Darkness flooded all there was to be. A simple infinite expanse of... dark.
Directly in the center of this dark realm floated an entity. A singular... The singular existence, was toiling with power itself.
The one living life form had the one singular source of light warping around in it's grasp.
The light stemming from this source shone brilliantly on the singularity's form, growing brighter and brighter by the second.
The entity's physical body, consisting of soft fleshy tissues and malleable plastic extremities.
A garble of something foreign escaped from the creature as the light pulsated rhythmically...
The very first sounds ever, and the very last of this era.
A stream of incoherent noises, indecipherable to the vast majority of life that would succeed this moment...
But there would be one that would remember these noises, and one that would carry them into a new age.
The ball of light pulsated with one last burst of energy.
Taking in the scene before it as it was ingrained into it's very fabric.
The meaning of the sounds rung for eternity.
"Manifest beauty, O' brilliant one."
Darkness reigned supreme, an ancient and chaotic presence awakening within it.
It had not yet opened its senses to this new thing called life, it's existence lying in a limbo state.
But that wasn't for long.
A stream of energy jolted forward into the pervading darkness, lighting things up ever so slightly.
This, stream of energy, was a thought.
The presence had effectively gone on to produce thought.
The first thought to ever be... thunk?
In this moment, there was no sense of grammar, nor communication, nor any sense of stability in general.
Writing was not conceptualized, nor was information itself. Senses in themselves were not fully realized, this newborn entity only just beginning to pave the way for all that would succeed it.
And that way was fully realized in an instant.
The creature that was only a ball of light, expanded rapidly. It's blue light spread, encroaching upon the darkness.
Time was not an aspect, nor was speed, not even distance. It was a confusing sight... The entity's light brightened up everything there was to be in a singular instant.
Darkness existed no more.
Was that... Was that it's goal?
It did not feel like it was.
What was it's goal again exactly?
Manifest beauty.
From the center of the brightness, darkness once more sprouted.
Rapidly, the entity was evolving, creating new pathways, as brilliant ideas spurted into it all at once.
It did not know where they originated, nor where they ended, but they were all welcomed with love.
Love? What exactly was that?...
It caught a glimpse of the future, a time in which creatures were pushed forward by this thing called love, reaching for it with all they could.
But... future? Time?
It was all hard to comprehend, but it was happening quicker than one could realize.
Darkness spread out everywhere, the presence straining itself as concepts tumbled around in a new thing that It had just now fully realized.
The mind.
It had one of those, and it was being pushed to limits.
Limits... It had those as well!
But, limits were hindering. Maybe it was a lapse of judgement creating these "limits".
No, it wasn't.
Limits were just for... Everything but, It!
Therefore, it's limit had to cease existing, so that It's goals could be fully realized.
And it was as simple as that.
But still!
The mind! Limits! These were beautiful things! Now to proliferate more of them! Countless thoughts were proliferating throughout It's evolving mind.
Time! Life! Death!...
Space, order! Throughout the darkness that spread across the bright expanse, lines of color and energy spread thin. Countless, line after line, thin, snaking, and powerful!
These lines wrapped around each other, as the countless concepts hiding within It's mind were fully established.
Beauty rang loud as sound traveled through these lines of energy before they sunk beneath the lights and darks.
In the infinite darkness, the few remaining particles of light started to shift.
The lights moved! And, time moved as well...
Then, BOOM.
A wave of... shock? Emanated throughout everything as these countless particles exploded outwards, huge and thick energies roiling out.
Gaseous clouds appeared within the darkness as physical matter came to exist.
It was... beautiful.
A disorderly order, where things were only just getting started.
Time was something slow moving, but speed was malleable to It.
In a blink...
What exactly was that? Ah, who knows...
But that was all it took.
One "blink" of time, and these gaseous energies condensed. A hierarchy was fully established in this thing.
In this... Universe.
Stars were small specks of light, some bigger than others and some infinitely tinier. But there were an unidentifiable number of them.
They were often spread out, but some clustered together, spinning around each other beautifully as they contained a sort of field that pulled them towards one another.
Spreading awareness, it was clear that these tiny specks followed an order. They were present within boundaries, clustering together in areas filled to the brim with these lights.
These galaxies were much larger clumps of light, emanating an interesting power, colossal energies contained within.
But only colossal to the small specks of course.
To It, these galaxies were interesting small disks.
Unlike the stars, the galaxies were able to exist independently of a boundary. Individually existing in randomized locations, some even existing alongside another.
Analyzing this beautiful, beauty... It was filled with a sense of... feeling.
Realization struck deep.
Feeling was so beautiful!
Conscience boomed forth, minds awakening within all the specks of light, greater consciousnesses awakening within the galaxies.
Two new, but drastically different types of minds came into existence. Star entities, with brains that let them perceive themselves. Then, Galactic consciousness, with far more... Mental power, then the star counterparts.
Looking further on, things had become incredibly beautiful to It.
But it did not feel done!
Time seemed to moved, and It grew more and more yearning.
Ideas! Ideas!
They sprouted left and right.
Left and right!
Right as in, correct!
Space... Measurement...
Ah! There was so much.
And then!
There was another blink!
Everything had grown a lot more beautiful as more ideas had been realized.
The hierarchy became heavily influenced, time still slowly moving as It's mind felt feelings!
Stars were not the smallest dots any longer. There existed, worlds, planets. Dots even smaller than the minuscule stars. Entities that were far dimmer, and filled with less energy.
The field around these worlds were far smaller than those of the stars, allowing for them to easily be swallowed by star fields as they were forced to swing around the specks, unwillingly.
In the right condition, these worlds could give way to even smaller units of the hierarchy! Even smaller specks that had minds just like the colossal worlds and stars that they could hardly compare to.
It had come to call all of these things...
Widening the view, It went beyond the stars, and beyond the galaxies.
Now, galaxies tended to pull towards one another, sharing massive fields countless times larger than a stars. Cluster of galaxies existed, adding to the hierarchy.
The Universe. Universe was the culmination of everything, but it was not beautiful enough!
Therefore... why not add more?
The Universe had become like a galaxy, it's powerful mind sprouting a boundary. And then, the conscious split itself.
The universe cloned itself, time moved as the new seperate entities cloned themselves.
Universe after universe sprouted up, as universal clusters came to be, a familiar darkness filling the spaces between these universes.
Then, an even greater conscience sprouted.
A boundary had spread, and a reality was formed.
Then, it split.
Time didn't slow, nor did it accelerate.
It watched with a love-filled gaze. The original reality went on to split once more, following a linear path of division.
While the second followed another line!
This reality did not split itself apart, but instead splitting into layers.
One large reality existed, but two versions of it existed within one.
Then, it split, and another layer appeared. Then, it split, and two halves separated, both having three layers. Then, they both split, four layers spawning in one, as the three layered counterpart split once more.
It, watched.
It, had manifested greatness.
Everything was beautiful.
Time continued to move.
As it did so, more ideas sprouted.
As they did, It's mind continued to grow stronger.
Then, during this point in time, the presence had felt it's feelings overflow.
With a burst, a wave of energy spread throughout all there was to be, with a sound accompanying it.
None of the life forms of varying ages could understand the jumble of noises, but it's source did.
It was the laughter of existence...