"Um... sir, s- so..." my PA broke the silence of 24 minutes and 33 seconds since I returned to my office from my father's. Well, that's to be expected since my face had been stern and devoid of any emotion the entire time. Though I consider myself a patient person when dealing with those around me, one can't be too careful. He must have thought something terrible had happened, as the energy I had when I left my office was quite different from what I had upon returning.
"No luck," I replied before he could finish asking his question after 24 minutes and 34 seconds.
"Ah..., I'm sorry to hear that. Sir Edward must have been in a bad mood this morning. I suggest presenting the idea again after he's done with those sanitary allegations."
Sanitary allegations, huh? That was hardly a problem for someone like him; those are just petty tricks used by local tycoons as a last resort to save their turf from being taken over. At this point, everyone, including them, knows this is a lost cause. I don't plan on explaining all this to someone who already knows this but still decided to present it as a reason for my father's bad mood to make me feel better by instilling hope.
"Also, I am sure sir Edw-"
"Evening's inauguration: Everything is taken care of. I take it? I heard there was a problem with local residents regarding loudspeakers and crowds. Have they made a formal complaint, or is that resolved without any of that nonsense?"
I asked the obvious i mean I already know he made a few orders containing rental agreement from one of the stores in Grand Road renting mic sets and he also rented an auditorium near the originally planned open ground arranging only post-meeting formalities there like food and drinks and some commodities as gifts for attending and planning all the important meeting related stuff in the auditorium....I still asked him knowing all this because he is going to hopetalk about something happening that has no chance of happening.
"Actually sir I had to book an auditorium near the originally planned open grounds also I could not find any function halls near it and going too far from the location printed on invitation emails would make it appear as if we had to shift our location just because of some minor disturbances and that won't sit right with most important figures attending this evening I had to make do with auditorium and I planned some pre and post-meeting stage performances which act as a disguise for our reason for not conducting a meeting in the open ground"
"Good choice, though I would prefer getting legal permission for using mic sets even if it requires bribing".
Actually bribing is risky and not a method most would recommend especially for something as petty as this but the 'problems raised by local residents' are not exactly the 'problems raised by local residents'.
It's just the officers with not-so-good pockets wanting some good pockets since they somehow got to know the person behind this small function is none other than 2nd gen tycoon ,son of Edward Crutz, the heir to Crutz real estates 'me'.
This function is just us testing the waters in a new location opening a real estate business in the guise of a small start-up but how did they come to know? Well, we have some rats.
I stood up from my chair gesturing for my PA to do the same so he could come with me to where ever I was going ( probably the finance department to check some documents related to Truckteam company which I suspect to be the rat in guise of client) we walked with out talking to each other which actually is helpful to clear my mind which is raging since 26 minutes and 48 seconds.
Well, the reason is my father who denied my most modest yet presentation of why I am willing to quit the company and start one on my own and then merge it with Crutz on a later date which coincidentally happend to be few 'years' from now...
Naturally, my father looked at me as if looking at some clown escaped from the circus and spared no word more than "fuckoff Willaim" to which I desperately pleaded to listen to my modest yet presentation which he surprisingly did and finally told "fuckoff William" again.
Though I tried to explain all this as lightly as possible and i know how this might seem as trivial and nonlogical thing to do I mean who would want to give up the position of heir to billion dollar company.... well, ladies and gentlemen its me...
I swear I am not proud of this or anything its just that I want to build my own business and hire my own people with who I worked hard to build the business and more of all I want to know whether the hope I hold is not false....
I have everything one can ask for i just want interest to actually recognise them i want to enjoy all these but I can't...the reason? i don't know.. so i tried my best to understand why i am not able to enjoy what i have which resulted in me realisng I don't recognize them as my own and one inherently can't enjoy what's not his.
So I want to build something so I can recognize it as my own so then maybe then I can enjoy the comfort it provides me don't get me wrong I am not some "self-dependent" or "self-made" bullshit preaching guy...and there is not even a 1 in billion chance that I will reject any opportunity thrown I my way by others and not a chance in a billion that I will reject any advantage I got by being the son of Edward Crutz, in fact, I will even use his name anywhere and everywhere possible that is the type of human I William Crutz am.
But since I was being rejected to be given that opportunity for the last 2 and half years( yes today is not the first time... quite a bitch aren't I?) I decided to write a novel with a protagonist who I plan on making my counterpart who does all that I wanted to do but can't...what is that? Plot? Nope does not have one. ...I mean you can't expect me to think of a plot when I am busy dealing with all these "testing waters" and expanding to the south side of Kench- let's not think about work since that is the only thing I have been doing these days but today since half the staff will be focusing on the new information I provided on Truckteam which is them being potentially a rat and thinking how to terminate all the contracts which they are currently holding and all, I get some time to myself.
I reached home around 9:45PM and quickly had a bath and a light meal since i am feeling acidity like symptoms , must be because of all these excessive car rides since a week. now i decided to start writing my first novel.
I haven't decided on the plot yet well, this is not the novel I plan on publishing or anything so I will write whatever comes to my mind...also I actually had an idea of the names of characters and their traits I am going to involve in my novel.
Since my goal is to build estates from scratch I will have him born as a poor orphan who one day over throws the duchy he lives in with all the support of recidents and nobles like viscounts and barons and builds the duchy from the scratch again with all the funds available as commodities and expensive stuff the now head less lord once accumulated to show off his grandeur. quiet an idea right?
So I took my pen and finally opened the book which I will be filling with fantasies all while ignoring the pain in my chest and a laugh that was creeping from the left corner of my mouth to the right and "I DIED"