to sign it but please release my fiancé after this."
mar Pritam motioned the other guards to get out and take Dr
Sid along with his chair out of the room.
Abhir then came forward and stood in front of Nisha. This
time without his sunglasses. He had beautiful eyes but there were dark shadows
underneath. He looked ghostly with the eyeshadows, seemed as if he hasn't slept
for ages. Nisha wondered how these eye shadows make such a handsome 6'2"
tall man look so weak. While she was engaged in his looks, Abir spoke, "take
off your clothes and lie on the bed." Not wanting to waste a minute in getting
the 2 crores, Nisha quickly obliged and slept on the bed.
Abhir then moved to the shelf and brought a whiplash with
him. The naked Nisha quickly reacted saying," what is this for", to which Abhir
reminded her that he can make use of her body the way he likes.
Never in her worst nightmare did she imagine that she would
be whipped brutally n scared permanently for causing a scratch in the car.