???: What would you want then?
Cece: I guess a can of soda.
???: Well, the first music is playing. Shall we dance?
Cece: Uhm, o-okay.
(After some time, the dance is over, and it is time to decide the two couples that won.)
Cece: OMG!! Which couple do you think will win?
???: I think us, 'cause we are a perfect match.
Cece: You really think we'll win?
???: Did you say something?
Cece: Uhm, no, never mind.
???: But I heard you talk.
Cece: I wasn't talking to you.
???: Then who were you talking to?
Cece: Myself, uhm, nothing. Ah, never mind.
The two couples who WON are Mike and Jamie, and Rita and Fred.
Cece: What! We didn't win?!
Person: Yeah, so bad that you can't be my girlfriend.
Cece: Yeah! I should be saying, "Thank God."
???: I will do anything to make you my girlfriend.
Cece: Well, I will just watch you fail.
( Eva just caught up with Cece at the cafeteria.)
Eva: Cece, I have a lot of things to tell you.
Cece: Yeah, you should.
Eva: My date was down with malaria, so I couldn't participate.
Cece: That's sad to hear.
Eva: Well, wait till you hear the good part. I was selected to go for the international hockey game as a star player.
Cece: Well, then I am your number 1 fan.
???: I'll be leaving then. Cece, have your last goodnight.
Cece: Whatever, just go already!
Eva: He is your new boyfriend, huh?
Cece: Yucky! No WAY.
Eva: If I were you, I'd be praying to never meet him again.
Cece: In fact, that is my prayer.
Eva: Let's go practice some hockey. I definitely want to win this match.
Cece: I'm sure they didn't select you for nothing.
Eva: Of course, they won't regret it.
(They headed to the hockey pitch in the school.)
Eva: Here seems eerie at night.
Cece: I feel like someone's here.
Eva: Cece, I'm scared. I swear I can sense movement in the park.
Just then, the gate at the park closed.
Cece: Ahhh! Oh God, please help us!
Eva: Let's try and be brave.
Cece: O-o-okay. Ahh! Who's there?
Suddenly, two hooded figures came to stand behind them and tapped them.
Cece: Ahhh! Please don't kill me.
Eva: Please, just let me say my last words.
???: Don't be silly. We won't kill you... at least yet.
???: You look like you are about to have an asthma attack.
Eva: I always thought I was asthma-negative.
Cece: Well, I'm asthma-negative, but I am capable of having a heart attack.
???: We were practicing hockey when you interrupted us.
???: If I were you, I'd leave.
Eva: Who do you think you are?
Cece: Some kind of candy monster. I really hate them.
Eva: Of course the're so rude.
???: I'm warning you guys for the last time—leave the park.
???: Don't get us angry.
Eva: Fine, fine, we'll go.
Eva and Cece dashed from the park.
Eva: Oh God, I'm not sure I will ever go to the hockey park in my entire life again.
Cece: What about your international star hockey thing?
Eva: I'll quit.
Cece: What! No way! You can't quit 'cause of some stupid hooded guinea pigs. This is your opportunity. Go for it, girl.
Eva: Thanks for the motivation.
The hockey game would be the thing that the two friends would regret the most.
If they had known, they'd never take part in the game! Who were those hooded figures at the park? Are they going to harm the friends? Let's see what unfolds...