"Yen, Wait up!" A young nobleman waving a fan and walking graciously called out as a tall figure halted.
"You shouldn't have walked out like that, he's a messenger from the palace." He added catching up with him, Yen.
"You don't understand Zhan, how can I marry a maiden I do not know? Father still interferes with my life even from the afterlife." Yen said gritting his teeth in annoyance.
"He made this promise to the King when you were born Lord Yen. I'm sorry it has to be like this but we must bring honor to our family name big bro, to fully restore it." Zhan replied avoiding certain topics.
Yen could only cool down his temper as he retreated to his house, Zhan was being reasonable as a palace official and as the fourth brother.
The Gu family was a very wealthy one, being almost as powerful royalty and each siblings had their house in one large compound, with a main mansion for the Lord and Lady of the house.
There were seven sons and a step-daughter; Gu Yen, Gu Yi, Gu Luo, Gu Zhan, Gu Mhu, Gu Lee, Gu Lin and Yi Lei. Their parents passed leaving Yen, the eldest as Lord Gu of the Gu family.
"Lord Gu may I come in?" A female voiced greeted from outside Yen's chamber.
"Lei." He replied in a lighter tone than before. She was born a few months earlier than Yen but they were the same age thus making them close.
"Do come in." He added getting up to receive her.
A tall slender lady finely dressed in a red silk robe walked in with a tray of tea. She was indeed noble.
"I brought you some tea to help you relax brother." She said dropping it on his center table.
"It won't solve the problem but it'll cure my headache." Yen said letting out a small laugh.
"Her beauty works better than my tea Lord Gu, she has been finely bred too." She paused as she poured Yen a cup of tea.
"I know but I'm bothered by the fact that she is the princess. What to expect from a child bred by those creatures." He sighed shaking his head as he sipped tea
"Think about the power we'd gain. The money we'd make and if possible-" she tried explaining as he cut in.
"I'll marry her to prove to the King that we of the Gu family are honorable. But Lei, don't let this arrangement mean a lot to you."
"Besides she's not as beautiful as you are so I'm a bit skeptical." He added making her laugh.
"Well you have to marry her. Father signed the agreement and with the royal seal too, I don't think there's any one who can dissolve this." She replied fiddling with Yen's pen, a reminder of the power they possessed.
"As you have said, I can't afford to break the law." He said sitting on his bed.
"I'll be glad to visit the emperor instead tomorrow and receive your beautiful betrothed." Lei said smiling as she headed to the door.
"Okay. I'll prepare the house for her arrival then." He replied as he headed out to dismiss the palace messenger.
…..The next day
"Her royal highness, Princess Han of the Qing Empire." A palace guard announced as a veiled young lady stepped out of a royal carriage with the help of her maid. She looked plump and pretty, slightly taller and bigger than her maid.
She walked into the main mansion with her maid and guards to be greeted by six young and handsome men. She was confused as Lei, her guide was still at the royal dressmakers' place.
"Which one is my husband?" She whispered to her maid who was right behind her, it was like she covered her beauty with her extravagance.
A guard cleared his throat and announced that the official ceremony would take place two nights from that day. The guards left immediately after collecting the bags of gold and gemstones the Gu Lord had prepared to celebrate the ceremony.
Han, the princess stood confused as the Gu brothers stared at her in total silence but someone caught her eye, she just wasn't sure if he was the one. It was Luo, the third brother but they were all so handsome.
"Welcome home sister-in-law." Zhan greeted warmly as they were acquainted since he was a palace official.
"Uhm… Minister Zhan! Lovely to see you. I feel more relieved and welcomed than I was." Han replied smiling.
"Shall I take you for a walk around the house? The servants will serve your meal, you can have your maid oversee it." Zhan suggested helping her feel relaxed.
"I understand but where is my husband?" Han asked peeking at Luo. Mhu caught her eye as he was right next to Luo but he looked away.
Zhan cleared his throat and answered leading her into the house; "He has some matters to attend to, I apologize in his stead. Do forgive him." The other brothers dispersed not knowing how to feel about her.
"You there!" Someone called out to Han's maid.
"You can call me Clea, Master." She replied as she bowed slightly to who was calling. It was Lee, the sixth brother.
"Clea? It sounds like a foreigners' name." A man beside her answered which startled her because she didn't know when he got there.
She was startled and turned to see a young man, Lin the seventh brother.
"Easy there. I'm Gu Lin and this is my immediate elder brother Gu Lee." He introduced.
"Young Master Lee and Young Master Lin, it is my pleasure to meet you." She curtsied and faced Lee who called her.
"Follow me to oversee your masters' meal." Lee ordered as he walked away immediately not waiting for a reply.
"Uhm.. Good bye Young master." She greeted Lin as she went after him.
The hallway was so big that she couldn't help but look around and admire the décor. She eventually lost sight of him and could not determine which way he went.
"You seem to be lost, who is your companion?" A voice asked from behind her. It seemed like the Gu brothers had a thing for startling ladies.
Startled, she turned and faced this unknown man with a tall athletic figure in front of her. He was so handsome yet fierce, she lost her words.
"I see you are a servant, who is your master?" He asked again staring right into her eyes as he completely buried her figure with his body.
"M…my..Lo…La..Lady." She stammered. She had never seen such a handsome yet fierce man but she feared that she might be killed if she was called a thief.
"She's Clea, the princesses' servant." Lee replied from behind her looking at the frozen Clea.
"This is Lord Gu." He added. Clea just bowed, she didn't know what to say. She was scared but also amazed by his looks.
"She can't seem to keep up, walk slowly." Yen advised as he turned to leave.
# Why does he care? # Lee thought turning to face Clea.
"Do you mind keeping up?" He asked burrowing his brows as she just bowed her head apologetically, scared of getting scolded on her first day there.
"Well, you have short legs so I won't blame you." He added walking away annoyed by her "stupidity". How could she have lost sight of him? He had a bad temper but he found her beautiful in her thin dress and cheap fabric.
"I'm sorry Young Master." She apologized remorsefully. She knew she shouldn't have gotten carried away and somehow, she still thought of him…