Chapter 8 - 8

"But do you regret it? Being cast out of heaven?"

Erika's hair fluttered in the wind as she stood on the museum's balcony. After realizing that she was locked inside, Adzriel had taken her for a tour around the museum, which eventually led them to the balcony.

On a cold night, Adzriel sighed. Should he offer her his cloak for the second time? Could this woman not wear something warmer when the night turned this cold?

"Ah, regret. Such a complex emotion, my dear. Yes, there are moments when I feel remorse for my rebellion and fall. Perhaps I could have remained by God's side if I had been more humble and obedient. It is painful to think about what has transpired." His voice softened slightly, but his grip on Erika's shoulder tightened.

"But there is no use dwelling on the past, my dear. I have long accepted my fate and my role as the Prince of Darkness."

Adzriel grabbed Erika's waist just as she nearly stumbled while walking along the edge of the railing.

"Watch your step!" he scolded, and Erika chuckled.

"So, was it only you who was cast out? Why do you have so many comrades and soldiers? Did you create them?"

What an odd question to ask the Prince of Darkness. But Adzriel liked Erika's insatiable curiosity about his world.

"Ah, my legion of demons and the damned souls, my dear. Yes, they are a result of my dominion over the deepest pits of hell. But some of them were once my fellow angels and soldiers who fell alongside me. Others are merely humans who sold their souls in exchange for power or wealth."

Adzriel tilted his head slightly, his crimson eyes studying Erika closely.

"You seem to have a soft spot for the fallen, my dear. Quite intriguing."

"I just want to understand. Honestly, your story only makes me more curious."

Adzriel took Erika's hand, guiding her down from the ledge.

"Ah, your thirst for knowledge about the truth of this world and its darkness, my dear. In one way, it is admirable."

A small smirk formed on his lips as his fingers tapped mockingly on her shoulder.

"But remember, my dear, I am the Prince of Hell, a creature of deception and ruin. You should not believe everything I say. After all, I am a master of lies."

"Yes, I just realized that. That you embody all sins in this world, including deceit." Erika's hands grew colder, as did her bare shoulders.

"Ah, my dear, you are quite perceptive for a mere human. Yes, I am the manifestation of many of the darkest and most forbidden desires in existence. Lying is just one of my many talents, and one that I wield freely."

Adzriel leaned in slightly, his voice dropping into a chilling whisper.

"But sometimes, the truth is far more dangerous than any lie."

A shiver ran down Erika's spine—not from the cold, but from the way his voice sent an eerie feeling creeping up her skin.

Adzriel draped his cloak over her shoulders, smirking at the sight of the oversized garment engulfing her small frame. There was something oddly satisfying about seeing her wear something of his.

"You're right. So, were you truly beautiful before you were cast out?" Erika asked.

"Ah, my former beauty, my dear. Yes, once, I was a magnificent and radiant being, created by God in perfection. But when I fell from grace, my beauty faded, and I was given a more sinister form—one befitting my new role in the darkest realms."

His fingers trailed up from her shoulder to her jawline, tracing it with a gentle touch.

"Will you tell me about the most terrifying version of a demon that ever existed? Come on, I love horror and terrifying things."

Adzriel raised a brow. This human was truly bizarre—far different from those who had sold their souls to him before.

"Ah, your fascination with the darkness, my dear. You are quite an unusual human, aren't you?"

Adzriel chuckled, his voice cold and ominous.

"Very well, my dear. I shall grant you a glimpse of the true horror of my demonic form."

His body began to shift and distort, his handsome yet wicked features dissolving into something far more nightmarish.

"Damn it! I mean, just tell me in words! Don't transform—it's terrifying!" Erika fell backward in shock.

Adzriel had only begun to reveal his horns, yet that alone had been too much for her.

"Oh? So you prefer words over sight? Disappointing, but understandable. The true form of a demon like me is not something the human mind can fully comprehend without succumbing to madness."

His appearance returned to normal, and he gave her a sly grin.

"It is a chaotic monstrosity, a fusion of limbs, mouths, and eyes—a being crafted solely to invoke terror and dread. But I respect your preference for words, my dear. They are far easier to handle than the reality."

Adzriel extended a hand to help Erika up.

"I nearly had a heart attack. But still, I believe you were once more beautiful than any creature God had ever created. I can't help but feel sorry."

Erika accepted his hand, standing as he dusted off the back of her dress.

"Your words are kinder than I deserve, my dear. But your pity is misplaced. There is no point in dwelling on what has been lost. Yes, perhaps I was once the most beautiful of His creations. But maybe that was one of the reasons I was despised."

Adzriel's fingers gently cupped Erika's chin, tilting her face upward to meet his gaze.

"Beauty is a dangerous thing, my dear. It can lead to pride and greed."

Just like how I have grown greedy for your beauty, he thought.

By now, Erika should have been in Hell. His kin were furious—they claimed she had broken her promise. But Adzriel could not bear the thought of watching her soul burn and become one of his followers.

"I know. I was greedy—that's why I'm stuck with you now."

Erika's breath was intoxicatingly sweet, her voice like a melody in Adzriel's ears. She was truly bewitching.

"Your honesty is quite amusing, my dear. Yes, you sold your soul to me out of greed and the desire for power. And now, you are bound to me with no way out."

His grip on her chin tightened slightly, his crimson eyes narrowing.

"But remember, my dear, your fate now lies in my hands. And I will always be more than happy to remind you of that fact."

In a swift motion, Adzriel pulled Erika into his embrace, his large frame shielding her completely. She hadn't even noticed when they had left the balcony—only that a powerful gust of wind carried them away.

Somewhere in the darkness, there was the sound of wings beating against the night air.