Chereads / Harry Potter: Eclipse. / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39:

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39:

Making sure to jump, Harry turned to look at the scheming old man. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you there," Harry stuttered out.

"It's okay, my dear boy. Many a man are drawn to the mirror," Dumbledore said sagely.

"I don't know, sir," Harry said, in reply to his earlier question.

"Really, you have no idea?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well, I guess it shows what we want?" Harry replied, making sure to sound uncertain.

"Take a closer look, Harry," Dumbledore prompted.

Walking to the mirror, Harry pretended to observe it before 'finding' the inscription. "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi," Harry mumbled before pretending to figure it out. "I show not your face, but your heart's desire!" he exclaimed happily.

"Very good, Harry," Dumbledore said, his tone just shying away from patronising but still setting Harry's teeth on edge.

"So, I see my parents because they're what I want most?" Harry asked.

"Yes, my dear boy," Albus said, happy that his plans for the boy where falling into place even with the boy in Ravenclaw. He would still get his hero.

"What do you see, professor?" Harry asked.

"Why, I see myself with a warm pair of socks," Albus lied.

"Do you think I could come back here, professor? It's just... I've never seen my parents before," Harry made sure to mumble shyly.

"Oh, my dear boy, you must not despair. You will see your parents again someday," Dumbledore said, making Harry think about how Dumbledore was actively planning on reuniting them sooner rather than later.

"You must remember though, Harry, the images the mirror shows are not real. It does not do well to dwell on them," he warned.

"Okay, professor," Harry said, conveying disappointment.


After that night, Harry had been busy preparing what was needed for him to work his plan. Ron had finally taken the hint and, although he would still come up to Harry to ask about their adventure, Harry was quick to tell him he hadn't found anything new. This left Harry with enough free time to finish his preparations.

Harry pulled out a plain crystal he had ordered alongside his Christmas presents and placed it in the centre of a circle of runes he had spent an hour drawing. The ritual he was using was an old one used by conmen and thieves that had been banned by the ministry in the 1700's, yet it suited Harry's purpose perfectly.

Centring his magic, Harry started the chant he had been researching all week, making sure his pronunciation was as perfect as any mistake could have drastic effects. Once the ritual took hold, Harry watched in fascination as the crystal shimmered and took on the physical properties of the philosopher's stone. It wouldn't work as one, but it would fool anybody up until the moment they went to use it. It even had the same magical signature and presence.

Feeling drained, Harry quickly hid the evidence of his ritual and placed the stone in his trunk, warding it with the strongest protections he could.

The next day, Harry was still slightly exhausted and barely kept from snarling at Ron, who was trailing after him like a puppy. There were only two days left until the other students returned and Harry wanted to get the stone before then.

"You sure you're alright, mate? You're looking kind of pale," the redhead commented.

Harry seeing his opening, he jumped at the chance. "Actually, I'm not feeling great, I think I'm just going to go back to bed," he said.

Ron looked disappointed. "Oh, yeah," he grumbled, "I suppose you should."

"Bye, then!" Harry said, practically racing away.

Having spent the rest of the day resting, Harry soon found himself mentally and magically restored. Putting on a pair of black trousers and a dark grey jumper, Harry gathered up his invisibility cloak and his imposter stone.

Putting the cloak on, Harry set his silencing and scent blocking charms before he made his way out of Ravenclaw tower and to the 3rd floor. Walking to the door, Harry once again observed the wards. Working carefully, Harry took his time manipulating them; he didn't want to break them as that would alert Dumbledore. Eventually, Harry found what he was looking for and managed to slip past them and into the room. Upon hearing the door open, all three of Fluffy's massive heads turned and let out growls. Lifting his wand, Harry flicked it and listened as a soft tune started to play. After a few minutes, the dog fell asleep, leaving Harry free to start his mission.

Dropping into the pit of Devil's Snare, Harry kept his body loose and dropped through to the next level. Next, he came to the keys; reaching out, Harry tried a simple accio and watched as the key sailed through the air to him. Smirking, Harry unlocked the door before the other keys could embed themselves in him.

Next, Harry approached the chess set and tried to move around without playing. However, it seemed like McGonagall actually anticipated this and Harry found his movements blocked. Sighing, Harry had to play his way across. Although not a chess master, Harry could actually hold his own in a game after years of watching Ron play. Harry managed to win the game without having to nobly sacrifice himself like the redhead had in his last life.

Coming to the next room, Harry was hit with a foul odour. Knowing he couldn't kill or really harm the troll, Harry instead sent an overpowered sleeping charm, knowing that, with it's magical resistance, it should make the troll sleep for the next few hours.

Snape's task, Harry noted this time, was actually very clever and Harry wondered if the hat had considered Ravenclaw for the resident potions master. Picking up the solution that would allow him to pass through the flames, Harry entered the chamber.

Approaching the mirror, Harry reached out and observed the carefully erected wards surrounding it. Stopping to find a way in, Harry eventually slipped passed without alerting them. The next part of his plan would be the hardest; Dumbledore's enchantments on the mirror where both subtle and in depth. Standing in front of the mirror, Harry thought about how he wanted the stone and didn't want to use it. Which was technically true - he didn't want to use the stone. Feeling the weight of it in his pocket, Harry took out his imposter stone and carefully manipulated the enchantments on the mirror. This was the hard part. After what seemed like hours, Harry's imposter stone finally disappeared, accepted by the enchantments. Going back over them, Harry spent time modifying the charms to perfectly mirror how he had found them. Eventually, Harry's task was done and he stood, exhausted.