"Is this seriously all earth can offer me?"
These thoughts enter Souta's mind as he looks around him on his way to school
This isn't anything new, in fact this is the same train of thought that's been gnawing at him ever since his fathers unexpected death leading him to move away from his old house in a rural area known as Tsuyamura.
It's only been a few months since his fathers tragic death at the hands of a car accident as it was storming on his way home from work.
"This wouldn't have happened if he would have just stayed home that day"
He thinks to himself, then reflects back to a time back to his 11th birthday where his father gifted him a ring.
"His final gift to me was a silver ring with some random encryptions on it"
He looks on his right hand and glances at it
His death not only altered Souta's way of thinking making him a pessimistic teenager, but forced him and his mother to alter their living environment moving into a crappy apartment in a hectic city called Himorika to keep payments low enough for him and his mother to live in whatever shithole they find themselves in.
He rids these thoughts and continues on
"Whatever... today is the day I transfer so I need to keep my appearance to a 'standard' to some extent"
He enters the building and looks down at the schedule in hands.
"Class B-.. B-6? Hm."
He makes his way up to floor B trying to lessen his presence as much as possible.
Now at the classroom door he sighs and pulls it open.
"Hello" The teacher exclaims "New transfer- Souta.. right?"
Souta sighs and slowly answers
"-yes that would be me.."
"Take a seat next to Minerva please.. Minerva please raise your hand!"
He takes a look and sees a hand.
Minerva giggles.
"Over here!"
He makes his way over to the back
"So.. Souta, where did you transfer from?" Minerva whispers questioningly.
He doesn't answer but instead takes a seat and refuses to converse with Minerva as the day drags on.
(Souta tries his best not to humor Minerva any further.. lasting until the humming of the bell signals the start of lunch.)
"Ugh.. Finally- I thought she would never stop talking" Souta utters as he heads towards the cafeteria
He notices that the school is actually serving warm lunches, something that he has lacked in recent times.
Souta ponders over what to get before choosing the pork cutlet and miso soup, a true delicacy in the sense that he has been surviving off of cold rice and microwave food for the past couple months.
As he sits down he comes to the realization that a familiar face has spotted him and is now heading over to where he is eating.
Its Minerva thought Souta
"Hey there Souta, you thought you could get away from me!" Minerva says with a but too much cheer for his first day of school
"I wish I could." he mutters as she moves to sit down
"How mean!" minerva says in a pouty tone "most people would be thrilled to have a beauty like me dine with them" she says in an almost arrogant tone
Souta spares her a quick glance before speaking "don't act so full of yourself, you don't even look that good" and although Souta would never admit it she was right about being quite beautiful but he couldn't just outright admit it for fear of being seen as a creep or a womanizer after only one day of school
"How rude" she says seemingly not having listened to what he was saying and forgetting the subject she asks "can I see your ring? it looks really pretty" already outstretching her arm towards Souta's hand
"HEY!" Souta exclaims pulling is hand away "that was a gift." he says as he guards his hand
"Oh don't be such a killjoy, I just wanna see it" says minerva convincingly
"Fine, but don't try and take it off me" Souta says as he tries not to be swooned by minerva
"Thanks" minerva says with a grin on her face clapping her hands together in what looks like a prayer
Souta notices that she seems strangely interested in his ring, acting almost as if she's being influenced by it or drawn to it by some mysterious force. After about 20 seconds though Souta begins to feel a bit weirded out and pulls his hand back.
"Okay, that's enough" Souta says before standing up and heading out of the cafeteria feeling like that wont be the last time that Minerva tries to check out his ring.
After returning to class Minerva seems to not be so interested in asking him questions anymore but he does notice her checking out his hand every now and again. At least she isn't pestering me anymore, he thinks to himself.
After three more grueling periods the final bell finally rings and Souta stands up ready to head back home.
He exits the school gates and starts making his way home noticing something out of the corner of his eye.
"Is that.? - A shortcut! Perfect!" He dashes over to an unfamiliar alleyway
"I can see my apartment from here!, I won't really have much to tell mom today about my transfer..." He thinks to himself
Making his way through the alleyway he notices some rustling behind him..
He looks back.
"What The-?"
Souta feels a sudden ache in his head and falls to the ground
"GIVE US ANY VALUABLES ON YOU" a thug shouts at him
Souta covers his right hand so as to not let the thugs see his dead fathers gift.
The thugs rip the grasp his left hand he had on his right
The thugs continue to sock and kick Souta before dragging him to a busy road as he fights with all his might
"Is this really it-?"
He thinks as the thugs throw him out onto the road
"This world was too boring anyways'- He thinks as he sees a car barreling towards him unable to stop.
"I-I just wanted to go home."
'gasping for air'
"I wish.. I really wish..
I had a life full of Opportunity..-"
He recalls moments with his family..
"Mom.. Dad.. Thank y-"
Blaring Car lights envelop his gaze.
Soutas world cuts to black
WELCOME! two voices chime
Souta's bloodshot eyes dart up seeing what looks like to be a place of virtue and chance, his surroundings are unfamiliar, white pillars and lush gardens surround him.
He looks ahead -
"Where am I!?" he utters in shock
One of the mysterious beings speak up
"Well you have arrived in what you humans may call Heaven.. But, we God's call it Elysium."
Souta slowly stumbles up
"So.. Uhm- who are you two?!"
The beings chuckle
"Well.. Im Shizukame, and thi-" the other Mysterious being interrupts
"And im Hikarumi!!"
Souta takes note that Shizukame seems more well put and monotone, while on the other hand Hikarumi seems more bubbly and scampy.
"Our job here is to simply help you transmigrate from your old world to a new one."
Shizukame and Hikarumi take a seat inviting Souta to continue their chat.
"So um.. what does that transmigrating thing mean?" Souta squints showing confusion
Hikarumi chimes in
"You're going to start a life in another world!, are you stupid or something?"
Souta takes offense to this scrutiny and cant refuse to think-
Are they being serious?
Shizukame sees his confusion.
"Ahem." Shizukame says redirecting his attention
"Well.. Souta.. You are going to be someone entirely different, and be somewhere entirely different that's why we are here. To solely direct you toward your future."
"Hey!" Hikarumi exclaims to grab Shizukames attention
"Would Vaeloria be a good point for him to transmigrate to?" Hikarumi looks toward Shizukame
Shizukame nods in agreement
"We have found you a place to start.. 'Oh..' Shizukame smirks
and don't forget to Thank your Father"
His eyes widen
"What are you talking abou-"
Souta feels his body shift- something feels different..
He opens his eyes.