Wearing my uniform,wearing my shoe getting ready for my first day back to school.Hoping in my transporter van to school with my best friend.My best friend is one year younger then me she skipped a grade so she came to my grade section 10.Walking together up the staircase getting ready to see the new classroom.
Nyla aren't you excited for section 10!
No not really Mila(Camillia nickname) I am the youngest one in class I am not that smart like anyone else.
You skipped a grade so you should be smart enough to fit in the class perfectly well.
I hope what you say is true.
Nyla and Camilla walked in the classroom and all eyes on them cause they were late.They wanted to sit next to each other but the only seats left were one with Kayden and one with Zaylee.I wanted to sit next to Zaylee but I didn't want her to sit next to someone she doesn't know so I sat next to Kayden.
Hey Camillia you know me as Kayden but just call me Kai.
Ok Kai,just call me mila.
At lunch time,Camilla and Nyla went down to buy some food.While Nyla was done paying for her food,Camillia took out her wallet to pay for her food realising she doesn't have enough money while she was scrambling in her bag to find money a person next to her paid for her food when she turned her head she saw that it was Kai
You didn't have to do that I could have paid for myself.
It obvious you couldn't.
I guess but thank you for paying I will pay you back tomorrow.
It is fine you don't have too.
I will treat you to something next time.
Camillia was walking to Nyla realising she went upstairs so she went back upstairs too.After classes
The teacher had some news to share with us
There is a new student coming tomorrow please treat her well. She is only gonna be in this school for one year then she is moving to China.