Uncle Ben, my aunty's husband came back this evening and met all his children in sulking moods. That is, all except Kanyira, the little devil.
Sometimes, I wonder who that girl thinks she is. Granted, she is half my age and kids tend to throw unnecessary tantrums, but when she sets out to make you suffer, she does it with perfection. Even her siblings find her annoying most times.
I haven't found a perfect way to teach her a lesson, probably because she always does what mommy says.
Anyway, I don't think uncle Ben is really worried about his other kids. Aunty obviously punished them in my absence because they have been throwing murderous glances at me, with the exception of Sunday who is more angry at Sommy than me.
As I was preparing dinner, I was humming to myself, at peace. I served dinner later, and was hovering around to make sure everyone was satisfied when Uncle Ben dropped the news I was hoping to hear.
"Bright Future Academy has accepted Somto into their school. She will begin next term."
I frowned. I thought they said I will be going to Peace Makers College? Bright Future Academy (BFA) is the school the twins attend. We finished our BECE exams last session and since my former school has this rule of seniors living in the hostel, my guardians has no choice but to change my school.
Sommy is frowning heavily. She definitely does not want me to go to their school. For once, I agree perfectly with her.
My aunty voiced my thoughts, "BFA? I thought we agreed on PMC?"
"I know but they said they already have more than enough students, so that means..."
"More than enough students? What nonsense is that?" aunty asked, her fork midair.
Uncle Ben merely shrugged, "it's what they said."
"And why BFA? Surely there are other schools..." my aunty started.
"Really, and which do you have in mind?" Uncle Ben is already tired of all the questions.
I can tell he's getting angry. He pushed back his collar, something he does only when he is angry or sometimes, worried. And he always wears clothes with collars.
Aunty obviously saw the sign cause she stopped talking but Sommy is far from satisfied.
"Dad, I don't want her to attend our school. She can go to a public school for all I care."
"Keep quiet and eat your food," he replied angrily.
Sunday didn't even talk. I know he couldn't have cared less on whether I attend their school or not.
Aunty quickly glanced at me. She sent me to the inbuilt kitchen to get the pot down from the gas cooker. We both know there is no pot on the gas cooker but like I said, she would rather die than see her children scolded in front of me.
I went inside the kitchen and sat on one of the kitchen stools. If given the chance, my aunt and uncle will not hesitate to send me to the worst school they can think of but I am smarter than that.
When my parents died three years ago in a plane crash, they left enough wealth to feed three generations. Thank God my father left a will before his death although he died at a young age.
He wrote the will when he and mum found out they couldn't have more children. My uncle, dad's immediate younger brother was asked to take care of me according to the will.
They had written that should anything happen to them, I was to be given the best education with the money they had acquired all these years. But my guardians refused to send me to school for a whole term.
Annoyed, I ran away from home and with the money I took from them, I went straight to Abuja where my mum's elder sister lives with her family. Because of my frequent visits there, I was conversant with the place.
I did not go to my aunt's house first. Rather, I went straight to the lawyer's firm to tell him all that was happening. He then took me to my aunt's house and began to fight my guardians legally.
With the shock of my action and the lawyer's threats, they quickly begged for forgiveness, promising to treat me right. I was told to return.
I would have refused but for the fact that my mother's sister was barely making ends meet with her husband, two kids (who are darlings), and her mother in law. So, I returned home.
I insisted that my uncle should be giving my mom's sister monthly allowance since he's managing my parent's assets untill I'm done with my university education and, through the lawyer, my wish was granted.
I was later enrolled into a private school where I struggled to meet up. It wasn't easy but I was able to sail through by the grace of God.
And now, I will be going to BFA, where the twins attend.
As I sit here thinking about it, I realized it's not such a bad idea. At least, it will give me the chance of getting to know what they do in school and more importantly, to find out who this handsome boy everyone is dying for is.
Today is Friday. Kanyira woke up with a stomach ache. I was asked to go and buy the drugs our family doctor prescribed for her at a nearby chemist's shop.
Aunty and uncle were dressed up before I left which means they will be going for a meeting at dad's company few miles away from home where Uncle Ben is now the CEO.
As I made to leave the house, Sommy said she wants to accompany me. She must have other plans because last time I checked, we no longer go out together.
As we were going down the street, she took the route that leads to Rejoice's house. I think she is going to chew out her friend. I rolled my eyes, wondering how long I have before she finds out what I did.
I reached the chemist's shop and bought the required drugs. As I was coming out, I saw a girl enter the shop and I paused to stare at her. It's not unusual to see a girl enter a chemist's shop, just that there is something so familiar about her.
I was still mulling over her until I saw two figures matching towards me. It's my cousin and her friend, anger visibly written on their faces.
"Somto!" Sommy called, "wait right there."
I turned towards them and waited, looking as if I had no time to waste.
They stopped few steps from me, hands akimbo in an identical manner.
"Rejoice told me that you went to her house yesterday and told her that I sent you to collect mum's ring from her. When did I tell you that?" she asked.
I waited for about five seconds then said, "that's a whole lot of telling."
Sommy became furious. She tried to come near me with the intent of fighting me but her friend held her back.
"Don't, Sommy. This fool doesn't deserve it. Just be warned, the next time you try such rubbish on us again, you will not live to regret your actions," she threatened.
I did not reply rather I stood there, unconcerned as I stared at both of them.
"And to think that she will start schooling at B.F.A." Sommy said with contempt.
"What!" Rejoice exclaimed, eyes wide with shock.
"Did I not tell you? This basketful full of stupidity will start school in B.F.A next week."
I was boiling inside of me. I wanted to hit both of them knowing fully well that none of them are my match when it comes to fighting, but I held myself back aware that if I lose my cool, it will only make them happier. So I stood there, taking all the insults.
"Don't your parents know that only people with class attend B.F.A? How will this classless thing fit in?"
Okay, this is all I can take. I may not be able to fight them but I can talk.
"Class? Would you please explain that? No, don't. I think I know what people of class mean. Maybe they are those people who stoop so low as to lusting after a guy who doesn't know that they exist."
"They are those people who will willingly trade their mother's ring for a chance to date a guy who can't stand to look at you because of your ugly nature, hoping foolishly that he would give you a ring of your own, or wasn't that what you were thinking Sommy dear, when you gave your friend your mom's ring?"
I looked at their faces with satisfaction, noting the shock on their faces. They obviously think that I don't know the details of their deal.
"Well, if that is the people of class that you talk about, then surely, when I tell aunty of your "deal" I am sure I will belong to your class, won't I?" I asked sweetly.
They exchanged quick glances and Sommy's tongue darted out to lick her lower lip.
"You wouldn't dare to do that," Sommy said, trying to sound bold. "Besides there is nothing wrong with saying things. All we did was talk."
"Mmm hmm, I suppose all you did was talk with Fred and with Chris, oh and with Nnanna".
I am thoroughly enjoying myself as I watched my cousin practically squirm.I know that nothing serious happened between Sommy and those boys, just one or two dates, but one date is enough to get you into hot pepper with aunty. Even Sommy knows this.
"How did you find out?"
"Do I look like a fool?" I replied with wide innocent eyes.
"Look, I'm sure you will not tell your aunty anything or else..."
I froze Rejoice with a deadly stare, showing how serious I am.
"I wasn't talking to you."
It seems like they have both realized the seriousness of the situation because Sommy, a whole Sommy, started begging.
"Look, please don't tell mum on me. You know you are my cousin and my best friend so please..."
"Ex best friend," I corrected coldly then added with a lighter voice, "but of course there will be no need of telling aunty unless you give me a reason to. If so, well...bye."
I walked away with a wave of my fingers. The message has been passed.