Jake calm down how can I calm down mom this is the most important day of my life.Look at your sister she is calm said mom No Iam not Iam so excited about this. Okey just remember kids I will always love you no matter what are your power said mom. Well all ways love you too oh thanks MOM!!!! YOU'RE STILL DRIVING oh yeah. All most forgot how to you forget that .
Time skip
We finally made it kid mom said Jake and Tory(name if the sister).The kids rushed out of the car oh I love these kids.Oh is little Jake and Tory excited to find out what their powers are the doctor said YES.Good
Time skip 15 minutes
Okey the test results are back Jake's power is nothing. Wait what like I can turn anything in to nothing that's cool no no no I mean you don't have a power wh-what iam sorry 😢.no no no please check again I am sorry we all ways check 5 times just in case we get it wrong. But on the other hand you daughter Tory as a strong fire 🔥 power.Did you hear that mom I'll be a strong hero yes you well my little hero.I wish you a good day Mrs morning. Thank you doctor you to.
Time skip
We're home this my beautiful family give daddy a hug 🤗 . Well how did the meeting go it was good but the Doctor said Tory has a strong fire 🔥 power. That great and Jake he doesn't have any power oh really that cool hey Tory how would you like to go get ice cream To celebrate this occasion .Thanks dad yeah this will be fun said Jake oh sorry Jake I only have money for me.Your sister and your mother.I'm sorry you can't come oh okay that's fine dad.
Over time, Jake got neglected He got neglected by his parents, when his friend found out he didn't have any powers.He was all alone.He didn't have any friends left And his sister made fun of him for that. She always reminded him his parents loved her more and he didn't even have any friends.Jake was all alone in the world. No one wanted to him He was not Treated fairly because he did not have any powers The world hate him the word Was a gangster he because he did not have any power. His ex friends and his sister was bullying him. 1 day Jack was pushed into a truck.
And the person who pushed him said to him.Trash like you don't deserve to live in this world. Jake thought and he said huh, this is where it all ends. This is where my suffering ends, thank you.Jake shortly Jake wake up in a Unfamiliar environment. Where in the hell amI You're in hell an unfamiliar voice said. Wait, wait, wait, wait what? I don't remember doing anything bad No, you won't a bad person, then why am I in here? I made a deal with god that when you die you'd come here why because you're my son wait what who are you Iam the king of hell Satan is my father what no Iam Lucifer morning star.
My father is Lucifer morning star.