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The Mark: Luna Rising

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The average realized release rate over the past 30 days is 7 chs / week.
Shibon's eyes are suddenly opened when she realizes that everything, she has known has been based upon lies, prejudice, and betrayal. Feeling helpless doesn't last long when she begins to understand the truth and the role, she must now play to avenge those she has lost and those she must now protect.

Chapter 1 - The Mark: Luna Rising

Shibon ran through the forest as though something were after her. She couldn't hear anything, and she didn't dare to take the time to look behind her. She didn't know how she knew but she knew that if she stopped to turn around whatever it was that was behind her would end her life. It was a race to get to a point where she could not see where the unknown creature would not be able to consume her. As she ran, she turned for a split second, and there in the darkness were two glowing yellow eyes. Its jowls flashed yellow discolored razor-sharp teeth that were covered with a gelatinous slime. It drooled down its mouth and hung there in mid-motion. It looked as though he was smiling at her, but she realized that he was savoring the meal to come. Realizing this she ran with a new fervor and doubled her speed to escape the creature. It was at this point that she sensed it was too late and the creature's boundless blood-soaked claws were going to grab her. As she braced for the pain, always as she braced for the pain that was sure to come, she awoke in a cold sweat.

As she awoke, she could still smell the rancid, pungent odor of the creature. In her groggy state, she rolled, slid out of the bed, and landed on her butt in the dark. She sat there half sitting, half lying there afraid to breathe. She wasn't sure she would be able to even if she tried. She looked around the dark room and silently cursed to herself. This was getting ridiculous. After all, she wasn't a child anymore constantly riddled with bad dreams. She stood up and returned to her bed. She wanted to feel the warmth of her covers and the 9mm that lay under the pillow. Nothing made her feel more secure than that except for her pillow which was in truth a stuffed wolf that she had received from her birth parents before they died when she was a child. It had lasted all these years and she never tired of it. It was the only thing she let get close to her when she was afraid.

Yet here she was afraid of the boogie man in the dark. She was deep in her thoughts when she felt rather than heard her latest fling move in the bed beside her. All she could remember about this woman lying there was that she loved red wine. Getting to know her on a deeper level was never a part of the plan. She hadn't planned on picking her up, it was just one of those things that happened. You meet at a bar, and you buy her a drink. She smiles, you smile back and it's off to the races from there. What she wanted was for her to wake up and get emotionally clingy expecting this to lead to something more meaningful. At which time Shibon would flatly let her know that this was just a fling and nothing more. It could never be more. She knew that and though she was resolved of this still it saddened her. The last time she was driven by her emotions hearts got broken, including her own. She had gone through this so often that she had it fine. After she excused the young lady, she would shower and face the day as though nothing had happened.

She had always become sad when she thought of it, of her. It was something she never wanted to go through again and she would protect her heart for as long as she could. She had needs just like everyone else, but she would and could not sacrifice her heart in search of something more. Besides, her heart no longer belonged to her. It has and will always belong to someone else. Many have tried to win her heart to no avail, but it never stopped her from allowing them to think they would be the ones to break down her emotional walls. She would never admit it, but a part of her wished someone would be able to do just that. She knew that this was impossible, but she let them try just the same. 

The air was thick with the smell of lavender and silk. It was a new day and the possibilities were endless. It had been a long and tiresome road. No one had accomplished what she had, and today was the day her strength and prowess, her ingenuity and courage would be recognised. All the packs of the region were assembled to give homage and acknowledge her as the alpha of the region. She would be crowned as the leader of ten wolf packs. No authority would be above her. Her word was and would always be law. 

Shibon was born a wolf of royal bloodline and though it was only recently revealed to her she had found within her the strength and wisdom of her ancestors. She was tested, tried and put through many challenges for her throne. Her professional, personal and love life were put under the microscope to be seen and judged by the masses of those she barely knew, yet here, today she stands triumphant of her enemies, desired by many and respected by all. She has been called " Moon swept". A name given only to the most deserving of any wolf pack.

Within Shibon lay the ability to call one's wolf and bring about the change at her will. She had the ability to feel, as well as hear the thoughts of other wolves nearby. Her pull on her people was very strong. She carried a power stronger than any this lifetime had known. It was the strength of the elders, the ancestors that were no more. Within her lies the rebirth of her people and a power long forgotten. Many had petitioned from the many packs to be mated with her. To consolidate their power, but there was a problem,Shibon was a proud lesbian.

The elders of the council debated on her eligibility to hold the throne, but Shibon's abilities were undeniable. She was the one to bring forth the power of the ages. The ancestors spoke and moved through her, it was her they chose and no member of the council could debate that. There would be a trial of courage and strength for the right to be her mate. The trial would be overseen by the packs of the region and the victor would be considered by her, but the final decision would be hers and hers alone.

Shibon stepped out into the warm sun and took a deep breath taking in the smell of spring. She could smell the dew on the grass. She could hear the scuttling of the creatures of the forest and as she began her slow walk through the trees to the sacred clearing, she could feel the packs waiting anxiously for her to appear. Many felt warm within themselves, excited to crown her Alpha. Others were extremely jealous of her newly found station and felt it was not deserved. But in the end they would not voice their feelings for fear of being put to death.

Shibon turned the corner of the wood and as she moved forward, she seemed to flow like water through a stream. She wore a white dress that seemed to be made of the softest silk, her hair was a color that flowed with light as it shimmered in the golden sun. At one moment it shone blond, yet from a different angle it looked golden brown and yet still there in the distance it seemed to glow with the highlights of a piercing auburn. Her eyes shone green as the forest itself and her lips appeared softer than the softest pillow. She was extraordinary. 

Everyone, even those who questioned her rule stared in awe of the beauty who walked slowly and gracefully towards them. When she came to the throne she was not alone. To her left and right were her royal bodyguards Four in total who fought to the death to achieve their positions. It was a position of great status and you were sworn to protect the Alpha at all costs, to the death if need be. To fail in this task was to forfeit your own life in its place. The royal guards consisted of two males and two females. 

The Keeper of Shibon's pack stepped up to the throne and performed the ancient ritual of sprinkling sacred herbs and flowers over Shibon. The royal guard then stood in front of Shibon and one by one she bled and partook of a taste of them. Once she did so, she then took her sacred dagger and bled herself and fed her guards with her blood. It was a sacred ritual long performed by the Alpha with her guards. A spiritual bonding created by the Alpha with the blood of the ancestors.

When this was completed the keeper asked if there were any who challenged Shibon's throne. There was a long, tense silence and there were heads bobbing from left to right looking for the one to contest the ascension of Shibon, but no one spoke. The keeper looked towards Shibon and smiled. "Let it be known both near and far that there are no challengers to the throne. Shibon will now take the highest throne of our people." The keeper nodded at Shibon and she nodded back. Slowly Shibon took each step up to the throne as though it were a perilous journey. 


Once she reached the top she turned and sat on the throne with a great relief and show of authority. She wouldn't show the great fear and nervousness that ran rampant within her. She 

was amazed at how she was able to keep the nervous sweat from pouring down her face. The keeper then called for all in attendance to step forward and pledge their allegiance. It was then that the river of faces moving forward that Shibon began to remember how it all began. The very beginning of a very long journey. It seems as though it were a lifetime ago. She smiled in her mind as she thought back to that morning run. She had always felt that she was different, not quite the same as everyone else around her but how could she have ever known that this would be the reason why. How could she have ever expected this? It was almost like a dream that she was waking from. Her whole life, every experience, both good and not so good. All of it, a dream from another lifetime. She knew in her heart she was no longer the same person she used to be and the things that mattered no longer crossed her mind.

This, here and now, was all that mattered. Her people and keeping them safe. They were far from out of the woods yet. Some knew about them and had sworn vengeance upon her and her people. The role of Alpha took on a whole new look when it was you wearing the crown. It would be a difficult road and a road not many have traveled but she was confident that she would do whatever it took to ensure the survival of her pack. The first thing on the agenda would be to have a council meeting.

The council was made up of two members from each tribe that now consolidated into one. Each member would have a say in the day-to-day actions and would have a vote on any major event that affected the pack as a whole. The final say would always rest with the alpha and her word was law. Only a challenge to death would remove the Alpha from her throne. Many considered this and thought better of it when they met her. To meet her was to know the feeling of true power. She exuded it. Her very presence made you aware of the strength within her. 

To think it all started with a morning run. 

The Beginning

Shibon walked along the dirt path and felt the warm sun shining down on her. The sun felt so good on her skin and she revealed the thought of being out in nature away from the busy comings and goings of the city. As she kept walking she found herself on the banks of the lake. It was always so peaceful there and she loved the way the sunlight danced on the water. 

 As she was admiring the scene she could hear her friends calling her name. She loved her friends but she was tempted to hide just so she could remain there beside the still lake. "Shibon, where the hell are you?" Shibon heard her friend Brianna calling and reluctantly called out to her, "I'm here, by the water." Brianna appeared and laughed at her. "What the hell are you doing out here, we were worried." Shibon smiled, but inside she was a little irritated at the question, hell just being questioned at all. "Well, I wanted some fresh air and that is why we're here after all...the fresh air." Brianna had known Shibon since junior high school and she knew when she was irritated.

"Ok, calm down Shi, don't get tight. I didn't mean to upset you, I was just worried, when we woke up and you were nowhere to be found. You have been gone all morning. It's the woods, haven't you seen Friday the 13th." They looked at each other and started boisterously laughing. Brianna was always good at making Shibon laugh. It didn't matter what the situation was because Brianna could say something and make it all seem meaningless. Brianna walked up to Shibon and hugged her. "You ok ?" Shibon smiled at her, "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just taking it all in, enjoying the scenery, nothing to worry about." They begin walking towards the cabin talking about the wildlife that Shibon had encountered during her walk.

As they entered the cabin everyone else was there sitting in the living room drinking beer and playing video games. She enjoyed her friends and really wanted to have a good time with them but in some ways, a lot of ways she felt disconnected. As though there was a part of her that was always missing.

The outside of the cabin was as many would imagine it. It was your typical log built cabin with a green door. On the outside it looked rustic and reminded you of the old lumberjack days. There was even an old well that still drew water on an old bucket and rope. To the left of the green door a few feet away stood an old outhouse that was still fully functional. When arriving at the old cabin one would fully expect a truly rustic way of life and would be eager for the return trip back to civilization. As you approached the cabin you came to a set of stairs leading to the porch. The porch was one that went all the way around the cabin. There were sets of rockers spaced evenly on the deck. Towards the rear of the cabin, was a swing that sat two and another set of stairs leading down to a dirt path that led to the lake.

Down by the lake sat a small log-built building half the size of the cabin. Inside the small building were canoes and jet skies. Along the wall of the small building were life jackets and fishing poles. Everything you'd need for a good time on the lake could be found there. As rustic as it may appear from the outside when you enter the cabin, it's a stark contradiction of what you would expect. Even though the outside of the cabin was rustic-looking it was in excellent condition. The inside, however, was spectacular. The inside of the cabin was built with bright, light-colored wood. The whole cabin was bright from the sun. Wonderfully colored drapes lined the windows, and the living room was huge with exquisite sofas and loveseats, with recliners that faced a huge walled fireplace. The dining room was off to the side in another room that can only be described as palatial.

The Dining room table was a size that could easily sit ten people.There was a magnificent Candelabra above the table that lent a soft light to the room. When you entered the kitchen you wouldn't think that the room was actually in a log cabin. It seemed to be taken out of a Home and Garden decorated showroom. Anything and everything you would need to use in the kitchen was at your disposal. Further down the hall were the bedrooms.

 Every bedroom was a master bedroom and the bathrooms were well equipped with a Greco-Roman style shower and garden tub, walk-in closets and dual sinks. There were a total of four bedrooms and all decorated with family portraits and expensive works of art. This was truly camping leisure and any and all ideas of a rustic camping experience was a distant memory. 

Shibon's friends were astonished when they entered the cabin. They stood in complete disbelief as they stared at the expanse of the room. They knew Shibon was wealthy, but they had no idea truly of just how wealthy she was. Shibon stood by the entry of the kitchen unloading groceries and watched as her friends stood in amazement in the doorway. She smiled at them." Are you guys coming in? Make yourself at home." She pointed to the bedrooms and told them to choose a room and get comfortable. Ramsey started to laugh," You Mason's sure give new meaning to camping in style." Shibon looked at Ramsey and sadly smiled. She never liked the feeling she would get when people commented on her family's wealth. 

A lot of people resented her for it even though she never flaunted it. It made it difficult for her to make and keep friends because some would envy her wealth and resent her for it, or others would become her friends because they sought to gain wealth through her. People only saw her wealth, they wouldn't and couldn't see her for who she truly was or was trying to be. That's why she loved her group of friends. They had all been friends from college except Brianna who had known her since childhood and had remained friends ever since.

 They never lost track of each other and quite often went on vacations together. This was the first time that they had seen the cabin and were apparently impressed. Ramsey saw the look on her face and had known since college how Shibon felt about her wealth. "Oh don't go getting your knickers in a twist. You know I'm just teasing. But seriously, this place is awesome Shi. "

Shibon looked around the cabin, it had been a few years since she had been here. Her mother had a cleaning company on retainer who came out once a month to dust and generally keep the place up for an impromptu trip there. Shibon always loved coming here. There was something about the peace, the being next to nature that always made her feel at ease. It would have been sold long before, but her father knew how much she loved it and kept it for her sake.

Her mother hated it. She always seemed to be destined to be at war with Mother Nature, while Shibon seemed to commune with it.

 She loved her mother and respected her, after all, she and her father thought enough of her to adopt her when she was only five, but sometimes she didn't like her mother. They seemed to always be at odds with each other especially as Shibon got older. "Hey, space cadet", Shibon was brought back from her thoughts by Ramsey who stood there snapping his fingers in front of her. She loved Ramsey. He was the proverbial homosexual guy. He had the sense of humor of a rattlesnake.

feelings to the most outrageous outfits. He wasn't one to hold his tongue. "Are you alright, you looked as though you were a thousand miles from here. Is something wrong?." Shibon looked at 

him as though she didn't even realize that she had spaced out. Realizing that she had, quickly compensated by laughing at him, " Yeah, I'm good, just thinking about what game I'm gonna whip you in tonight." Everyone else in the room started whooping and hollering. Sometimes he bit, but he was the most honest friend she had. 

Every time they played a game, no matter what the game Shibon always beat Ramsey, it became a game to see what game she was going to beat him in next. Ramsey still looked concerned but he too started to whoop and holler at her teasing. "We'll see because I've got a game that even you can't tip the odds on." Shibon sat down in the living room and laughed, "Oh yeah, what's the name of this game."

 Ramsey smiled and looked at the rest of the group, " It's called "Cards against Humanity". You see, the sicker your mind, the more perverted and depraved you are, the better your chances to win. And no one is as sick and depraved as me. So...I'm probably gonna wipe the cabin floor with you. You should probably prepare for the ass-whooping." Shibon loved a challenge, it seemed to get her blood up and she was just as perverted as Ramsey. She wasn't interested in losing her winning streak. She had something in store for him.

The thing that Shibon knew deep within the back of her head was that she was just as sick and depraved as Ramsey. Maybe even more so. She knew the things she thought about when she would lie naked in her bed. The kinky fuckery she liked would surprise everyone in that room.

Everyone in the cabin was laughing and you could tell everyone was feeling more relaxed and comfortable. This made Shibon happy because the thing she wanted more than anything was to make her friends feel happy and at ease.

By the end of the night, everyone was well tipsy. Ramsey was making up any and every excuse as to why he lost the game to Shibon. Shibon was feeling rather good herself, not only because she won the game, but because she truly cared for her friends, and seeing them having a good time made her feel good. There was just something inside of her that yearned for closeness, a community that truly knew, understood, and loved her. As the evening drew to a close everyone was ready for bed. Shibon was sad to see the night end and realized that amazingly she wasn't tired. She knew that she should be because she woke up restless and started getting ready for the long drive to the cabin. 

As everyone soon went down for the night Shibon went about cleaning up the mess in the living

 room. After she cleaned the mess, she went about setting things out for the next night and planning the meal for breakfast. Once all that was finished she found herself still quite awake. The truth was she was filled with an unmistakingly strong energy. She decided to go for a walk. Perhaps the night air would help her sleep. She quietly put on a jacket and opened the front door. As she exited the cabin, she realized that she was warm and felt hot, which made little to no sense because it was forty degrees outside. She took her jacket off and felt like she was in a hot kitchen with the oven door open.

As she began her stroll she couldn't help but notice there was a full moon out, Shibon seemed mesmerized by it. She wanted to run to it, touch it. It was a strange sensation and soon her walk turned into a jog. It felt so good that she began to run. It was as if she could see the branches before she got to them. The branches and trees seemed to move out of the way as she ran 

past. It was as if she could fly. She could smell the trees, not just the leaves, but the very soil they were rooted in. She could hear the cars in the traffic miles away. She ran and ran as though she knew where she was going. In her head, she didn't know where she was going, yet something in her knew that she had to keep going. She ran and ran. Never losing her breath, never feeling tired. She was at a full on sprint now and she wasn't winded at all.

She leapt over logs, and ran through a stream she never knew existed. Suddenly she came to a clearing and there in the middle of the clearing was a huge old tree. It looked older than any other tree in the woods. She couldn't explain the pull she felt towards it. It seemed the most beautiful thing in the world to her. She had never felt such love and adoration for an inanimate object before. It seemed to call out to her by name as though it knew her, knew her in a way she couldn't quite explain. As though it were present as she was brought into this world. 

 As she walked closer to the tree the voices grew louder, whispers at first but then they were as though someone were talking to her. She reached for the tree and as she touched the tree she knew what it was to be remade. She could recall the very trauma of her birth, she could hear all things through her blood, not only her ears. She felt her body begin to strengthen and change. 

The sensation was painful, yet there was almost an orgasmic element to it. Her eyes could see for miles and her body felt a strength she never knew existed.

 The very moon that had looked down on her became a lover who stroked and caressed her body within the flesh and as she lay there on the ground she realized that she lay there naked and panting. When she looked down at her arms they weren't arms at all, they were paws. The sensation of the most pain she had ever felt consumed her. She had felt moments of such pain, but only briefly and in moments of injury.

 Never all at once, and never all over her body. She felt her body tremble and contort. She cried out, but the sound was garbled as though she couldn't form the words. After what seemed hours she looked at herself and stretched her limbs.They were Strong and able, she stretched and felt an uncontrollable urge to howl and as she had the thought, she realized that the sound of a howling wolf was not far away, but coming out of her mouth.

 The sound was pure and beautiful. As soon as she began to think, the world went dark and she was suddenly on a hill, far away by an old tree surrounded by a large group of people. They all reached out and touched her, as they laid hands on her she knew what they knew. She saw one person in battle in wolf form. When another touched her she saw the mating ritual of an alpha and its mate.When yet another touched her, it was as if she had gone through a whole self-defense course.

 Though all these were shocking to her system, it wasn't until an old man walked towards her, looked her up and down, and smiled that she felt for the first time since she left the cabin...fear. As he approached her, all the others seemed to create a path for him that led to her. As he reached up and touched her on her chest where her heart rested she fell to the ground and saw it all. The beginning of her bloodline, the beginning of her people, and the slaughter of her parents who were the Alpha and his mate of her pack.


As she watched her father being slaughtered and the fierce battle her mother fought at his side as he lay there in wolf form slowly changing back to that of a human. She felt the rage her mother felt in that moment and as she felt her mother she felt the blade pierce her heart and silence the wolf that roared within her. Not wanting to see anymore she saw her older brother fighting in the hills and there he too succumbed to the sharp blades of their enemy. As she began to sob she felt a burning sensation on her chest. 

At first, she thought she was having a heart attack. She was as if woken from a dream and there in the darkness she laid on the soil beside the tree, her hand still placed upon it, and as she rose from the tree she looked to the moon and howled as though in mourning. She looked down at her chest where she still felt the remnants of the burning sensation and there upon her skin was a print of a wolf's paw. It had always been there ever since she was a child. Now it was more defined and somehow raised.

 It was such a clear mark that it looked like a tattoo. It was tender to the touch and Shibon knew now what it meant. For now, she knew who she was and where she came from. Now she knew what happened to her parents, her people. The anger was so raw and palpable that She swore revenge upon those who destroyed her pack.

As she rose from the ground she now knew what it was she had to do, in a quick motion she knelt on the ground and looked up at the moon and in slow motion, she began to transform into a beautiful, strong white wolf with green eyes. At that moment, the moment the change was complete, she felt them. There were others from her pack changing as well, some far away, others closer. She could almost smell them, a very distinct smell, a smell of home and family and belonging. They were of her pack and in her transforming, they too were pulled out of their human skins as she forced the change upon them. 

She knew that they too would sense her, they would return, and their blood and bond would not be denied. Soon she would have to blood oath them again and recreate the pack of old. She was determined to do this, it was her duty to the pack members who fell that dreadful day, she owed it to her parents and fallen brother

The greatness of her pack would return. It was the oath she made to the old wolf in half-human, half-wolf form in her vision. She now knew he was the record keeper, the elder who kept the flame of the pack even unto death. She knew if she ever needed him, he would be there for her at all times, there within the memory of the tree. As she thought of this she smiled and it seemed a little weird trying to smile in wolf form. Her teeth seemed to prevent this. Still, she smiled and ran into the night reveling in the sounds and smells so easily overlooked and missed by human senses.

 She ran with the night and as she ran it was as though she were running side by side with the moon. She had learned so much tonight. So much now made sense to her and her head spun with the knowledge she had gained. She wanted to run and tell her friends about what had been revealed to her but she knew somehow that she could never reveal the truth.

As she ran she could feel the pull of the moon waning and knew that she had very little time before the sun came up. She felt a little sad about that because she had felt free, freer than she had ever felt. As she looked up at the silver-white moon blinking with her new wolf emerald eyes she howled at the mixed emotions of joy and sadness she was feeling. She returned to the cabin just a little before sunup, everyone was still asleep and the house was quiet and serene. Shibon crept into her bedroom and was happy that no one seemed to be awake.

 She wouldn't know how to explain her naked state. She was amazed at the fact that she wasn't tired. She thought that she would be exhausted from the night that she had just experienced but she felt refreshed and rested. As though through thought alone all of a sudden Shibon felt the weight of the moon. She could feel the moon lowering in the sky above. It felt a little like death when the moon retreated and bowed to the emergence of the sun. Shibon looked down at her huge bed and that was all she could truly remember. When she awoke in the morning she still felt the draining of the sun, but she was able to move and get ready for the day that lay before her.

 She had learned so much in the night and now she was determined to prepare for the return of the former pack members who would by blood oath return to honor her blood and the resurgence of the pack. If they renewed their oaths they would do so with her as the new Alpha and she needed to exude both wisdom and strength. By midday, everyone was awake and floating into the kitchen. Soon everyone was sitting at the dining-room table and enjoying the breakfast feast. 

Everyone chipped in and helped to prepare the meal and there was a little of everything that made breakfast the meal of champions. Over the din of laughter and conversation Shibon looked at everyone and smiled. She knew the joy of comradery and was filled to the brim at the thought of her pack members funneling back into town. Even now she could feel them, feel their 

emotions, and almost hear their thoughts. Some were apprehensive, others were filled with an excitement that made her tingle inside.

 Although she was feeling her excitement, it was a new sensation of feeling the emotions of others so completely. Shibon wondered if they too could feel her emotions. One of Shibon's friends looked over at her and noticed her a thousand miles away. 

"Shi, are you ok? You look like you're deep in thought. Shibon looked at her friend and realized that she was deep in thought. "I'm ok Makenzie, just thinking about these dishes.

 Thankfully the cleaning service provides a maid to tend to these things otherwise we wouldn't be able to go water skiing right away." Makenzie was an old friend and had known Shibon since kindergarten. She and Shibon were an on-again-off-again thing and had decided that being friends was more important than being lovers. It was a hard transition for them to make but in the end, they both came to an understanding and new plateau for their relationship.

 When everyone was finished with breakfast and changed for fun on the lake everyone headed down to the boathouse. Everyone was down by the water laughing and screaming. Some were swimming, others were on jet skis. Shibon was in a lounge chair getting some sun. She tanned well, but she felt like relaxing and trying to wrap her brain around the fact that she was the rightful heir and leader of a werewolf pack, one as old as time itself. She could feel the change within her body and knew that if she wanted to she could do incredible things. Her mind drifted to her parents, her true parents, and the moments of their deaths and it was that thought that followed her to a deep sleep.

As Shibon slept she found herself in an open area surrounded by woods. It wasn't the same as the area with the ancient tree, it was similar, yet different somehow. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement, too fast to be human and her senses went into overdrive. She could smell something similar to the pack but there was a pungent smell that seemed to trail it somehow. She decided to listen to the sounds around her and could hear the sounds of running and with a quick turn she was facing another area. It was a were of the feline persuasion and it looked at her through a mouth full of fangs. The creature smiled. 

Shibon awoke to the sounds of Makenzie standing over her calling her name. "Shibon, come into the water. You're going to burn if you stay like this much longer." Shibon put her hand up by her eyes to shield away from the sun, blinking as she looked up at Makenzie and smiled. No matter how long they had been apart, Shibon still found her sexy. She was downright beautiful. She had long blonde hair and the bluest eyes, They seemed to sparkle in the summer sun. Her smile was like the sun coming out from a long winter nap. Shibon thought she was in love with her once upon a time and the first time they made love was one for the books, but they were in different places in their lives and chose to remain friends.

"Hey you, enjoying yourself?. You look like you're having a good time." Makenzie looked down at Shibon and sat down beside her. As Shibon watched her she saw water droplets falling down her body and as Shibon watched the water drop from her hair and followed it down to her breasts she smiled. She thought about how many times she kissed and caressed her full breasts. It made things warm and sensual move within her body. Makenzie smiled and held Shibon's hand. "I know that look" Shibon looked at her and feigned confusion. She asked, "What look, what are you talking about?"

 Makenzie smiled and began to rub her arm. "The look where you look at me and wonder what might have been, The look where you make love to me with your eyes, and before you say that it isn't what you were thinking let me remind you that we have been here before and I know you." Shibon sat up and sighed, "Yes, I was thinking about how beautiful you are and I think about how much I love and desire you, but I also remember how difficult it was the last time and I remember how close we came to destroying our friendship, it's just, you are so fucking beautiful and sometimes I just want to touch and hold you.

 I think I will always want and love you."Makenzie smiled and reached down and kissed Shibon passionately "I will always love and want you too, But for whatever reason, we just aren't right for each other, and that makes us toxic to each other when we try. I will always love and desire 

you Shibon. You know that, but we just aren't right for each other. I hate that we aren't, but it doesn't change the fact that we are better off as friends."

Shibon sighed and knew in her heart that she was right. "You're right. Anyway, I was planning on swimming right now, I think we could both use some cooling off" with that, they both ran 

to the lake and dove in laughing and having the best time with all their friends. After spending the day at the lake everyone separated into groups and kinda did their own thing. Some stayed by the water, some went for a hike and others went back to the cabin to take a nap. Shibon did the latter.

 The night's events were beginning to catch up with her and she felt an exhaustion she had never felt before. When her head hit the pillow she was completely knocked out. As she slept, she began to see the clearing again. This time it was by the sacred tree and standing there was the healer for the old pack. She stood looking at Shibon as though beckoning her to approach.

As Shibon moved forward in a flash there she stood before her as though only a thought moved her. The old healer smiled at her, "It was only a thought that moved you.

 Here in this place, you are more at ease and your powers and abilities are fully developed and aware. In time you will be able to do these things in your awakened world, but give it time. " Shibon looked at the old woman and felt warm and comforted. "What is this place and Why am I so tired all of a sudden? My body feels as though it's been hit by a bus. I'm not in pain, I'm just"... Tired" The old woman finished her sentence and laughed. "There is much you need to learn as a young wolf. Had you been brought up within the pack you would have learned the things you should know by this age."

 The old woman suddenly had a face filled with sadness." You are tired because you have experienced your first change like so many before you. Your youth kept you from sleeping and you became moon drunk. This is normal, you drank in so much of the moon's energy that it kept you up running through the night, but just as the moon waxes and wanes, so too does your stamina. Even the moon above must rest so that it can shine bright the following evening."

Shibon thought about how much power and energy she felt that night. It made sense why she 

felt as drained as she did. "So how do I control the amount of energy I consume next time?" The old healer looked at her with a warm and tender look. "You will know, our people are feelers. We feel not only our emotions but the emotions of each other if the feeling is strong enough. You will feel when you have consumed enough. You will feel when an enemy approaches, or when someone wishes to mate with you. You will feel more than you have ever felt before.

 Soon you will feel as though your feelings have mixed with someone else's feelings but in time you will know when to quiet your mind and feel the difference." Shibon looked at the woman and smiled, "How did you know that I needed your healing?" The old woman looked at her with a frown. "How do you think I knew?" Shibon thought about it and smiled. "Because I needed you, you in particular, to answer the questions that were present in my mind, Because when I fell asleep My mind was quiet enough to hear you and you could feel my need for you."

 The old healer looked at Shibon and smiled. "Wisdom is better than silver or gold. I feel that you will be a wise and strong leader, the leader our people need."Shibon smiled back at the old healer and as she smiled she felt herself moving back to the point in which she entered the vision. She looked towards the tree and there was no one there, the old woman had disappeared. It struck her suddenly that she felt saddened that the old woman was no longer alive, but that was soon replaced by the burning anger at the thought of her people being slaughtered. The anger grew within her and she knew it was the bond of blood that swore vengeance upon those responsible for the destruction of her pack.

 She would give them their blood justice, she would soak the sacred ground with the blood of their enemies. At that moment she knew what one of her first tasks must be. It was with this thought that Shibon awoke to the tapping on her bedroom door. When she awoke she realized that it was dark outside. She had slept the whole afternoon away. When she arose she felt refreshed and replenished. As she walked out into the living room everyone was there smiling and laughing at her calling her sleepy head. She knew they weren't going to let up for the rest of the night so she resigned herself to accept it.

 But in the back of her mind, she remembered her vision and would begin the search for those responsible for the slaughter of her people as soon as she returned to the city.

"Well guys, I hope you all enjoyed our little weekend of relaxation. I can't believe how quickly the time went by but I want you all to know that I love you and this weekend has meant the world to me." All her friends smiled and did a mock aww. But she knew they felt the same kind of love for her as she felt for them.

 As the night drew to a close everyone was full from the huge dinner the cook prepared for them and by the end of the evening, everyone was lounging out around the fireplace rubbing their bellies. Everyone began to slowly file off to their beds and the blissful

 sleep that would follow, even though they hated doing so because they knew that with the sun came the end of their weekend and the end of their good time.

Shibon walked outside of the cabin and sat on one of the old rocking swings. She had always loved those swings and it was the perfect night for it. Not too cold, and there was very little humidity, just a little crisp wind that reminded her of the season. She enjoyed this time of year. Midway through spring but not quite fall either, simply the promise of a new season to come. She could almost feel the change in the weather, it was in the air and the air was filled with the promise of things to come.

 As she got lost in her thoughts she smelled something, someone familiar and it stirred something deep within her. Before the door opened she knew in an instant who it was. As she sipped her tea she looked up to see Makenzie standing there looking down at her.

"Well, are you going to just stand there or are you going to sit down." Makenzie looked at her and smiled, "Well I was contemplating whether or not to come out here" Shibon smiled as she sipped her tea, "I know". She looked over at Makenzie and started to laugh. Makenzie sat down next to her and the two of them started to laugh together.


As they sat there in silence, slowly swinging Shibon smelled something familiar yet strangely stronger. She knew in an instant what she was smelling and with the thought, she could feel the emotions of Makenzie. She wanted her, she was wracked with confusion and conflicting thoughts, but at the base of it all was the desire she felt for Shibon. Shibon thought about when they were younger and the thoughts came to her in flashes as she remembered their first kiss, the first time they made love and in that instant, she saw her standing over her dripping from the lake water earlier that day. Shibon put her cup on the side table turned to Makenzie and touched

 her face. Softly,caressing her tender flesh she drew her face to her own and gently kissed her. It wasn't long before Makenzie was kissing her back and the kiss went from a gentle kiss to a wild passionate, all consuming expression of all they felt and would always feel.

Shibon pulled back gently from Makenzie and stood up. As she stood up she held out her hand to Makenzie, and Makenzie reached for it. Shibon led Makenzie to her bedroom and once they were behind closed doors in the moonlit room Shibon began to walk over to Makenzie.

 As she walked over to Makenzie, Makenzie began to back up into the door. Shibon smiled and stood in front of her. Shibon reached out to touch the wall next to Makenzie's head and she began to kiss Makenzie on the neck. She had always loved Makenzie's neck but for some reason, she loved it even more so tonight. Shibon nibbled on her neck until Makenzie began to moan her pleasure at the feeling that was overtaking her senses.

Shibon backed away as though she realized what was happening. It was her lust for Makenzie mixing with her need for flesh. It created an intoxicating cocktail of sensations. Shibon looked at Makenzie and it was as if Makenzie could see the desire in Shibon. " My God Shibon, your eyes look like emeralds tonight. Makenzie touched Shibon's face, "God you are beautiful" With that Makenzie ran her tongue over Shibon's lips and began to passionately kiss her. Soon they were on the bed making love in a way they had never made love before.

 It was rawer, more need-based, and dirty. There was biting and licking and moaning. They knew that they would wake the whole household but they didn't seem to care.

It was as if something had taken over Shibon's body because all she wanted to do was to please Makenzie and be pleased herself. Makenzie became even more in tune with 

Shibon. Makenzie began to moan and scream softly, "Don't stop, please, God don't stop. Shibon stopped but only briefly. Looking down at Makenzie she slowly kissed her lips. As the kiss became gentler Shibon bit ever so softly on Makenzie's lower lip and drew a small trail of blood. Shibon smelled the red liquid and it enticed her more than she realized it would. Shibon stuck her tongue out and gently licked makenzie's bleeding lip. As Shibon tasted the blood she began to kiss her even more passionately.

 It was as if the blood renewed the already urgent desire that coursed through her veins.." Fuck, Shibon what the hell, you feel so fucking good." Shibon looked up at Mackenzie and moved while turning Makenzie over so that Makenzie was straddling Shibon's face. Shibon began to lick softly and Makenzie began to move on top of her. Makenzie let out a moan and began to grind slower and deeper until she let out a final scream and froze in place. 

Shibon knew she came because she could taste it, feel the warm fluid in her mouth. Shibon looked up at Makenzie and felt her body begin to jerk uncontrollably. makenzie looked at Shibon with tears rolling down her cheeks. Shibon guided Makenzie down to her lips and kissed her gently. She hadn't seen Makenzie cry after sex since the first time they had made love. "Kenzie, what's wrong, why are you crying?." Makenzie looked down at her and sobbed uncontrollably. Shibon moved up in the bed and held her while she sobbed.

 About a half hour went by where they just held each other and Makenzie finally spoke. "I'm sorry for crying, I just couldn't help it. It was as if you knew just what I wanted and just what I needed. Every touch, every move, every kiss. It was as though you were in my head and I have

 never come like that ever with anyone else. You did more than make love to my body, it was as if you made love to my very soul."

Shibon looked at Makenzie and at that very moment knew that she loved her. She felt as though she had tasted her soul, it was a pure ripe place where she could easily get lost within. She loved Makenzie and wanted to please her so she did, but she knew that she would eventually have to mate with another. It was the way of things now and she knew that this time had to be the last time for them to be together. It saddened Shibon, but she also knew that it was for the best, for both of them.

Shibon awoke to the bright rising sun. As she turned to feel for Makenzie she instinctively knew that she wasn't there. She knew that Makenzie would opt for the "let's not talk about it" solution and that meant that she would run and hide in her bed. The first time they made love she didn't see Makenzie for a whole month afterward. Makenzie liked to run and hide, that was part of their problem and another reminder as to why their relationship hadn't worked out. It was confirmation enough for Shibon that nothing had changed and nothing would.

 As everyone loaded their bags into their cars, everyone was laughing and joking around. Makenzie had said nothing about the night before and Shibon had gone through it enough to not ask questions so they just continued on as if nothing had happened. Shibon knew that everyone heard them last night, but no one said anything. They all knew the heartache and pain that went along with the two of them and no one wanted to stir that hornets nest.

 As everyone kissed and said goodbye Shibon locked up the cabin and began her long journey back to the city. As she drove she felt the first of her people return to town. She could feel them as they returned one by one. Some came in groups of twenty or more, but she could feel them all. When she returned to town she rented a banquet hall for the meet and greet of her pack, both old and new. She ordered a feast befitting a royal banquet and in the quiet of the night she sat down in the middle of her living room on the plush carpet and sent out a feel to her people. she could almost see them looking up at the empty sky seeing her, feeling her and in that moment they knew where to go and when. They would be at the banquet hall ready to meet their new alpha. 

Shibon awoke to the sound of the alarm. She looked up to the ceiling and felt a rush of exhilaration. The day was new and she could feel her pack as they entered the city. Yet, as fulfilling as the feeling was, she could also feel a growing sense of danger. A foreboding that grew with each new pack member entering the city. What did it mean? She felt a sense of protection for her people and if that required violence then that was what it would receive. She knew there would be no other answer.

As Shibon drove to her office building, it amazed her how much she missed before. She had always been considered observant, but now she felt as though she had been completely blind. The silence of the elevator had been interrupted by the ringtone of her phone. " Shibon Mason speaking" There was a silence on the phone but Shibon could hear the deep breathing and at that moment she knew it was one of her people. "Luna, I am Kane,"


such as I have never felt before. I left the night you sent for us. I just wanted to ask a question. "How do we know that you are truly the heir to the throne? No offense but anyone could have called out to us. " Shibon instinctively knew what she must say next, "Kane, that's your name right? First of all, no other could have called out to you or your beast. My lineage will be made clear upon our first encounter. Secondly, if you're out to challenge who I am right from the beginning then you and I will have a problem.

 The conflict you seek is within my hands and the vengeance you seek shall be found there also. You know where and when to be. You will find me and there is where your challenge can and must be made. "Again the silence. Finally, he spoke, "Yes Luna, I shall be there." It dawned on Shibon, 'How did he know to call this number? "Kane, how is it that you knew this number to dial?" Kane replied, "Luna, I work for a government agency. I felt the call and It was just a matter of skill sets that I've learned in the business to track you."

"Very well, but you should know, I have a certain amount of skill sets of my own. I look forward to our meeting. Until then." With that, she hung up the phone and Shibon stood in front of her outer office. As she walked through the glass doors she smiled at her secretary. "Good Morning Rebecca, How was your weekend? Rebecca was a pretty woman with the most beautiful Flame-colored hair. It looked as though it was woven out of the hottest flame. Her eyes were the color of molten lava. A deep brown with the flare of flames within them.

 It was at that moment that Shibon felt it. She looked at Rebecca and as Rebecca looked into her eyes Rebecca gave a sharp gasp. "Luna, I thought I was imagining it, but it's true, you have come into your power. You've returned to your people and we've heard your call."

"Rebecca come into my office please" As they walked into the office Shibon placed her briefcase on the floor next to her desk and motioned for Rebecca to sit down. After a moment of looking into Rebecca's shy eyes, she began to speak. "Rebecca, how is it that you have been in town all this time? Why did you not flee town with all the others? And why is it that I never sensed you before.?" Rebecca looked into Shibon's eyes and the moment she thought it, Shibon could feel the most intense feeling of need and protection. She felt a longing she had never felt before and she wanted more than her next breath to touch Rebecca. It made little to 

no sense the urge she was feeling. 

Shibon cleared her throat and even though she was somewhat embarrassed about the thoughts she was having, she was unable to look away. "Luna, my family have been loyal to your bloodline for over a hundred years and we swore that we would continue to serve your blood. We stayed because we knew that you would return someday. I just, I knew that I would feel...I would feel something when you appeared, I just didn't know that I would feel…" Shibon knew what she was feeling because she too felt the pull.

 Shibon rose from her seat and walked over to Rebecca and placed her hand on Rebecca's shoulder. The moment that she made contact with her she felt better. It was an instant relief. She felt the tension leave Rebecca as well. "Then Rebecca, remain by my side and protect me and all that is mine and I will reward you richly." As soon as Shibon finished her words Rebecca stood up and cleared the desk. As she stood in front of Shibon's standing form she knelt. "By my life or death I vow to serve and protect you Luna, giver of strength."


Shibon smiled and lifted Rebecca up to her feet, "Tomorrow you can swear your oath properly. Rebecca looked at Shibon and held her hand. Slowly she placed the softest kiss on Shibon's hand all the while staring into Shibon's eyes. Shibon felt the pull of Rebecca but she wasn't sure of what she was feeling. Was this the same attraction she felt from before? Or had the feeling just intensified? Or was this something more. "Rebecca, your loyalty and love are appreciated and I will demonstrate that appreciation tomorrow night at the meeting, but for now we have work to do." Rebecca rose from her kneeling position and returned to the chair.

Shibon opened her briefcase and retrieved papers out of it. "We have a very busy week coming up because our calendar is full. There are a number of celebrities coming to town for the awards ceremony and they are all going to want and need our best security detail. Get the roster out and pull our top, best trained bodyguards. Things are going to get hectic and I don't want any slip-ups. Once you've done that give me the list for final approval and set a meeting in the blue room where I can brief them.

 '' Rebecca nodded and wrote down the details. Once she was done she got up and went to the door to leave. As she opened the door and turned to leave she glanced back at Shibon and there was a look in her eyes of longing and a battle within her.Shibon was watching her walk away and felt a need to tell her to come back. She felt an almost irresistible need to touch her, to simply feel her skin next to hers. There was a battle raging within her as well and she had to use all her strength to simply sit there and watch her walk away. 

 For the rest of the day Shibon stayed in her office and continued to work on project after project. She was busy and there was a lot to get done, but all through the day intermittently she couldn't help but think about the events that were to follow the very next evening. She thought about the call from Kane and the growing sense of a threat that seemed to be fast approaching. Every once in a while she would allow herself to give in to the desire of looking at Rebecca. She knew when she would look up and watch her. She could feel it and wanted to look back at her but something in her warned against it. She didn't know what it was or why but there seemed to be some type of significance where Rebecca was concerned.

On the night of the big meet and greet Shibon began to get ready for the meeting. She could feel the anticipation growing, not only for herself, but also from the others who were also getting ready for the event. It seemed overwhelming at times, feeling all these emotions. Some were hers, some weren't. She would have to learn to sort those emotions out to differentiate the pack's emotions from her own. She drove through the streets and like always was fascinated by the neon signs. She never really lost her awe for the bright colors and busy streets of New York. Although she lived here and loved her home and her life, she had grown up in upstate New York and the sights were incredibly different. She grew up in the country and this was definitely the city. The wonder and bright lights of New York city.

As she pulled up to the restaurant she felt a heightened sense of things. She had been here so many times before; after all she owned the steakhouse, but the sense of exhilaration was almost too much to bear. She reached out with her feelings and could sense the others inside, she could feel their happiness and sense of belonging. There were young ones who were just coming into their powers struggling to contain their wolf forms.

 She too was finding it hard to contain her beast. It seemed as though the closer in time to the meeting and the closer the proximity to her pack, the more difficult it became to contain her beast. As she walked up to the front door she was greeted by the employees who managed the restaurant."Ms. Mason, a pleasure as always to see you. Your guests have arrived and they are well taken care of as you requested. We have been closed to the public for the past few hours so there are no stragglers left. Is there anything else that we can do for you?"

 Shibon smiled at the manager and thought about it, she knew there was nothing left to do because he was a very competent manager. All would be taken care of. "The food. Has the food been taken care of because after the meeting I'm sure that everyone will be quite hungry." The manager smiled, yes ma'am, all has been taken care of. The food has been placed buffet style in the green room and the caterers have already been paid and sent on their way. All that's left is for you to arrive."

All that was left, Shibon thought, was the hard part, her arrival, yet so many people had been waiting for that arrival for years and now that time had come she realized how apprehensive she had become. "That you Gerard, as always you amaze me. You are free to go and please, enjoy your evening." Thank you Ms. Mason and you have a wonderful evening as well." With that Gerard turned and left the restaurant. As Shibon walked towards the door to the meeting room she stopped, took a deep breath, and thought, Well ready or not, here I come.

 Slowly she opened the door and as she did, she called on the spirits of her elders to give her the courage and strength she would need to fulfill her place and duties to her pack. At that moment, she could feel the warmth of the pack. She could smell the tangy sweetness of her people and felt the rush of the hunt and knew at that moment that she was home and would never again be alone

As she opened the door, and stepped inside she could hear and see the people all mingling and laughing. Then there was silence and every conversation stopped. Every head turned and looked at her. It was as if every person in that room sensed at the same moment when she arrived. Within that moment two things happened at once, first, everyone turned to face her and began to kneel, second, an overwhelming rush of heat overtook her. Shibon knew it was the pack's power, a thrum of energy from her pack filled the room and she knew that somehow she had to take all the strength and power within herself.

 It was almost an unofficial test being given to her by the pack. She felt dizzy and strangely drunk, but in that moment her beast knew what to do. Slowly her beast rose to the surface and began to pull all the power and emotion within itself.

One by one the heads began to look up and she could see that every eye had turned to wolf form. She too could feel that her eyes had turned the beautiful emerald green of her wolf. Slowly they rose from their kneeling position and smiled looking at her as they began to approach her. One by one they introduced themselves and quickly told of how happy they were that she had returned. Many spoke of her parents and how much they loved and missed them. She could hardly believe the stories and the recalling of so many memories

. As the evening went on she felt more comfortable with these people and before long she felt as though she had known them her whole life. As the night wore on Shibon knew that there were things that she needed to handle and as she thought it that was when she was approached by a slender man of medium build. He had deep penetrating blue eyes and Shibon knew instantly that this was Kane.

She looked at him and instantly felt the power flowing off of him, it was as if he was testing her strength and pushing her power with his own. Shibon's beast viewed this as a threat and responded by pushing its power back so fiercely that Kane fell to the floor as Shibon stood looking down at him. She knew what she was doing to him and she didn't care. He was testing her and she didn't like being tested. This was her way of telling him that it was something that he had better not do again.

 The crowd of people began to watch as the man coward on the floor and began to whimper. Finally, the man looked down at the floor in a kneeling position and spoke," Please Luna, I apologize for the disrespect. I only wanted to test your power, but I know now that you are not to be tested. Forgive me ."

Shibon released him of her power's hold and it felt as though she could have drained him of all the life he had. She realized that it almost felt good to push and dominate her power, her beast enjoyed it as well. Shibon sat in the center of the room and the rest of the pack surrounded her as the slender man stayed kneeling on the floor. " Tell me, Kane, why should I forgive this blatant disrespect of my authority." Kane looked up at her and began rubbing his side, she knew she hurt him and his ribs would feel the effects of it for days to come.

 "Luna, my family has served your family for generations and the strength of your blood is legend. I wanted to prove myself to you so that I could be your Beta. I am unfit for this position." Shibon tilted her head as though deep in thought. "Rise Kane, you did not fail in impressing me, losing to me was inevitable. That is why I am Alpha. You truly wish to be my right hand and this I am not opposed to, yet one cannot and should not become my right hand simply because you wish it so. " Shibon looked out to the crowd, " Let it be known that there are key positions available. I am fair but I am thorough. I will not allow this pack to fall victim to treachery whether without or from within.

 I will hold a conclave in the sacred place. There we will test your strength, loyalty, and will. As you know I require a Beta, The Royal Guard, as well as a healer and keeper. I will also seek a Hodur, my Evil doer. " A council must be formed as well. Only the elders do I prefer for the


Shibon could feel the spirit of the elders within her and suddenly knew what to do. Shibon called out to her beast and she could feel her within. "Kane, come forward." As Kane came forward she knew who should fill the role of Hodur. " Kane, you will serve your pack as Hodur. Do you object?." Kane smiled and knelt slowly in front of Shibon. "Luna, I am grateful for the honor you have bestowed upon me. I humbly accept this duty." Slowly she could feel her wolf teeth form and she made a small puncture wound in her arm. 

As the wound bled she dipped her fingers in the blood and trailed the blood down Kane's forehead to the tip of his nose. Shibon looked out to the crowd and spoke," Hail Hodur, my enforcer. May you serve and protect your pack as well as you serve me.." The rest of the pack repeated, "Hail Hodur, and hail Luna giver of strength." Shibon motioned to Kane, "Come and take your place by my side." Kane bowed and stood by Shibon.

As the evening wore on each pack member came before Shibon and knelt before her as she sat in the chair facing them. With each vow spoken and loyalty given Shibon felt her beast growing stronger. She had not expected this and at moments she wondered if she would be able to take any more power, but her beast craved it and Shibon felt the need of this as the alpha to protect and defend her pack should the need arise.

 As the evening wore on Shibon rose from the chair and looked out to her pack, she felt a certain pride as a mother watching her children at play. "Lukoi, hear me" The crowd looked at her and fastened all their attention to her. "On the next moon, we shall have our conclave. May the spirits of the elders be with you. In celebration of this, we shall hunt together to gather our strength and unite our spirits as one pack." There was a howl and cheering throughout the pack. Shibon resumed her seat and said, "Let us now feast together." With that, she motioned towards the buffet table and everyone smiled and approached the table.

When the night was over everyone came to her and said their goodbyes. It was a good evening and Shibon felt pride and a power she never felt before. As everyone left the building Shibon remained there with Rebecca. Shibon knew that until she had appointed The Royal Guard her Hodur would always stand guard over her. She knew that the title of Hodur also meant "Evil-Doer". She knew that this position had to be given to Kane. She didn't know or understand why she felt so strongly about it, but she was confident in her decision. Her Hodur and Royal Guard would have to get along or at least attempt to do so because her safety and that of her pack would rely and depend upon it. 

"Rebecca, where do you live? I want to make sure that you are well taken care of. All your financial concerns are now my concerns. I will expect an itemized list of your expenses on my desk by Monday morning." Shibon tried to sound professional and authoritative, but what she felt inside was anything but. She was ebbing with her pack's power and she hadn't eaten. Her body wanted her and she could smell the fact that Rebecca wanted her too. It hit her all of a sudden that if she could smell the desire on Rebecca, that would mean that Rebecca could smell the scent of desire on her also.

 It was as if Rebecca knew what she was thinking and in a blur of speed too fast for human eyes to see, Rebecca was standing there in front of her. "Luna, it is my duty and desire to attend to you and all that you desire. You have only to ask and It will be done." Shibon could smell her perfume, a light airy smell that seemed to waft through the air, but underneath she could smell both desire and fear. "What do you fear Rebecca, I can smell it on you, speak true." Rebecca lowered her head and hesitated to speak. "Luna, I desire you, this you know and I know that you desire me. It's just that with you being the alpha of our pack...I don't want to disappoint you."

 Shibon nodded and stepped closer to Rebecca."How would you disappoint me, in what way?" Rebecca looked at her now with a new found determination. "Luna I would die trying to protect you, on this I would and could never disappoint you, but when it comes to satisfying you in other ways, I have never…" Shibon moved closer to Rebecca and sniffed the air around her. Shibon put her finger under Rebecca's chin so Rebecca had no choice but to look her in the face. "Never what?"


"Luna, when two Lukoi have sex, nine times out of ten they give in to their beasts and transform. This happens because we are the same on a level so deep that we feel each other's power. Our beasts too have desires and they too are having sex with each other. It naturally brings our beasts and I have never had sex with another Lukoi." Shibon hadn't known this and it made her think of Makenzie. She thought in horror, 'what if I had hurt her. My beast could have mauled her to death.'

 She remembered how good it felt and now understood why. Though she was mortified by the thought of hurting Makenzie she couldn't help but be even further intrigued by the thought of Rebecca and the thought of allowing her beast to find that comfort and release.

Shibon looked at Rebecca and smiled. "I understand and the truth is that I too have never slept with another of our kind. There is truth in your words yet I sense you are not being one-hundred percent honest with me. I told you to speak the truth, do so now."

 Rebecca looked at Shibon and frowned. ``what I'm feeling is confusing to me. Every Time I am in the same room with you I desperately want to touch you. I thought it was just acknowledging you as my Luna, but it's more than that. I feel so drawn to you and my beast is drawn to yours. This only happens when two wolves are to be mated. With the way I feel about you, sleeping together would only strengthen that need. Eventually you will find a true mate and I will be thrown to the side forever to desire what can never be mine because you will have another."

Shibon took in what Rebecca said and remained silent for what seemed a lifetime. When she finally spoke she did so only after thinking it through very seriously. "I understand what it is that you are feeling because I too feel a pull when I am near you. I also thought it was because we are pack and your blood knows mine. But I can no longer deny that I desire you. That being said, as far as me having a mate you know that this must be. As I must continue the bloodline. However it does not mean that you would have no place within my heart or within my bed. 

Do you think that you would be so easily cast aside.? If you truly have these doubts then it is true we shouldn't sleep together, it would be difficult in the end. If you feel that this is not what you want then I will respect that and never speak of it again, but should you see things in a different light then know that you have only to reach for me, whether in words, action, or thought. I am never far from you."

Rebecca smiled and stepped closer to Shibon. As she faced Rebecca she knew that she wanted her. She respected her feelings and even admired her for voicing them. Why did she feel this incredible pull towards her even when she knew it went against pack tradition to make Rebecca her mate? Was that even possible? She would have to find these things out. As she was deep in thought about this she saw Rebecca reach up and slowly, gently place the softest kiss on her lips. Shibon felt her lips and was instantly in awe of how soft her lips were.

 She returned the kiss and she began to taste her, a nibble at first and then it became a strong need to taste her blood. Without thought, she bit her lip, not a sloppy, messy bite, but a small nip within her inner lip, and there the coppery taste was as liquid gold on her tongue. It ignited 

something within her and she knew that it was her beast craving more. Rebecca let out a soft gasp and in return, she bit slightly on Shibon's lip and instantly felt the copper taste of her blood. As they tasted each other Shibon could hear Rebecca moan and knew in that moment that this was what she wanted too.

 It was their beasts tasting each other and wanting to mate with each other.Shibon pulled away knowing that if she didn't stop they would never stop and all their conversation would have gone to waste. It was the best thing to do and she would do the very best for the well-being of her pack no matter how much she wanted her. Rebecca looked at her and understood the decision she had made. It was at that time that they both smelled the faint scent of male desire and anger all at the same time. They both looked around and just below the surface, their beasts were rumbling. They had been denied the release they were craving and were easy to rile. Just then out of the shadows appeared Zane.

Rebecca Instinctively stood in front of Shibon and Shibon made a mental note of this. Rebecca spoke before Shibon could as though reading Shibon's thoughts she asked in the bitterest of tones, "Zane, why are you still here." Zane walked into the room as though he hadn't overheard the exchange between them. "Luna, forgive me. I was worried about your safety. Although you are as I am sure more than capable, you have not yet designated a royal guard, I wanted to make sure that you were safe until the conclave.

 As I am your Hodur it is my job to see that you are kept safe. I am sure that Rebecca is capable, as he said it he showed a snicker. but She is not bodyguard material. I am your Evil-doer and that is my job until your guards are selected. Rebecca stared at Kane and there in her eyes lay her beast. Rebecca did not like being tested and in that moment Shibon

knew that Kane was testing her and Rebecca knew that she was being tested. Her beast didn't like Kane and Shibon wasn't sure if her's did either.

Shibon looked over at Rebecca and spoke softly," Wait outside for me I'll only be a moment." Rebecca bowed and left the room. Shibon looked at her high-heeled boots as though there were something on them and spoke low, but she knew that Zane would be able to hear her. "What did you overhear Zane and speak true or deal with the consequences," Zane spoke plainly. " Luna, I know that you are a lover of women and that you desire Rebecca, who also desires you.

" Shibon felt the heat rise to her face and fought against the embarrassment of Zane knowing how she felt. "Zane, my private life is none of your business. As my Hodur it is your job to do the things I find distasteful to do. You are not my council, nor my conscience. my bodyguards will be selected and as you say, they will be in charge of my protection. So until such time, I will be my own protection."

 She slowly walked over to Kane looking him in the eye." Continue to challenge me and I swear by the elders I will end you." Zane smiled a devious smile he seemed very good at. "Luna, you are the last of a noble line and to allow that line to disappear would be a crime in itself. The elders of old and new will never stand for this. You will be outcast if you do not take a mate, a male mate. You know this to be true. You can taste my words and know the truth of this"

"Wolves mate for life, and if you allow your wolf to mate with the beautiful Rebecca, it will never mate with your male counter.

 It would tear you apart from the inside before it allowed you to try to mate with another. You know this." Shibon looked Zane in the face and from deep in her spirit the words came through." 

Zane Anamigus of the Anamigus clan, I know who you are and what you want. It is what you and your blood have wanted since the dawn of the Choko-lukoi clan. You want what you cannot have. Issue your challenge and as we are the last of our bloodlines let us be done with this." Zane smiled that evil smile and as he bowed he spoke, "I Zane of the Anamigus blood do challenge you Shibon of the Choko-lukoi blood to a battle on pain of death for the leadership of the pack."

Shibon stepped down from the step she stood on and squarely looking him in the face spoke, "Zane of the Animigus blood…I heartily accept your challenge. We shall continue this in the sacred place on the next moon. '' Zane bowed and began to walk out. "...And Zane, don't let me see you at any function until the next moon. For if I do I will end you unceremoniously." Zane gave a final bow and walked out. As he left Rebecca ran in and looked at Shibon. "Luna, I am so sorry. It's my fault, he overheard our conversation and is using it against you"

" He's right though, the elders will not allow you to choose me as your mate, it would end the bloodline, both of our bloodlines." Shibon looked at Rebecca and pulled her into an embrace. " It'll be alright, I'll figure something out. It'll be okay, trust me." Rebecca smiled and looked at Shibon. "You have got to brush up on your fighting skills. The Anamigus clan is known for their fighting prowess and Zane is well-liked within the pack. You will have to defeat him and devour his flesh to earn and or keep the loyalty of certain members of the pack. As your friend and member of the pack, I will train you but we had better get a move on because the next moon isn't that far away."

As Shibon and Rebecca leave the restaurant they both remain silent as they walk to their cars. Rebecca looked at Shibon and smiled awkwardly."I'll pick you up tomorrow and we'll go to a gym I know. The owner is one of our kind, a member of our pack, he holds after hours training for our kind. Get some sleep, you'll need it." Shibon smiled back," I will, and thank you." As they both get into their cars they smile at each other and after a moment they each drive away. As Shibon drives away she notices a vehicle behind her and the familiar feeling of dread takes 


 She had never been this paranoid before and she hated the feeling. Pulling into the private parking garage her senses were on high alert. As she exited her car and walked over to the private elevator she could smell the faint odor of the channel. It was almost completely faded and no human would have been able to smell it anymore. She knew that it had been hours since Mrs.Reynolds had been there. She was a total neat fanatic. She chose the right profession when she became a housekeeper. It had been her perfume that she was smelling. Shibon put the key into the slot and pressed her floor number.

She bought the condo two years ago and even now she still feels excited to come home. Her place to do with as she pleased and the security was well worth the money she paid especially now. Her father wasn't too happy about her moving to begin with and the stipulation he gave was that she has some sort of restrictive entrance. She found this condo and he couldn't argue with her about the move after that so begrudgingly he gave his blessing. While in the shower she thought about the evening and the amount of people who showed up. It was a pleasant evening with the exception of Kane.

 She expected to be challenged, so it wasn't that much of a surprise. As she lathered the soap onto her body her fingers absentmindedly ran across her birthmark. She had always just assumed it was unusual and now this mark that she thought of as an oddity now means so much in who and what she is. It didn't hurt anymore and the texture was soft and palpable.

Shibon lay in bed and as she fell asleep different thoughts danced in her head. She thought about the evening, Kane, and what helped her fall peacefully to sleep were the thoughts of Rebecca.

 The thought of making love to her was intoxicating and even though they had unofficially agreed to abandon that path, she knew in her heart that they would eventually give in to the temptation. The next morning Shibon walked into the office and decided that she would ignore the feelings that erupted every time she saw Rebecca. She was her Luna after all and she could not appear weak or needy. Regardless of how she felt, it was the right thing to do. She would concentrate on business and her leadership within the pack.

 They required her full attention and there was no room for any romantic entanglements. As she walked into the office she saw Rebecca sitting at her desk deep into the computer screen. Suddenly she raised her head, looked Shibon in the eyes and smiled. "Good morning Ms. Mason. I hope you had a restful evening." Shibon looked at Rebecca and wanted to tell her how much she wished she was with her last night, but instead, she replied," My evening was pleasant, and yours" 

Rebecca thought about it for a minute and replied simply, "My evening was peaceful but incredibly lonely." Shibon picked up a pile of mail and pretended to go through it as though she hadn't heard what Rebecca had said. "Sorry to hear that, perhaps you should date more. I'm sure there are plenty of possibilities out there for you." With that Shibon entered her office and refused to look at Rebecca throughout the morning. By lunch time she had done more work than she had in a long time and it was a welcomed change if it kept her from focusing on Rebecca. As she sat in her office Rebecca rang the intercom," Ms. Mason, you have a call on line two from Makenzie. "

"Do you wish to take the call or should I tell her to call back?" Shibon wanted the distraction so she replied." yes, I'll take the call" As she picked up the phone she knew that she had come off cold to Rebecca and she also knew that Rebecca knew about her relationship with Makenzie.

"Makenzie, what's up." "Shi, I was in the neighborhood and was thinking maybe we could have lunch. I mean if you don't have any plans." Shibon thought about it and knew that she didn't have any appointments until three.

 "No, I'm free, and I heard of this new place that serves Indian food. I've been meaning to check it out and this gives me the perfect opportunity." Makenzie seemed happy about this and said she would pick her up in a few minutes. As Shibon finished up her latest project she saw the elevator open and out stepped Makenzie looking sexy as ever. Their problem was never attraction. They were always attracted to each other, it was what came after. They were just never suited for the relationship aspect of it.

 Shibon gathered her purse and walked out to greet her. "Hey Mackenzie, I'll be right there" Mackenzie smiled and headed back towards the elevator. "Rebecca, I'm going to lunch. I'll be back in about an hour or so. Please go to lunch today, I know you forget sometimes." Rebecca looked at her and had a scowl on her face. " Is something wrong Rebecca, you look upset." Rebecca looked at her computer screen and replied," Are you sure you'll be back in an hour, I mean it could take longer than that." 

Shibon stared at her in disbelief and then there was anger, " What do you mean by that? It couldn't mean what I think it means." Rebecca looked at Shibon and there in the corner of her eye Shibon could see the wolf under the surface.. In a whisper Shibon spoke, "Calm yourself ." Rebecca took a deep breath and replied, "I simply mean that you and Makenzie rarely go anywhere without having to express your attraction for one another." She was right of course but it angered Shibon to hear her say it.

 " That might be but that is still my business and none of yours. " With that Shibon walked out of the office and she and Makenzie rode the elevator down. As they hopped into the car Makenzie noticed how quiet Shibon had become. " What's going on Shibon, you're really quiet today. Something went wrong with a client?" Shibon knew that she wouldn't be able to fully explain the ins and outs of what was really going on so she gave parts of the story. "I am dealing with something I am not very skilled at, relationships.

" There's someone that has my attention and even though I know it's not wise, I still want her." Makenzie was quiet for a while and then spoke," I know I should be a good friend and give you the best advice that I can give, but It still hurts to think of you with someone else. That being said, I can't help but wonder why you don't just do what you usually do in these situations." Shibon looked at her friend and knew not to ask the question, but she asked anyway. "And what do I usually do in these situations" Makenzie drove and became very focused on her driving. Shibon knew that Makenzie didn't want to answer because she was focusing on her driving way too much. "Makenzie, answer the question. What do I usually do" 

Makenzie sighed and looked over at Shibon. "You run. There I said it. Shibon, whenever you feel like you're getting too close or the other person is getting too close, you run, you run for the hills of emotional clarity. Babe, you are terrified of commitment and you would rather end it than deal with the drama that inevitably comes with a relationship.

 I only tell you this because I was on the hook with you before, hell I'm still trying to heal from the wound. I love you and I want you, you love me and I know you want me, most of the time, but even when things were great between us you would run. It's what you do when you feel like you are losing control." Shibon wanted to yell and scream and tell her that she was wrong, but she knew that she couldn't. She was telling the truth and Shibon knew it. " Maybe, just maybe you're right, and I am sorry that I hurt you."

" Believe me, it wasn't my intention. The problem is that this time I can't run. I'm not sure if I want to run. I can't explain it, I'm just so wrapped up in my feelings for this woman and I don't know how to pull away. I'm not sure if I can." As Shibon said it she bowed her head and thought about how she left things with Rebecca. Makenzie looked over at Shibon and shook her head. "Wow, I don't know who this chick is, but she has her hooks deep into you. I've never seen you like this. I should be jealous, I am in fact, but I want you to be happy more than anything so I'll give you one piece of advice.

 'Let go.' Shibon looked at her as if she were speaking a foreign language. "What are you talking about Kenz?" Makenzie smiled and finally spoke. "To love is to lose control. It doesn't always make sense, it isn't always logical and it may sometimes upset your world, but it is worth it in the end and you have to trust it enough to accept what is happening. You my friend are a control freak and the thought of losing control gives you hives. So, I say again...Let go."

All Shibon wanted to do was turn around and make things right. All she could think about was pulling Rebecca into her arms and kissing those perfectly soft heart-shaped lips. To have those beautiful eyes look at her the way she knew Rebecca always wanted to look at her. 

She could still taste her lips and at that moment she knew that Rebecca could still taste her blood. Makenzie looked over at her and smiled. Shibon was full of agitation and it wasn't too difficult to anger her today. "What is so funny, might I ask?" Makenzie smiled, but it was a sad smile and as she looked over at Shibon she replied," I hate to break it to you, but… you're in love. I thought that it just wasn't something that you would be capable of. Now I see that it wasn't that you were incapable, you just weren't capable with me."

 Shibon looked over at Makenzie and saw the sadness on her face. She wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know how. " I'm not in love, it's just hard to explain it all. I saw someone that I wanted and I simply can't have her. You know how it is, you always want what you can't have."

Makenzie accepted this explanation or at least she pretended to. "Excuse me, there's someone that you can't have? What, is she married? I Have never known you to have problems in the getting department. Panties fall off for you like leaves in the fall."

 Shibon looked distraught and Makenzie knew that she wasn't ready to talk about it." Ok, if you say so. Now let's enjoy this new restaurant shall we." As she said that Makenzie parked the car and they went inside. Makenzie was always good at covering up her pain when she needed to. When Shibon returned to the office Rebecca wasn't at her desk. For a brief moment, Shibon was concerned that Rebecca had left for good.

 It was rare that Rebecca wasn't at her desk when she entered the office. As she walked back to her desk that's when she read the note." Ms. Mason, I am going to be a little late returning from my lunch hour as I have to secure the gym for tonight."Shibon sat in her chair and thought, "Oh no. I forgot about her training me for the fight." She couldn't help but wonder if she would be able to concentrate on the lesson without wanting to take Rebecca right then and there. She was going to have to.

 It was the only thing she could do for both of their sakes. Around two Rebecca walked into the office and Shibon looked up at her and knew that the evening was going to be difficult. As it was she wanted to run out there now. Rebecca entered her office and sat in front of her. "Yes Rebecca, is there something you needed?" Rebecca looked at her and Shibon knew the moment she said the words what Rebecca was thinking. There was a look of desire in her eyes. She too was fighting the ache that she was feeling. 

"I wanted to tell you the particulars of our appointment tonight. I rented the gym so we would be alone for the night." Shibon looked up at Rebecca when she said that and Rebecca's lips parted just slightly at the look on Shibon's face. " It will be necessary to be alone while training for this fight. We will be able to see it and no one will be around to see it." As Rebecca spoke even though she heard all of the things she was saying, she couldn't help but focus on the fact that they would be alone. As the day wore on, Shibon became more nervous about the alone time with Rebecca.

 She knew she was losing this fight and hoped that she would keep her cool when they were training. At the end of the day, Shibon walked out to Rebecca and smiled. " Well, are you ready for me to kick your butt?" Rebecca looked over at Shibon and smiled, "You wish". As the two headed down in the elevator they both refused to look at each other. Shibon could smell Rebecca's perfume and underneath, just underneath was the faint smell of desire. Shibon spoke without looking at Rebecca, "So I'll need to pick up a few things from my condo. I forgot about the training session so I didn't bring my workout clothes.

 If you'd like you could follow me there." Rebecca looked at her as if trying to decide how she felt about it. " yeah, of course, I'll follow you there and if you'd like we can take my car to the gym." As they arrived at Shibon's condo, they both parked and walked over to the elevator in silence. Shibon put the key in the lock and pushed her floor number and as they stepped into the elevator Shibon knew what she wanted to do. It took everything in her arsenal of restraint not to do what she ached to do. She could feel the incredible ache within Rebecca as well. 

She wasn't doing any better than Shibon. She was holding her own though. As they entered the condo Shibon told her to make herself comfortable and that she would be right out. Shibon retreated into her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She leaned on the door and tried to breathe but it was difficult to navigate her breathing when she felt like she was drowning in desire. She never wanted anyone as much as she wanted Rebecca and the need seemed to be growing, not dissipating.


As Shibon undressed and put her workout clothes on the bed she saw her bedroom door open. She stood there naked when Rebecca entered the room. They simply stared at each other for the longest time and neither spoke a word. Rebecca stared at Shibon from head to foot and licked her lips as she did it. There was no hiding the desire now and it would take the strength of Samson to stop what was boiling between them. Shibon watched as Rebecca walked slowly over to her. Rebecca stood in front of her and slowly reached out with her hand and ran it down Shibon's arm. Shibon closed her eyes and took a deep breath.Rebecca looked up at Shibon and said," You told me that when I was ready, you would always be there. Well, here I am. What would you have of me Luna?"

 Shibon put her hand on the side of Rebecca's face and tugged her head to the side. She could feel the wolf swimming to the surface and she wanted it to. As she pulled her face towards her she reached closer to her and sniffed her neck. It was as if her beast took over, and she was there as co-pilot. When her neck was close enough, she licked it and tasted the salty flavor. When Shibon looked into Rebecca's eyes they had gone completely lava brown. It was the most beautiful thing Shibon had ever seen. 

Shibon looked at her and spoke softly, "It's ok, let go. I am your Luna and your beast is safe with me." As she said it, she could feel her beast emerging and in that moment she reached in and softly kissed Rebecca. Soon the kiss turned into a brush fire of passion. Rebecca let out a soft moan and when Shibon heard this she felt the ache within herself. This was so much more than 

she had ever felt before. Her whole body ached with a need that no one else would have hit the floor. Shibon began to caress her stomach. As the kissing intensified, she began to caress her breast. They were soft and supple.

Shibon pulled away from Rebecca and looked at her," God, you're beautiful." Rebecca smiled at Shibon and slowly licked Shibon's lips. As she continued the kiss she began to forcefully tear the clothes off of Rebecca. Never before had she ever been this forceful with a sexual partner but this time she wanted it rough and she knew Rebecca wanted it too. Once she removed the clothes and discarded them to the floor Shibon stood back and just stared at the naked, beautiful woman who stood before her. There she stood in the silhouette of the night sky. The moon wasn't full but Shibon could tell that the full moon was coming. Rebecca seemed to glow in the moonlight.

Shibon walked closer to her as the moonlight beamed in through the big bay windows of the bedroom. And as she closed the distance between them in a blur of speed she threw Rebecca onto the bed. Laying there looking up at Shibon, Rebecca fought to catch her breath. Not because she was angry, shocked, or afraid, but because her body was thrumming with the anticipation of what was to come. Shibon kneeled over her trembling form and started to run her fingers softly over her warm skin.

 The heat coming off of her body was intense. More intense than a human would be able to stand. Rebecca felt as though she were burning up with a fever and Shibon knew that she felt just as hot. As Shibon touched her smooth skin she began to kiss her breasts and when she reached her nipple she paused there and softly licked the fine point of it. Softly blowing on the nipple until the tip hardened. Rebecca tipped her head back and closed her eyes while licking

 her lips.


Shibon laid on the bed so Rebecca's back was leaned in towards Shibon's stomach. As she kissed her neck, her hands softly made their way down to Rebecca's quivering vagina and as she licked, sucked, and gently bit her ear and neck her fingers slid inside of her. Rebecca let out a moan and she threw her head back in sharp ecstasy. As they rocked back and forth to the tune of their own intimate music they were both breathing hard and fast. Shibon knew that if she kept this up she would bring her and that was not what she wanted to do just yet.
