1. A Troubled Summer & Dobby's Warning
After an exciting first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter returns to Privet Drive, where he is once again treated cruelly by the Dursleys. They lock his school supplies in the cupboard under the stairs and forbid him from discussing magic. His best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, haven't sent any letters all summer, making Harry feel abandoned.
One evening, while the Dursleys entertain an important dinner guest, a strange creature appears in Harry's room—Dobby the house-elf. Dobby warns Harry that he must not return to Hogwarts because of an impending disaster. Harry insists he must go back, but Dobby starts making trouble, using magic to ruin the dinner.
As punishment, Uncle Vernon locks Harry in his bedroom, vowing to keep him trapped until summer ends. Days later, Ron, Fred, and George Weasley arrive in a flying car and rescue Harry, bringing him to The Burrow, their warm and chaotic family home.
2. Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley & The Malfoys
At The Burrow, Harry experiences a real loving family life with the Weasleys. Soon, they travel to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies. However, when using Floo Powder, Harry accidentally ends up in Knockturn Alley, a sinister marketplace for dark magic. He hides in Borgin and Burkes, where he overhears Lucius Malfoy selling suspicious magical artifacts to avoid Ministry raids.
Hagrid finds Harry and takes him to Diagon Alley, where he reunites with Hermione and meets Gilderoy Lockhart, a famous wizard author. Lockhart, a narcissistic show-off, is introduced as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
At Flourish and Blotts bookstore, tensions rise when Draco Malfoy insults Hermione, calling her a Mudblood (a slur for Muggle-borns). Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley fight, and during the scuffle, Lucius discreetly slips a mysterious book into Ginny Weasley's cauldron.
3. The Whomping Willow & The Writing on the Wall
On September 1st, Harry and Ron miss the Hogwarts Express when the barrier at King's Cross Station mysteriously refuses to open. Desperate, they use the flying Ford Anglia to reach Hogwarts but crash into the Whomping Willow, damaging Ron's wand.
Soon after, an ominous message appears on the school wall:
"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware."
Next to it, Mrs. Norris (Filch's cat) is found petrified. The school is thrown into fear as rumors about the Chamber of Secrets resurface.
4. The Legend of the Chamber of Secrets
In a History of Magic lesson, Professor Binns tells the class about the legend of Salazar Slytherin, one of Hogwarts' founders. Slytherin believed only pure-blood wizards should be allowed at Hogwarts, and when the other founders disagreed, he left the school—but not before creating the Chamber of Secrets, where he hid a deadly monster.
The Heir of Slytherin is the only one who can open the Chamber and control the creature to purge the school of Muggle-born students.
5. The Mystery Deepens: Harry Hears Voices
As weeks pass, Harry begins hearing whispering voices in the walls, which no one else can hear. Soon after, Colin Creevey, a first-year student who idolizes Harry, is petrified. Dumbledore and McGonagall grow increasingly concerned, but they cannot stop the attacks.
During dueling club, Harry faces Draco Malfoy, who summons a snake. When the snake moves toward another student, Harry instinctively speaks Parseltongue, stopping the attack. The students are horrified, as only dark wizards—including Slytherin himself—are known to have this ability. Harry is now suspected to be the Heir of Slytherin.
6. Polyjuice Potion & Spying on Malfoy
Determined to find the real Heir of Slytherin, Harry, Ron, and Hermione brew Polyjuice Potion, allowing them to disguise themselves as Crabbe and Goyle (Draco Malfoy's friends).
While impersonating Draco's henchmen, they question him about the attacks. Draco denies being the Heir but reveals that the Chamber was last opened 50 years ago, leading to the expulsion of a student. Meanwhile, Hermione accidentally turns into a cat-human hybrid due to a mistake in the potion.
7. Tom Riddle's Diary & Hagrid's Secret
Harry finds an old diary belonging to Tom Riddle, a former student from 50 years ago. The diary is blank, but when Harry writes in it, Riddle's memory shows him a flashback where Hagrid was accused of opening the Chamber.
Soon after, Hermione is petrified while holding a page about Basilisks in her hand. This clue reveals the monster is a giant snake, which moves through the school's pipes and can kill with its gaze.
8. Aragog & The Forbidden Forest
Following Hermione's clue, Harry and Ron visit Hagrid, who cryptically tells them to "follow the spiders." They venture into the Forbidden Forest, where they meet Aragog, Hagrid's enormous talking spider.
Aragog reveals that Hagrid never opened the Chamber—and that the true monster is not a spider but something much worse. Before they can learn more, the other acromantulas try to eat Harry and Ron, forcing them to escape in the flying car.
9. The Final Message & Ginny's Kidnapping
The attacks escalate, and Ginny Weasley goes missing. A chilling message appears on the walls:
"Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever."
Harry and Ron realize Moaning Myrtle was the girl who died 50 years ago. Using this clue, they find the entrance to the Chamber in her bathroom.
10. The Battle in the Chamber of Secrets
Harry speaks Parseltongue to open the entrance, leading to a deep underground chamber. There, he finds Ginny unconscious and meets Tom Riddle, who reveals himself as Lord Voldemort's younger self.
Riddle explains that his diary is a Horcrux, a fragment of his soul, and that he used it to control Ginny into opening the Chamber. He then summons the Basilisk to kill Harry.
At the last moment, Fawkes the Phoenix arrives, blinding the Basilisk and dropping the Sorting Hat in front of Harry. Inside the hat, Harry finds the Sword of Gryffindor and uses it to kill the Basilisk. However, its venomous fang pierces Harry's arm.
Before succumbing to the venom, Harry stabs the diary with a Basilisk fang, destroying Riddle's soul fragment and breaking Ginny's curse. Fawkes' tears heal Harry, and they escape.
11. Dumbledore's Return & Lucius Malfoy's Defeat
Dumbledore congratulates Harry on his bravery and confirms that Ginny was being controlled by the diary. Lucius Malfoy arrives, furious about Dumbledore's return. Harry realizes that Lucius planted the diary on Ginny to frame Arthur Weasley.
Harry tricks Lucius into freeing Dobby(House elfs are freed when their master gives them cloaths) by giving him a sock, severing Dobby's servitude to the Malfoys.
12. The Year Ends
With the diary destroyed, all petrified students are healed, and Hogwarts celebrates. Hagrid is released from Azkaban, and Gryffindor wins the House Cup.