A tale of an awakened man during the emergence of portals
Year : 2030
Month : May
This morning, I watched the news, and I saw something surreal. The television scenes looped over a blue-colored gate seemingly parked above the floor of Times Square. Not being from the United States at all, I was rather surprised by this image.
Many of my friends have been messaging me at this moment, speculating on this portal. Many said to me, "It's a portal like in the series; there are monsters that will come out, I'm sure!" or "It's still an experiment on the part of the state..."
While I was chatting with his last ones, I cast a few glances at the live TV, speculating, too, on the origin of this portal. However, the more time passed, the bigger the portal grew. After some time, the police around the gate were replaced by the army itself, while we were told that a reconnaissance squad would possibly return to discover the inside.
The drones didn't seem to work inside, according to the authorities. Why did they send those poor people in there? Why?
I still remember the last images of this broadcast, where of the 5 scouts sent, only one could return, not without critical injury. The TV show ended there when many people were asking many questions.
Month : June
It's been 1 month now since the Times Square portal collapsed. A horde of monsters that we know all too well came out of it, decimating the military lines that had been posted right in front of this portal. These trolls devoured and killed everyone for days around the gate, turning the bustling city into a lifeless desert, full of corpses, pools of blood, and other debris.
However, a miracle occurred. A group of people called "awake" appeared and decimated the monsters, using powers as never before seen. It is said that one of the awake wields the fire, and another slices the monsters with ease.
The gate closed a few days after their intervention. Since that day, multiple portals appeared, and countless people became awake.
Month : December
Since May 2030, the number of awakened people has been steadily increasing. But the number of portals too. In the beginning, it was anarchy, the awakened dictating their laws as they pleased. But soon, the governments of each country changed course and established a new organization. The Awakened Organization was responsible for dealing with the malevolent awakenings and the portals. Finally, after months of chaos, murder, and other monstrosity, calm returned to the world. A new profession appeared, and portals became the daily life of every human being.
Although the gates were dangerous, they offered invaluable resources. Many companies decided to invest in awakened guilds, pushing them to explore and conquer portals.