8 years later. Amongst the cluttered buildings, there was activity in one of them. A nun-like middle aged woman was going around the room, brushing past the small kids sitting on their desks. On one such desk was sitting a dark haired boy with an average but rough looking complexion, and as such his gaze was aimlessly wandering through the windows of the old room.
He sighed to himself. 'Uh.. This place is too.. boring. I would have been watching that new anime long ago, if it wasn't for my dumb decision of staying up late. Well, atleast this place is not too harsh as to harming me. These impoverished women are just teaching all these kids how to serve and be subservient to Noble People whom they may be working for later if they are lucky, as being a slave somewhere else was much worse.' Sam tries to contemplate deeply about the situation of it all. Then his eyes shone with a vigor to one such thought. 'As old and medieval fantasy like world I have reincarnated into, may be, it is boring enough. But still, there was one thing I am excited about which was this World's Magic!.. or whatever it is here.'
That's right, this old medieval fantasy like world that Sam reincarnated into, he had observed throughout the years the mysterious energies of it. Women in the buildings using little bits of magic for their chores. Wierd and Unrealistic creatures flying and running by sometimes, while thrashing their tails with booms of energies. The most alluring sight was when the Guards of the place used to swing their swords filled with red, blue or green coloured energies, sometimes lightning, ice or fire, which always peaked Sam's interest.
'But obviously none of the geezers are going to tell me about any of it, after all I'm a kid. They think so little of me huh... Including me with the group of kids who bob their heads just to earn favours from the ones around them. Well, I'm fucking bored, and I have kept up with this bullshit for so long. Doing their handy work, learning shit on how to clean the asses of rich kids.'
While he was thinking about his seemingly cruel situation, the lesson of the woman ended as the kids started excitedly bustling out of the place.
'Urgh... That's it, I'm getting out of here even if I have to fend for myself after it. Hm... Heard there's a merchant carriage coming in tomorrow...'
A few days later, a big row of carriages were travelling through the noble county and stopped at an open-space district. A small rough looking boy slipped out through one of the carriages before anyone even got out to have a cheer on reaching there. The boy ran quickly and then into an alleyway. After being relieved of being far from his seemingly travellers of the road, the first thing the boy did was... Crack his back.
'Ah.. Shit. That carriage was so packed with stuff, I don't even know how I managed in that. Well, it looks like this small body finally came in use huh. Anyways, Finally, at last I'm Free... Not. I guess I'll have to look by for myself or something. This hellish reincarnation.' Sam thinks while trying to find his way out of the alleyway. He finally made it out in a place that was too crowded.
'Oh.. so this is the commercial district of the county that those mercenaries were babbling about. Well it's good to finally explore this world freely.'
Sam squeezed through the bustling crowd of the district. Hawkers and Vendors all around the edges of the streets, blocking some buildings with their makeshift stalls. Sam looked at every little trinket and things they were selling in the market with quite an interest, it's not everyday you get to just wander through a fantasy world.
Magical gems, ores, A mana staff, a gauntlet radiating a misty energy, a sword vibrating towards people, funky looking orbs, various coloured pills, Guns... Guns! 'Wha-What?!' Sam instantly turned around to see the man selling a sleek black piece of weapon. It looked out of place amongst all the other different things either radiating some form of energy or just being something out of a fantasy. 'What the hell... What is this world? Guns? I thought this was just a simple medieval fantasy like world filled with magic. But Guns out of the blue?! So wierd...'
The middle aged, all hunkered up and burly man looked at the roughed up young kid gawking at the products like he'll swallow it. The man bluntly lashed, "Shoo away kid. I got enough wierdos at my place. Now go before I have to do it myself, or bring your daddy or something. Hmph." He grunted out while putting his arms on each other in a stance.
"Oh... Yeah I was just looking at this.. black piece of weapon. Do you know anything about it?" Sam asked earnestly while wondering if the man even knew what a gun was.
"Oh yeah.. This fine piece that can blast off any geezer from blocks away. Yeah, it's my finest and most prominent weapon. I had to do a lot of gambling and saving up just to get it, you know those southern people didn't bring a lot of it to give out. Anyways, it's not for sale boy, so go away. It's to attract some rich people. And well if anyone got the guts to steal it, then try it boy, you will get zapped by the talisman seal I put over it. Haha. But seriously though, you are holding the place for another one of those commoners to buy my stuff." He said while affirming his stance and glaring at sam.
'Geez so rude.' Sam instantly started skipping over while trying to avert his gaze at the solid encased thing. 'The southern people, huh... Well I gotta get more know-how about this world..'
Taverns. The one place where people from any community or ethnicity can gather up together to have a chat or two over the exciting amount of drinks. Where the drunkards will usually blabber out their worries, frustrations and maybe some secrets. Sam stood infront of the biggest one he could find in the whole commercial district.
'Well I have to do this one way or the other. Let's see.. I hope I can get something. Maybe the bartender will let a kid like me stay for a bit.' Sam entered the Tavern and was surprised by the whole ruckus and how full the bar was. He somehow squeezed his way through some smelly bellies and clothes. He stood in the corner and promptly sat himself down on the nearest empty table.
'Hahh.. Fucking Hell. This crowd is really suffocating for such a little kid like me. Hell reincarnation, giving me nothing but boredom and hell for a always-in-his-room loner like me.' Sam started looking up from his empty table to the more filled and perky tables. With Adventurers, snake people, Lizard People, People, Beggars and choosers, brazen of activity as the helpless bartenders tries to help them all. It wasn't long until his ears subconsciously picked up on the conversation of a table near him.
A big fat man burped loudly while slamming the jug he just downed. "Pshh... Ahhh... Motherfucker this beer is good. Hahahaha. When did this shitty tavern ever start making these? Hah well not that I care."
The sneaky guy next to him jeered, "They didn't make it dumbo. Remember that our senile Emperor finally opened up with those 4 continents. Yeah.. this trashy beer is from the southern ones, fucking trying to buy their way in."
Another short guy matched the angered man, "Yeah I can't even believe the old bastard did that. Why haven't they replaced him with.. uh... One of his older sons you know. At least one of them would have been in the right mind to know how Great our Continent is for them maniacs to be let in. I tell ya, they don't listen to us people no more."
A woman at the table smacked the short guy and said, "Shut up you dork, you know nothing. Besides what's the worse that could happen, I mean they are just bringing a few harmless people in, Right? And Also look at the new trade routes, and the gifts they are bringing to the people. It's time our Empire went for a change Right Guys?"
The sneaky guy replied while slamming the table, "Nah, no way! I don't trust anyone from those four continents. They just coming here to leech off us since they couldn't keep their own lands good. And I especially can't even trust our own emperor since he's even starting to let some of those people in our Fate Selections, like have some sense alright."
"Hahaha.. calm down man. It's not like they are gonna start murderin' us off, you know. Besides you and me can take off any one of them. Well, still I like the southern continent people more with the beer they are bringing us. Hah, I say let them bring more." The fat guy patted the one who yelled, and then downed another jug.
"You become somethin' huh when drunk. Hehe. Not that I mind." The woman said while sneaking her hands in his pockets.
'What the actual hell... Is going on in this world?? Continents? Bringing people? Oh my... This world.. or continent is in even more deep shit that I could care for. Hahh... Looks like it's gonna take me some time to settle in this Hellish reincarnation!' Sam sighed while slamming his head on the table.