Chapter 1
I can hear a lot of voices around me. Very loud, who the hell are these people in my room!? Or are they in the other room? But their voices sounded very close. Just let me sleep.
"Where am I?"
"What…. Who are you?"
"How and when did I get here?"
"Aren't I just in my bed sleeping?
What kind of questions are those? And why do I feel like I am sleeping on a cold hard floor? Let's just Ignore it, maybe I am just dreaming.
Brain, you won't sleep right? Then shut down so we can sleep. I muted my mind to focus on sleeping.
"Hey, wake up" I heard a voice above me and felt a shrug on my shoulder
I said stop dreaming, but why does everything felt real? Why does everything felt so real? Am I that strong at imagining?
"Hello? Uhhh, wake up please sleeping beauty" the voice repeatedly said and shrugged me
I turned around my body, facing the other way. I continued to sleep. I got more irritated
"Waaaaake uuuuuup!"
The shrug was harder and the voice got louder. Sigh, okay okay, damn. I opened my eyes a bit. There is a figure of a face in front of my eyes, looking back at me. I blinked and opened my eyes wider.
What the-, it was a beautiful blonde haired girl. I have never seen this kind of face before.
"There you are, you are finally awake now"
Yes, a big big yes, I am dreaming. There is no way a beautiful girl like that will ever talk to me. Dream is over, time to sleep. I closed my eyes again.
"Don't you dare sleep again!"
There was a sharp sting of a painful slap hit my face. I raised my upper body and held my cheek. That slap was painful! It's even burning!
"Why would you do that!" I shouted to the girl
"Because you are going to sleep again!" She replied
I looked around me. Huh!? It was bright, there were a lot of people standing over me, around us. They were loud, they sounded confused. The walls and ceiling are bright white. We are in a big large cube full of confused people
"Where am I!?" I panickingly asked the girl
"I also don't know, I woke up and now I am here"
We heard a loud screeching sound of a mic. We were startled.
"Goodmorning everybody. It is I, your host, Stephanie Kandra. All of you are teleported here in our world. Every person you see there is not from your original world. In other words, he or she was from a different neighboring university from you, or in other words, alternate universe. All of you are teleported here in this universe because we need your help. We need your help because people in this universe are weak. That's why we need this teleport cube to call each of you"
All of us exchanged glances. A-alternate universe?
"Uhh, what do you mean by the people hee are weak?" A shout from the distant
"What we mean by weak is that they don't have any self-defense mechanics. That's all what I can say"
"Who are we fighting? And why they are doing it? It sounded like an emergency and needed" another shout
"There is this strange phenomenon going on in this world. Some monsters are spawning out of nowhere all around this world. We can use weapons to fend them off but they are not enough. We discovered that people from another universe have these kind of powers. So, you are all here now"
"Woah, monsters, hell yeah!"
"They are real?"
People murmured, some were dumbfounded, some are still confused, some are frightened, and some were excited.
"If you say that you are going to use us to defeat these monsters, do we get a reward?" A person asked
"Fortunately, yes, we will give you currency and you can buy anything you want here"
"I am pretty sure this is a big planet, maybe there are 3 or 4,000 of us in here but there is no way we can protect the whole planet" another shouted
"Do not worry, when these monsters arrive, we made a friendly pact with the other countries and help each other to create this teleporting cube. All around this planet have now these teleporting cubes"
I am not understanding a single thing! I looked at the girl who woke me up, she looked frightened. Suddenly, a question came up in my mind. I raised my hand.
"Can we go back to our world again!?" I shouted
Everyone silenced after hearing my question. They looked curious to what will the announcer will say.
"What do you mean!"
"How dare teleport us here if you are not going to teleport us back!"
"Why would you do this to us!"
People got heated
"You mean, I…. I am not going to see mom and dad again?" I heard the girl whispering to herself
I remained quiet, does that mean… Does that mean, no more bullies, no more school, no more people who knows my past, no more people who knows me, no more suffering, AND NO MORE UNDERPAID WORKS!
"Yeeeeeesss!!!" I blurted out
Not only I who shouted it out, but there are also happy people who rythm with me. I looked at the girl again, she was looking at me differently. I hope my relationship with her won't go down just because I shouted that.
"What if I want to go home?" Someone shouted
"What if I don't want to fight the monsters"
Monsters? I could fight them with blades easily, but what's bothering me this whole time, what do they mean by powers?
"It seems like we have a huge problem here, the teleporter was designed for those who would actually do it by detecting their mind. But somehow we teleported people who are not interested. For those who are interested, you can sign off and stay safely in our just-in case made hotel to stay and wait for us to invent a new teleporter to get you back in your original world. You can earn credits every month. For those who are volunteering, they will get more credits every month and a bonus for defeating a monster. But of course comes with a cost, a permanent death. So choose wisely, we know there are real soldiers out there who will risk their lives for peace"
Hell yeah! More money! Suddenly, we heard a loud noise, it sounded like behind me. I looked behind, it was a wall going up, light from the other side hit the floor below. We were amazed to see the big great wall going up.
The outside world started to reveal itself. We were in a big vast ocean, in the distance was a big wide city. Woah! I started to ran outside.
"Oh, excuse me, before you go. We want to mark the volunteers and non-volunteers"
I stopped, from the left wall, a tall man and woman appeared, holding a black box and wearing fancy clothes. Both of them walk to the middle and faced us.
"The woman on your right will be where the volunteers will go and be marked green. The man in the left will be where the non-volunteers will go and be marked orange"
I ran towards the woman, the girl followed behind me. Holy shit, if I was put in the wrong corner, it will be a very very long line to wait.
"Raise your hand sir" the woman instructed
I raised my hand to her. She took something out of the box, it was a very thin long rectangular green thing. It flops as it moves in the air. She put it on the back of my forearm horizontally.
It felt like those wet fake tattoo play things but instead of feeling wet, it felt electric. The woman put her index finger on the right side of the green thing, then swipe to the left.
Suddenly, a floating green hologram came out. Woah! It looked futuristic! I also hear voices of amazement behind me. The green hologram showed an image of me with a wacky face and some other details like my age, date of birth, hobby, and description.
The woman clicked on the phone icon above, the hologram changed to blank. It looked like this is where you call someone. The woman clicked the next icon. It changed again, but blank, we were met by big capital letters written 'POWER UNKNOWN'
"Huh? That's weird, maybe it's a bug or will soon show. You may now proceed"
I went forward for the girl to go next. I went over the balcony railings and put my hands on them to look at the beautiful scenery. The cold breeze of the wind swept over me, my hair swayed. The sound of the ocean down below was soothing.
"Woaaah, I have never seen anything like this before" I heard a voice of amazement behind me
It was an indigo haired pretty girl, looking at the beautiful city in the distance. She joined me on the railings just 15 cm away from me. She has the green thing on her forearm, that means she is a volunteer.
Someone joined beside me, it was the blonde haired girl from before, she also has the green thing. She admired the view of the city. She glanced at me.
"Hey, wanna change contacts" she said to me
"Oh, uhhh, o-okay" I replied, stuttering, surprised to the sudden request
She opened her hologram in front of our face, she went to the contacts menu. It was full of contacts of unknown people. I opened my hologram, it was also full of unknown contacts of people with faces and details.
Suddenly, another contact popped up above. Oh, every time someone received or got the hologram thingy, it will be added in our contacts but not as a friend.
"What is your name?" The girl asked
"Lukas Williams" I replied
She clicked the search menu, a hologram keyboard came out. She typed my name and entered, only one contact came out. The image was my wacky face profile picture.
"Aha! There you are! This is so cool!"
She added me, a friend request popped out on my screen. Her name is Kiran Lee, I accepted it.
"Yay, we are friends now"
"Oh, you two strangers are friending each other? Can I… also join you two" a voice from behind
It was the indigo haired girl.
"Of course! Since we went this world with strangers, how about we make friends" Kiran replied
"Oh wow, thank you!"
"What's your name?"
"My name is River Lylla"
"That's a beautiful name of yours"
Kiran and I typed her name and added friend her. She accepted it.
"Thank you again for accepting me"
"No problem"
"That city is beautiful ain't" a male voice
We looked, it was a handsome red haired guy approaching us, he was talking to me. He has the green hologram. Wait, is this the boys special move when two boys who don't know each other talk to each other a bit will now be permanent friends? Okay then, go with the flow.
"Yep, beautiful as these girls here" I replied
"Hey, is that a compliment or a flirt?" Kiran asked
"I don't know what you think about it" I replied
"Aaaw, you called me beautiful?" River said
I remained silent, not knowing what she was talking about.
"Back in my world, people bullied me for getting born with an indigo hair. It was believed it is a curse but I don't believe those kind of culture"
Even different universes have their own beliefs.
"Hey, can I get your contact infos? It will be very bad if I am loner" the guy said
"Of course"
We added him in our contact, his name was Xavier Covent. I closed my hologram.
"Okay, so, what is the power the announcer is talking about?" I asked them
"Huh? You looked confused about the powers. Oh right, how about we reveal each other's powers" Kiran happily said
Xavier and River agreed. Uhhhhh. Kiran put her index finger to the front of her wrist. She started sliding it downwards.
It looked like it started opening. There is something inside, it looked like a purple and indigo galaxy inside. It is like a wound. She put her left hand inside and took it out, she is now holding a purple indigo knife.
"This is my power, a self defence mechanic in my world. It was used to fend off enemies. We called it the Galaxy Weapon Pocket because we can make weapons inside it. Of course, we have blood. There is just something on our finger to make a galaxy opening in our body"
I was startled, sweat flowing down on my head.
"Wow! That's so beautiful! It's like the color of my hair!" River complimented
Why don't they feel weird!? Even Xavier sees it as normal.
"Let me show you mine!" River joyfully said
She spread her hand open, a gun suddenly popped out. It has sharp blayed in front like a bayonet.
"This is our self defence mechanic. We called it Gun-gi. It can only shoot when we or our brain detect a real danger"
"Oh wow, that's amazing!" Kiran and Xavier complimented.
"Now, I will show mine"
Xavier raised his right arm, in a whiplash, his hand and his forearm turned into a hairy big thing, he has sharp claws. It is like the arm of a wolf.
"This is our self defence mechanic. We called it Shapeshift, we can shapeshift into an animal that is inside us. Unfortunately, I can't shapeshift into my favourite animal, mountain lion. Wolf was what I was born with. Well, this is not all, I can turn into a fully wolf if we really detect a severe fear or danger"
"Wooow!" Kiran and River were in amazement
How are those normal. I looked around, the other volunteers and non-volunteers are showing each other their powers. Fire, shadowy thingy, weapons, turning into something, what the hell are these! The three looked at me.
"So, Lukas, what's yours?" River asked
More sweats started flowing down on my head. Wha- what is mine? I…. I don't know. I don't know what to answer.
"Oh, uhh, similar to all of you, it can only activated when I am in danger" I replied
"Well, make sense" they all said at the same time, they are all looking at me differently
Kiran looked at the city.
"They say we can live or sleep here or go to the city and get an apartment. They will give us credits for a start. Which one do you guys want to go?"
"Of course to the city, I want to explore it" Xavier replied
"I'll agree, to the city" River added
"Then, to the city we go"