My vision is hazy. I hear sirens in the distance. The sound appears to be coming closer, but it still sounds distant. I stretch my arm out as I try to claw my way towards the dimming light. However before I'm able to get anywhere, I see a hazy outline of a man standing before me. He's wearing… is that a floral shirt and swim trunks?
The man shakes his head with a heavy sigh and snaps his fingers, and everything changes. We're now sitting in a room, and my vision is restored. Taking a look around, I see what appears to be an office or lounge of some kind.
"Look, before you even begin to question what is happening to you, allow me to explain a few things, alright?" the man I saw earlier explains to me. I nod my head slowly and keep quiet. This man has to be God, right? But since when does God do things personally?
"You can call me Dave, and no I'm not God, well not the God you're thinking of. Anyway, to the meat and potatoes of why you're here, you're dead, Aiden Cloudcrest. I'll offer you an opportunity that I offer to everyone else, but not everyone accepts it. Your choices are as follows: One, accept your death and go through the cycle of Samsara, and be reborn on Earth once your soul is cleansed and you become a blank slate again.
Or option two: you go through something similar to those isekai novels you love so much. If you take this options there's a few caveats you have to understand after accepting. So I'll answer any questions you have before you make your choice."
I gulp nervously as I take in everything he had just said, my throat parched. Wait, can it be parched? Well whatever. I slowly open my mouth, "Wait... I'm dead? But how? I was… wait, why can't I remember?"
Dave sighs before speaking again. "look, you were on your way home from work. You were falling asleep behind the wheel, and the heavy rain didn't help, and you ended up getting t-boned by another car, causing your Hyundai to roll, and because you weren't wearing your seatbelt, you were ejected. Anything else you want to know?"
"Just tell me if my family is fine?" I utter in dismay at the revelation.
"Well, you were 35 and staying with your sister because the economy is trash in your country. In short nothing changes for them. It's just how life is at times. So make your choice" Dave says with a bit of annoyance in his voice.
"I'll take option two… my life… I really didn't do anything with it, I wasted my life and want a chance to do something more with it." I said,taking deep breaths as the realization set in. Dave nods approvingly at this before multiple images appear before my eyes.
"Since you're a history buff, and love fantasy and all that shit. I have three choices here for you. The first choice is Meiji-era Japan, the same one from that anime Ruroni Kenshin you enjoyed as an early teenager. The second choice is ancient China; you can choose any year between the Yellow Turban Rebellion and two years after the emperor Liu Hong died, which would put you one year before the rise of the warlords. The final choice is living in the Second Age of Middle-Earth."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I sat and pondered what felt for a while, but I get the feeling time isn't a concept here. After weighing my choices, I look at Dave and confirm my decision. "I'll take option two, but I have some questions and concerns."
"Of course" Dave says before quickly adding on "I know what you're thinking already. Sure, you'll get one of those fancy systems people want. Let me guess you want a gamer system? Or a lust system? Both?"
"Actually… I have my own idea for the system, if that's alright?" Dave nods noncommittally and gestures for me to continue. Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I look to Dave and start again. "I would like for the system to be somewhat bare-bones. I don't want my hand to be held for everything, and I don't want to be dependent on the system. I know it can be a double-edged sword, and I'm okay with that. I want to be able to see people's stats, but at least for this world, I don't want levels…. wait is this ancient China world similar to actual history or is it some sort of Wuxia or Xianxia world with cultivation and mythical beasts?"
Dave guffaws loudly at my question. "No, it will be a more mundane world. Since you chose to reincarnate into another world, I'll give you a mundane world to learn how to work the system and get yourself situated before throwing you into more supernatural worlds. So I'll allow the system to let you see people's status. However, the status you see from them will differ from when you see your own status. Their status will display their name, and cumulative total. For this world, you will see stats ranging from F- all the way to S+. F- to E is the average grade for a child. E+ to B is the average adult. From B+ to S+ will rank among the elite and legends of the world. You will have to work hard to increase your stats, so what else?"
I then proceeded to tell him that I want to be the son of a destroyed noble house near the Bing province with a complete backstory. I would like a beginner package that includes enough money to manage myself and some relevant skill books that I may need to survive. The skills don't need to be top-grade, but something usable nonetheless.
Dave nods and agrees with my requests, but what he says next shakes me to the core. "Done, however, while you may think gods are omnipotent and omnipresent, most aren't that way in actuality. I on the other hand, am somewhat like that, but to make it entertaining for me while I go on vacation for the first time in ten thousand years, I will make it so you're not restrained by fate, and your new body will not meet the same end that was predetermined for it. Otherwise what would be the point? It wouldn't be fun to see. Since I'm going on vacation, I will limit myself to seeing your future, so while I'm on vacation, I can only see what you do in the present. And don't worry, I won't peek at your more intimate moments, if you can get any" he laughs and snaps his fingers.
The sound of this deity snapping his fingers sounds thunderous in my ears as my vision goes white. The next moment, I find myself in a room on a worn-out bed. I look around and see the impressive architecture. Wow, am I really in ancient China? I take a moment to collect myself and utter a simple word. "Status"
[Name: Peng Xiaotian (Aiden Cloudrest)
Age: 16
Strength: E+
Dexterity: D-
Mind: D
Leadership: C-
Charisma: D+
Overall Assessment: D]