CHAPTER 1~~~~~~~
That was the sound of my pencil ruffling through my book as I was drawing, yep, I was a skilled drawer cause its something I did if Im bored.
My chin was on top my hand which I placed on my desk, I kept drawing to distract myself fron the scenerios all around me. The teacher seemed to be late which was unlikely and weird. So what do you expect a class to teens to do without a teacher?
You got it, fool around, Arghhh!!!
Some girls in a group gossiping and laughing, some boys talking about girls and how they would- I better not say it, and the most outstanding one (sarcasm), was the couple making out at the corner of class, Gosh!!!
At 14, the thought of kissing someone always makes me gag, I was like "Wont they share each other's mouth germs?", yeah I thought of it that way not until I turned 16 last summer, I mean Im not saying I wanna do it sooner, Im just curious how its like and why do people enjoy it so much.
Well Im not finding out anytime soon, cause Im just a single introverted teen girl, Mercedes Smith, average height I think, short haired, brown eyes, and sometimes mistakened as a tomboy well I dont really blame them cause I like wearing baggy clothes atimes,
Sorry for not being such a girly girl🙄(sarcasm).
Back to reality, the whole class was a mess and everyone was not willing to shut it anytime soon.
I so much thanked the heavens as soon as the teacher came in and apologizes for being late, and everything went back to normal and boring, but it was much preferable hearing only the teacher's voice than the before chaotic class.
After class I walked through the hallway, I was wearing a sky blue tshirt and jean jumpers, looking average and simple as always,
"MERCEI!!!!!!", my name echoed through the hallway like there's no tomorrow(expression),
Immediately I could tell who that was,
and its Miley, my best friend.
She waved with a huge smile at me walking to my direction, with her long blonde hair and blue eyes, she was also wearing a cute crop top and jean skirt, and needless to say,
She was the total OPPOSITE of ME!!!!
Miley was prettier, duh, extroverted, loud and has a very great sense in fashion, a very girly girl if you'd ask me, I mean seeing us the first time would be hard to believe we are actually best friends, but we trully are, since from elementary school.
"Hey bestie", she curdled me in a hug,
"Hey bess!" I hugged her back,
"How was class today, hope it wasnt too boring", she asked while taking her phone from her bag,
"It totally was, but what can we do?, only to sit and listen like good teens we are" I rolled my eyes,
"Hahahaha, so true girl, hey Mercei, you know Tiffany right?",
"Umm yeahhh, what about her?", I folded my arms,
"She posted a stupid pic of her dog and got 2 thousand likes!!!" Her tone was mixed with slight anger and frustration,
OF COURSE! I thought to myself,
Miley has a small beef with Tiffany cause she mostly got more likes for posting 'silly things' well according to Miley,
"Hey Girl, forget about her and her dumb pics you know you're way cooler" I smiled positively,
"I know Mercei, but I want other people to know that too, so common lets take a pic together" She held up her phone,
I refused but she gave me this puppy eyes knowing I wont refuse her for long and I eventually gave in,
"Say M&Ms!!!!!!" She instrcted,
Seriously, M&Ms!??
That was the nickname Miley gave us, it was the freaking name of a candy brand its really weird, but hey when you have a bestfriend there are some things you need to withstand no matter how silly it is,
"M&Ms!!" I forged a forced smile and posed with her,
And yeah she posted it and was hopeful to get as much likes as Tiffany.
After school Miley and I walked together, our houses werent that far from the school so it was walkable to go home.
As we were walking we talked as usual, all of sudden I got a notification on my phone so I decided to check it out,
"Is it your mum Mercei?" She asked,
"Oh No its just a notification from Facebook" I raised my phone up showing it to her,
"Wait Facebook???, Mercei what are you, 50?" She gave me a weird and suprised look,
"Its not a big deal Mi"
"Yes it is!!!, no one does Facebook anymore, you should try other apps Mercei" she looked at me seemed concerned about my social life,
"Arggh!! common Mi I dont think so, I mean its no importance anyway" I protested,
"Stop acting like a grandma Mercei, I think its time your bestie helps with that, ohhh I know you should try Omegle" she proposed an idea,
"O-me-Gle??? What the heck is that?" I shot a confused expression at her,
"Well its almost like Facebook, but instead you can see the person you're talking to, like a video chat"
"Hell nauu!, why would I want to video chat strangers Mi?" I folded my arms,
"But you chat with strangers on Facebook right? And the best thing about Omegle is you can skip whoever you dont want to talk to anytime you want" she preached,
"Umm okayyyyy" I stretched it out,
Trust me it was a long talk about it, she told me everything I need I mean I dont need to know, I listened of course, what choice do I have?
We both soon reached our stop point to tell eachother good bye, her house was not close but not too far it was down street, so we had to partways,
We hugged as usual and left eachother after waving.
Later that evening, I was home alone, Im used to it by now, my single mum worked in an office job so she mostly comes home 10:30pm and that time Im in dreamland, but she always checks up on me with a brief call to know if Im alive or not(dont mind me).
I made small pasta for myself for dinner, did all my homework like some nerd, and now Im in my room bored on my bed. I checked the time and it was only 6:30pm, ohhh great.
I decided to stroll to my small chair and table where i keep my laptop, to see if there's anything I can do to kill time.
There was nothing, everything felt the same and boring, I admit I kind of do want something different and new in my normal life but this is the real world, wishes cant be magically happen.
I was about to close my laptop, when I remembered Miley's words today,
"Was it Omega? Darn what was it?" I hit my head a bit trying to remember,
"Omegee-ohhhh its Omegle yeah that word" I finally got the name,
I wanted to just try it before boredom kills me here, so I went to the Website which she explained to me, and I got it.
I opened it and the site rules was you need to be atleast 18 to start video chatting, 'Pfft!' I mean they didnt give birth to me so how would they know anyways, So I clicked I was 18, I read the rules too just to learn more and thank the heavens there's no need for bio or profile its so easy and made me starting to like it.
Just like that I was on Omegle, real crazy, never thought I'd actually do it.
I swiped and was immediately displeased when I saw a middle aged man smiling and waving at me, I felt weird about it but then I quickly remembered I could skip so I did and boom the man's disturbing face was gone, I sighed of relief and it really made me chill knowing I wont see him again.
But it wasnt no good or interesting after that, only saw people I dont like so I skipped and skipped and skipped!
It was getting annoying really, but what did I expect in such a website anyways, I finally made up my mind to do only one more swiping and thats it.
I did and was waiting perfectly for the next person to come up, and wait, honestly I wasnt really expecting it,
It was a young guy, he looked very mysterious with his shoulder length red hair you can tell easily that he dyed it , he had piercings on his ear, he was wearing a black tshirt seemed to have a skull design on it, and his eyes colour were greenish, he looked bad boy-ish,
The only thing was that I couldnt see his full face he was wearing a black facemask and the background looked like his room, with everything black and goth-y,
His hand was under his chin, and we both stared at eachother, guess we were both also waiting for who to talk first, he actually broke the silence and I felt relieved,
"Hey there", he spoke and My goodness, his voice was hot, semi-deep and smooth real smooth,
"H-hi", oh no why did I stammer?,
Maybe cause his eyes felt like it was piercing my soul,
"Whats your name?" His voice lingered through my ears, still mystirious,
"Im Mercedes" I uttered,
"Mercedes!? Let me guess you probably have a sibling named Bently?" He raises an eyebrow,
"Haha very funny" I rolled my eyes,
He chuckled,
"Relax Im kidding, your name is pretty cute" , when he complimented my name I felt warm inside for some unexplainable reason,
"Im Travis by the way" he moves some strands of his hair that was blocking his eye,
"N-nice to meet you Travis", not again with the stammer, gosh!
"Cool, but you look pretty young tho, how old are you?" His question was tough,
"Im 16" I eventually told him,
"Woah Woah!!! dont you know you must be atleast be 18 to be here"
"Yeah but I was just bored and-uh"
I had no proper explaination,
"And you what? Decided to talk to people you dont know?" feels like he was jugding,
"Common dont be mean"
"Im not mean, Im only pointing out that fact, but who am I to jugde its a free world" his words were mixed with so much mystery and with that voice of his it made it worst,
I felt like he was studying me with those green eyes of his as there was silence between us, I froze and wondered what he thought of me, he knows Im young so will he judge me more again?
"How old are you?" I gathered the courage and asked him,
"Why do you wanna know?"
"Well cause I told you mine so it would be fair if you told me yours"
"Ha!!!, I see what you doing here, hey are you on any other social app?" I felt he was trying to dodge my question,
"If I say yes, will you tell me your age?"
He looked at me a bit,
"Fine I will"
"Umm Im on Facebook?"
"Facebook?? Who the fuck uses Facebook these days?"
"Common its not that bad I think, Im not a social type of girl" I admitted
"I can see that" he scanned me once more and I felt embarrased and tried not to show it, "Try downloading Whatsapp at least so you can give me your number and we could talk more" ,
"You mean like right now?"
"Obviously" he rolled his eyes,
I sighed and hestitated a bit but agreed, so I took my phone and downloaded the App, and right after I was done I gave it to him, my number,
"There you have it now, So can you tell me your age now?"
"Youre not giving that up, arent you?"
"Nope!" I stood my ground,
"Im 18", right after he said that I actually felt relieved, at least his not in his mid twenties or something,
"Happy now"
"Hahaha! You interest me, Im willing to get to know you cheeky girl"
"Cheeky?? Im not cheeky" I frowned,
"Whatever you say Cutie" Oh Dear Lord, did he just call me Cutie, why was I blushing so hard, we literally just met,
"Dont blush too hard, your cheeks might fall out, anyways I have to go do something but Ill chat you later, take care girlie and you should probabky log off too, so other guys wont make blush" he winked at me, waved and just like that he was logged off and gone, I finally came back to my senses and was I drolling over a guy I just met on Omegle, Pfft no way common he's still a stranger and-
Oh No I Gave him My Number!!!
Now it really got to me, what was I thinking? Was it right? He's a hot- I mean he's a mysterious stranger and I havent even seen his full face yet,
Okay Mercei calm down, breath, think positively, you can get to know him and you both might actually become friends maybe, I calmed myself and hopefully Ill be right,
Ill just have to wait and see...