"We have a problem."
Zara's heart raced, slamming hard at her ribcage. Oh no, she groaned as she sat up in bed, holding her head in her hands as it throbbed with pain.
It was too early to have a problem. They had been so careful she couldn't imagine how they had been found out. Her mind pictured different scenarios of what Jack had to be enduring over there, a groan coming out from her throat as the images tortured her.
She sniffled. She was not ready to break up with Jack. Not now. Not ever. She began to think of solutions to different dilemmas Jack had to be in for him to spurt out to her that they had a problem because she knew he wouldn't have told her if it wasn't serious.
The Jack she knew loved to shield her from his challenges and wouldn't have wanted to tell her his struggles unless.... he already had a solution to it on his own.
Her heart calmed to a steady beat as she thought of it. Yeah, he definitely had found a solution before calling her.
She swallowed, burying her fear. "What is the problem?" she winced at her tone.
Her voice had still sounded tiny to her despite how strong she had hoped she would sound.
A soft chuckle trickled to her ears and she frowned. Had he gone delirious from panic?
"Jack?" she called out to him.
"Babe," he called back to her, chuckling. "You worry too much. Learn to relax. How will you live without me?" he teased her.
She snorted. "You said we have a problem."
He grinned. "Yes, we do. I miss you so much."
She shook her head, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She had no idea if she should hiss at his tease or take it in good strides.
She chose to go for the latter option. "Damn Jack, don't even do that to me again. You had me crumbling with worry. I could have had an heart attack."
He laughed. "Is that how much you want to be with me?"
"I can see you are bored. Don't you think it's too early for an ego stroke?"
He chuckled. "I am bored without you."
She lowered her voice, covering her mouth with her hand. "I miss you too."
He smiled. "I wish you were right here with me."
"Me too."
"Can't you teleport? You are a witch."
She chuckled. "I would have done that if I could before you ask."
"Sure." He noted. "How is it at home?"
"Fine. Normal. My parents didn't suspect anything. Where are you?"
"I'm out on the street. I told them I missed the neighborhood and needed to take a walk. I can't risk having a call in the house." He sighed. "My family members are vampires with crazy superior hearing."
She grinned, thrilled at the idea of a secret romance but still, her heart ached at the extent they both had to go to keep their affair a secret. She truly wished they could walk hand in hand across the street, smiling at each other.
One day, it will come. She truly hoped.
"Then I better not keep you waiting before your parents get worried." She said though she would hate to end the call.
He snorted. "Don't you dare end the call!" He growled. "I can always say I had a lot to do outside which is not going to be a lie."
"Be careful, love." She said. He had told her of how his race could read minds.
He grinned. "I always am. And don't you also forget I am one of the most powerful vampires when it comes to mind control. They can't easily read my mind." He boasted.
She giggled. "Oh! Jack. What would I ever do with you?"
"My abilities are turning you on?" he teased, grinning.
"Your boasting is making me roll my eyes."
"I wish you were here. I can give you many other things to make you roll your eyes and you would even curl your toes."
She blushed, her face heating up into flames. "Oh! Jack." She breathed.
"Picturing it already?"
"Stop it already." She chuckled. "You bad boy."
"Do you want me good? I can also be good."
"I just want you to be mine, good or bad." She confessed.
He swelled up with pride. "Just the response I want from my girl. I love you."
Her breath hitched in her throat. "I love you, Jack."
"I love you so much, Zara."
She smiled in delight. She could never tire of hearing those words from his mouth. "I have to go now before mum comes up to call me for lunch and wonders who I am talking to if she hears me on phone."
"Okay, sweetheart. Take care of yourself."
"You too, Jack. Don't lose your guard."
"Never. I should tell you that."
"I plan to text you when we are not on call so don't blush too much and give yourself away because I plan to make you blush a paint bucket."
She laughed. "You wicked boy."
He grinned. "My mate." He breathed, his tone caressing her skin.
She grinned as she ended the call, clutching the phone to her chest as she fell back on her bed, rolling around, clamping out on the urge to scream her delight to the world.
She missed him already. She cleared her throat, went to the bathroom and refreshed her body, tucking herself in her favourite red shorts and white tank top.
Just in time, she grinned as her mother shouted her name barely two minutes after she was done dressing up.
"Coming right away, mum." She yelled back.
Mia, Zara's mother, stopped in her tracks on her way from the kitchen, a grin curving her face as she stared at her daughter, her eyes raking over her body. "Seems like something good happened to you in school, dear." She commented.
Zara's heart skipped a beat but she managed to keep her expression blank. "Why do you say so, mother?"
Mia shook her head, laughing and ignored her as she made her way to the dining table.
Zara frowned as she stared at her mother.
Rosa chuckled at the confusion and worry on Zara's face and decided to help her out. "You are in your favorite casual clothes. You hardly wear it unless you are in a good mood. Mum just made a comment based on observation."
Zara sighed with relief as she pulled back a chair and settled down. She groaned, avoiding her mother's and Rosa's eyes, feeling like giving herself a slap on the forehead. She had told Jack to be careful and yet, she had almost spoiled her own game herself by something she did unconsciously.
She really needed to be careful, like so on top of her game. She smiled innocently at her sister, glancing at her outfit. "Oh, this. Yeah, you can say that I am in a good mood."
"Oh, tell me about it." Rosa leaned forward, always a sucker for stories.
Zara shrugged, happy that she had bitten the hook. She had successfully diverted their attention from any random thought they could have had. "I'm happy to be back home with you all. I really missed you."
Mia snorted, settling into a chair. "Oh, stop with the flattery, daughter. It doesn't look good on you."
"I mean it, mum."
Rosa grinned. "Well, I missed you too." She glanced at their mother. "I know you do mother."
Mia grinned. "I miss you girls but Alvin was a darling." She said, scooping food on a plate and placing it before him.
Alvin grinned, digging his spoon into the offering. He glanced at Zara. "Mum missed you, Zara. She always told me."
Mia blushed, chuckling. "Alvin! You little traitor."
Alvin grinned, shrugged and busied himself with his food.
Rosa and Zara looked at him, smiling at how cute he looked. "There is your confession, mother." Zara grinned. This she could do. A safe topic.
Mia sighed. "I doubt you will still be happy to see me if I start pestering you with your magic practice."
"I'm ready for it, mum." Zara confessed.
Mia and Rosa stared at Zara in shock. Zara shrugged. "I helped someone in school with my magic discreetly. I figured it is not so bad to be a witch after all."
Mia's eyes glowed with pride. "You finally grew up, my pumpkin."
Zara nodded, pleased she had perfectly fooled her mother. Her real reason for her eagerness to practice was far from saving the world. She snorted. She was not a mother Theresa.
She needed power to fight for her love if ever a day like that arose and to defend Jack and herself from her clan, she needed to soak in more lessons and be able to wield more powers than she could till she was better than the greatest witch alive.
Rosa smiled. "Welcome to the world of magic, sister."
She scoffed. "I have always been a witch. Hello! Did you forget I was born one."
Mia grinned. "You were born one but you never wanted to be one. Now, you are one so welcome to the world of being an intentional witch." She explained, placing a huge scoop of meal before Zara.
Zara grinned. "Thanks, mum."
"Eat." Mia smiled back at her. "I know you must have missed good homemade food."
"Nothing like your meals, mother." Zara moaned as she put a spoonful into her mouth. "This is good, mum." She complimented, raising a thumbs up at her mum.
Mia grinned. "I think I need to check your admission letter again. Looks like you are majoring in the arts of flattery and sweet communication ethics."
Rosa laughed. "Maybe she is. College is good on her, I guess."
Zara smiled. No, she was good with Jack. He was actually the one rubbing off on her.
"I wish your dad is here to hear this news." Mia commented drily.
Zara shrugged. "You can always call to tell him. He is your husband."
"And he is your father." Mia chuckled.
"Dad always believed in Zara and knew she would come around." Rosa beamed.
"Remember, mum?"
Mia nodded, piercing a piece of chicken with her fork and knife. "Oh. I knew that. I always knew Mia would come around."
"Oh no, you didn't, mum." Zara laughed.
Mia grinned. "Yes, I did. Your father made it an anthem and always drummed it in my ears. It was hard to not believe that you would eventually come around."
Rosa grinned. "Mum!" She teased.
Mia laughed. "Oh yes, I believed in her. I guess I was just a little bit impatient with her and wanted her to wield her magic quickly."
Zara dropped her cutlery, arching her eyebrows as she stared at her mother. "Just a little bit impatient? Mum?"
Rosa winked at Zara. "I guess mum's English teacher forgot to tell her the difference between just a bit and too much."
Zara laughed, playing along with her. "She could have used a dictionary then."
"Maybe she hates to search for words. They are not written in Latin."
"Oh!" Zara mouthed. "She would have been the best in her English class if the letters were spells."
Alvin piped up. "I'm not sure I want mum to keep teaching me my rhymes. She could affect me with her poor English." He said, grinning at his sisters.
Zara leaned over and ruffled his hair in an affectionate manner. "Right? We don't want you struggling with the difference between a bit and too much."
Mia shook her head, snorting in amusement at her kids. "Have you all forgotten that I am seated right here?"
Zara grinned. "What are you going to do about it, mum? Give us longer magic practice? I'm cool with it."
Alvin shuddered. "Gag us with bitter herbal concoctions. I'm not cool with it."
Rosa joined in the game. "Make us read big books on magical history. I'm cool with it."
Mia laughed. "There is no point talking here. I can see you all have ganged up against me."
Zara laughed, clapping hands with her siblings. Yeah, she could do this. Fool her family members till the holiday was over.