The summary of Act 1: Part 1 {The anomalous Glitch}
{Introduction}: An inferior Patch of Heroes.. Or perhaps what they are called as in the world of their living were currently in a meeting as they were assigned with a mission.
There are main character(s) in this story. And it revolves around a patch of an infamous group of heroes. Mostly, the story revolves around a character known for his dark, mysterious and high intellectual capacity in this story. Seko Ikara.
{Context): They (The Hero Group) are currently in their provided section of office given by 'The Union of Universe' (A lame named hero association who checks the overall stability of the universe including Time, Space, Causality, Reality, Continuity and lots of factors affecting the existence and inexistence of the Universe). They are discussing the case they were given to investigate. The captain, Black dragon sitting with his left leg on his right leg like a boss. Seko Ikara, the vice captain sitting with a hunched back, his face dark, mysterious, and disinterested. Atama, The Intellect of the group sitting, pressured with a palm on his face and his hair messy. Kiyomi, eating a sweet, lost in her own world, her hair well set and cute. Satoshi hayato, Reading a book about Justice as always.
{Story and Dialogue exchange}
Seko Ikara (Vice captain): *Sits silent and mysterious, waiting for others to speak*
Black Dragon (The captain): Did you find any clues? Atama?
Atama: *rubs his face, lets out a sigh before slumping a bit*… Yeah. But I am unable to understand why a glitch appeared out of nowhere.
Black Dragon: *sighs* Aren't you supposed to be the 'Greatest Intellect of Century'? *mockingly, envious and frustrated*
Atama: What about you?! Weren't you supposed to be the Strongest Anorph-
Black Dragon: Hold it right there *menacingly*
Satoshi hayato: *stoic and mature* Doing that to your own teammate is not Justice-
Kiyomi: Guys! Stop it!
Seko Ikara: *silent… Doesn't want to get into any arguments*
Atama: *sighs while facepalming himself and lifting up his neck*… Gosh! Why is it so complicated?
Kiyomi: What is complicated?
*as soon as Kiyomi says that, Every group member turns to her in unison . While Seko slumps a bit*
Atama: What. The Hell. Were you. Doing. While. The discussion was going on?!!
Kiyomi: *gives a nervous smile* Sowwy~ *says in a cute tone. Trying to calm Terra down*
**A loud explosion**
Atama: That was within the 5133 possibilities I have thought about today!
Seko Ikara: Yeah… We all over think, no thanks. *Grabs his weapon*
Kiyomi: *chuckles to herself and summons her staff*
*Atama Suits up to his armor, while Black dragon glows parts of his body into a bright shade of fiery-orange. Satoshi Hayato closes his book and gets ready for the battle*
Satoshi hayato: May the Goddess of Justice bless us to accomplish her task. *He joins his hands, before The Group leave to encounter the threat, in unison*
**They all exit the complex, at the entrance is a beautiful woman, she is covered in blood… But it wasn't her blood in fact**
Atama: Who are yo-
**Black Dragon, wasting no time, he attacks the woman, but she blocks the attack nevertheless**
Black Dragon: *shouts menacingly* WHO ARE YOU?!!!!
**Atama opens his mini-book to write down the act**
Atama: *writes while reading aloud with an annoyed-obvious expression*
-Tips by Black Dragon of what NOT to do:
27) When you don't even know what happened or who attacked or why they did, Just blindly attack them before you could get answers *smiles mockingly-pleasant*
**Black Dragon and the unknown woman fight each other nevertheless.. Black Dragon fights with his bare fists while the unknown woman uses her fists Gloves**
**Black Dragon fights, his attacks burst opponents with explosive energy, mostly for offense. He goes for a blow on her knee but she blocks it by skillfully moving her knee in the same direction. Black Dragon goes for her left side of abdomen, she gets hit**
??? Woman: *grunts in pain as Black Dragon goes for another move to end her. Satoshi Hayato intervenes*
Satoshi Hayato: We need answers-
Atama: Too late, Black Dragon. Another 'Glitch' Appeared in the world complex. We have to go there.
Black Dragon: But we can leave this woman here, She is dangerous.
*she grunts in rage and pain*
Seko Ikara: *without a word steps forward towards the woman. He looks at her with a calm, neutral, and mysterious expression*
Atama: We can count on him. (Says that just because he is more interested in knowing about 'The Glitch')
Black Dragon: *places a hand on Seko, both facing opposite direction to each other*
-If she harms any innocent *his eyes go bright orange as he says*.. Kill her.
**Black Dragon opens a portal for himself to reach the location, Atama uses his suit to fly to the location using anti-gravity, Kiyomi flies along with Satoshi using magic**
Seko Ikara: *unsheathes his weapon surging with shadow energy*… Are you here on any evil purpose?
End Of Chapter One