A woman screamed loudly, yet her desperate cries were silenced by the thundering explosions around her.
Her blonde hair was tangled and riddled with debris.
Her clothes were tattered while small bruises riddled her body as dust choked her lungs.
"S-Somebody, please…," she whispered, her voice trembling with pain searing down her legs, which were stuck under a pile of rubble.
She looked around; tall buildings, skyscrapers that once stood as tall as the skies, now had crumbled, burying cars and people beneath them.
Then, she saw him; amidst the pile of rubble was a child, no more than five.
'N-No way…!' she mumbled inwardly, her eyes quivering in dread.
The small child must have fallen down from a building, his head impaled through his eye by an iron bar.
She screamed in horror, shutting her eyes tightly.
'Why is this happening!?' she exclaimed inwardly, tears rolling down her cheeks.
She was just an average waitress, working her best to make it in New York and maybe one day find a man and live happily with him.
Yet here she was, crying for help as she feared for her life.
But just then,
She heard something from behind.
Her eyes snapped open as she craned her neck, but her vision was obstructed by the debris.
She heard the sounds once more; it was loud enough to cut through the chaos around them, sounding as if someone were moving the debris.
The woman's heart thumped against her chest; this is it! This is her chance! This is her chance to get some help!
She parted her lips, her chest swelled as she gasped for air, and
She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her voice was desperate to get their attention.
She screamed once more, 'please…'
Her eyes flickered as hope bloomed in her heart as she trained her eyes on the debris, hoping someone would come to rescue her.
Pain coursed through her legs, but she ignored it as she waited!
She waited, and waited, and waited, yet no one came.
"P-Please ... somebody, help me," she whispered aloud, her voice shaky, her eyes dropping, hope withering on her heart.
But just as she was about to give up,
She heard the sound once again.
"....Huh?" she mumbled out loud, raising her head as she gazed at the front.
The sounds of someone moving the debris echoed through the street.
The sounds grew closer to the woman with each passing second.
"Haha," the woman chuckled in victory, her heart banging against her chest as a single tear of relief flowed down her eye.
She did it! Everything is going to be fine now! They are here!
She will be rescued! And then, she can have her life—
Then, she saw it.
Standing over six feet tall, and a frame that bodybuilders would put to shame, it glared at the woman.
Colour drained from her face, her hands beginning to tremble, 'W-Wha…?'
Her hands began to tremble as she looked at the man. No, it was no man.
Its skin was a sickly shade of grey, stretching over its bulging muscles. And its armour wasn't worn.
It seemed as if the monster was bred for war, as its armour was fused to its body.
It opened its mouth, revealing its grotesque mouth. And then,
A guttural shriek tore through the air, metallic, as if an army of babies were screaming all at once.
'N-No…!' the woman mumbled, while the monster began walking towards her.
The glass shattered beneath its feet, causing the woman to tremble in dread as the monster neared her.
"P-Please…," the woman mumbled, fear gripping her heart, "please, spare me!"
Yet the monster didn't stop; it strode towards the woman, its path unwavering.
'Why is this happening to me!?' the woman exclaimed inwardly, her fear turning into anger.
She was just a normal waitress, no powers! Just a regular human!
She was supposed to grow old! Have kids! Not die like this!
Her body trembled as her eyes widened; the monster was nearing her.
What should she do? She didn't want to die! She wanted to live!
'....I have to get away!' the woman exclaimed inwardly, but alas, it was too late.
The monster reached her; it stood before her, its shadow looming over her, its menacing gaze piercing hers.
The woman's breath hitched as she lowered her gaze, light leaving her eyes, "P-Please…," she whispered once more.
Yet, the monster didn't stop; it raised its arm slowly, as if taunting the woman.
The air seemed to vibrate as it curled its hand into a fist.
With a flicker in its eyes, it was about to bring its fist down on the woman, but,
Something stopped it.
The monster shrieked in rage as it snapped its head around to see who it was, only to see one of its kind.
A frown creased its monstrous face beneath its mask.
It wasn't one of its kind. No, it couldn't recognise it; the hive mind couldn't recognize it.
It was different, with skin and armour as black as midnight and a purple flame dancing on its skin, its gaze devoid of any will.
The monster roared as it clenched its hand, trying to escape from the other one's grip.
But the other one didn't budge an inch; it was as if this one were stronger than the monster.
Just then, cutting through the chaos and the screams of the monster, was a voice.
"Hey, there," the voice said, filled with comfort and security.
"Huh….?" the woman mumbled out loud as she raised her head. She had given up and was waiting for her death when she heard the voice.
And the moment she looked up, "Huh!?" She exclaimed loudly in shock.
The monster that wanted to attack her was being held back by its own kind, just that they had a purple flame over their black skin.
The woman then turned to her right; standing beside her was not a monster but a human.
A man, the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life.
The man was tall, almost as tall as the monsters. His fair skin glistened under the sun while emerald green eyes gleamed purple.
An ever-glowing smile lingered on his face as he looked at the woman and said,
"Hello, beautiful....."