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The Mugshot Blender

chs / week
The average realized release rate over the past 30 days is 7 chs / week.
I love an unhealthy blend of hip-hop, K-pop, movies, manga and grimdark tomes. In fact, my blender is always full of it every morning, so full I can't finish it by my lonesome. So yeah, I'm sharing with you. Hope you like it:)

Chapter 1 - Mugshot 43

Feeling a migraine coming on

The death of me so my grave, my humor gotta hum or

Pty Dumpty

Dumb T Got Alice hammered by a rabbi & his T

Rabbit so early for the Party he partook in tea and more tea

TNT goes off

O' how yellow the Garden looks

O' how the colour coils around Alice and POOF!

Alice becomes a lice

We are all mad here, says Cheshire Cat but doesn't really mean it. "We are all made here," is what Cheshire Cat actually means, "except Alice, a lice who is not mad too so she can only be merde, a sheet of pepper in a paper book so"
"Come eat it up bookworm," finishes The Mad Hatter-now-made Hatter, "or March Hare will pimp you like a butterfly."

"Never, never," spells the smoke out of The Caterpillar's Hookah, "never can pimp Caterpillar for its no Butterfly."

"Yet you will be pimped even as a caterpillar because of introduction," retorts Hatter. "Introduced in The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill, the Little Bill is Untitled Unmastered like the Rabbit's fourth studio album. Fourth chapter like Untitled Unmastered, its the Little Bill to the Big Bill that is To Pimp A Butterfly, the Butterfly to the Caterpillar that is Untitled Unmastered which, with To Pimp A Butterfly, are two creations of one mind thus two creatures that can be pimped one way so get to eating the sheet of pepper or else."

"Never, never," sings the smoke out of The Caterpillar's Hookah, "never can pimp Caterpillar for its Caterpillar no more. Touched by colour, Caterpillar is now Carter, pillar of gangster rap who you dare not pimp. Do you dare to pimp Carter? Who dares pimp Carter?"

"Not me," mutters March Hare, "for I'm no longer as mad as before. Contact with colour changed me to her from March Comes In Like A Lion who's jealous of genius like pianists in Your Love in April. May I stay mad in May for Joon is a made mandrake who wants no madwort in his Mafia garden like Judas in Gethsemane for it always ends in an arrest and Joon wants no rest in augmented reality. Too Snow Crash. S now C rash. Covid rush, 19th crush, saw a yama in 2019 and wow, wow, wow. Fell so far in awe of Sawayama. RINA too, she 2/2 in my book like a full name. Nom de garçon, nom de plume, pen pal, Pallas's cat in the palace [Take a breath] Saw a yama in the Osaka Continental and went weak in the knees. Niece's favourite Wick character is Mr. Nobody only because of the dog. He's such a Belgian Malinois. He's intelligent, stubborn, alert. He's 14 and will be dyeing this year. That was last year, now he's dad. Now I'm mum and that's freaky like that Sisyphus night. The end. Finis. Fin is Syd. Syd was once tha Kyd. That Kyd is another way of saying The Kid. The Kid is Blood Meridian. Blood Meridian is written by Cormac McCarthy. Cormac McCarthy wrote Stella Maris. Stella Maris has the Thalidomide Kid. He has flippers. Syd-once-tha-Kyd has a fin. Flippers vs Fin. Flippers move. Fin does not. Flippers win the not-so-legendary Battle of the Fish. Fingers, features of Big Fish are a Theory. At least on the track list but once you listen to the entire Big Fish Theory, they become fact. Yeah, you'll know them by their voices. Yeah Right is produced by SOPHIE. Yeah, Sophie is on Game of Thrones, right? Right and left for she left Sophie for Sansa (What an ass!)

Speak, act ions speak louder than weds

So don't act upon those ions till you are wed

Word became flesh and

Uh-uh—Don't let flesh dwell among you for it will separate you

United in Pope, now they separated into Pop and Pop

Music and Murdered, Yeezus and JFK

I Am A God is Airport. Hurry up with my damn croissants is not Air port. Zappa and Bach on the port with Air that smells like Pop's G String. Priest buys celibacy on his last stop before becoming Pope. Can Pop be hyper? (Hell yeah)


I love every person's insides like you should love The Texas Chain Massacre for its the reversal for Chainsaw Man which is unreal (pity) but The Rehearsal is. More than real in fact, The Rehearsal is hyper reality like Eraserhead in Holy Motors. Limousine being driven into the sunset, like literally. Limousine drives into The Sun's set, destroying any chance of The Book of the New Sun being released as a movie. Production is cancelled like can cell ed, jailed limousine driver will be educated about [Warhol's] can till she can't. Can't eat anything other than soup during that time or she will be canned. Can nerd when the end came, she died like a tomato. Tom at overslaugh's bartender,
"Give me a Beach."

Beach is given with no pleas. No need for he had already paid for his with a time clock, no sand

"Send Desert to Overslaugh as 'Mojave' and if they ask you what its for, tell them: MacOs."

O. S. Mark on his ass like a fan begging for a CTRL sequel from SZA

Salad's ass is dressing and thats what O. S. Mark's looking for : Blue Cheese. Unfortunately, after listening to blues, Moon is in the mood for only voice and guitar not fingers and Mac

Miller's the exception, we lost him too soon

Like Nick Drake, the very definition of 'ahead of his time.'
Space, space is every folk lover's reaction to his Pink Moon
. Speechless, leaves them speechless and strangely, tickled pink
. Dahlia in Dali's Car which speeds out of the city, speeds out the city. There comes a time in one's life when they must leave their Community to search for their Atlanta. Never mind that said Atlanta will nowhere as beautiful as Atalanta. Never mind that one wont get to said Atlanta as fast as Atalanta. It is a journey that must be made and once started, must be completed. Unless of course, one runs into shootas along the way. Blocking your way so you flee in another direction. Run, runt, rant 'bout the unfairness of it all till you bite your tongue and faint. 
Awaken, My Love coos a parody & homage of '70s R&B. Love does so. Wakes up to the sight of a parody & homage of Harry Potter. Falls in love instantly. Loves Mashle (and his muscles) so much, Love gives up on continuing to Atlanta. Gives up on the mundane for the magical, "Let's go to Hogwarts!"Arrives in the Order of the Phoenix, call Love Luna Lovegood. Love good like its craft. Hates racism like it's H.P. Choose M.P. Select [Basquiat's] MP or [Graham Sunderland's] 'PM' (Study of Winston Churchill). Bulldog or Cherub? Graham Sunderland says Winston Churchill is the former. Prime Minister disagrees. Not born in April or May and not a bitch, how then can he be a Taurus bitch? More like 'The Bitch' for only it could have barked Britain through WWII without buckling. Did and all praises to him for that but a decade later and Win stone church ill. Eel at ease so he barked one last time and nevermore. More Poe till it becomes less, a Po in Po Ping. Ping Pong upstages table tennis like Tower of Pisa does the Pyramid of Giza. Pizza and Geyser. Lizard eating gizzards. Chicken eating egg. Eggther chewing out cock like: "Why can't you be more. More Cock like an MC or at the very least, metal core. Metal is his core so why can't you support Klopp?" Calliope is all eloquence like the teams of Pep, the Muse who muses about football like its epic poetry and thus it's no surprise that his teams are epic and their play flows like poetry. All in all, to watch them is to watch beauty. Beast, madness, [Odilon's] Cyclops' eye watching for hidden Galatea to come out. If she does not, it's a perfect game for Klopp's opposition but more often than not, Galatea does show herself. No need for a full body reveal, just a peek is enough. Cyclops sees Galatea. Klopp's teams capitalise on that mistake and inevitably, there is a goal. Thats the goal of every Klopp team. From Dortmund to Liverpool, it's red and yellow like Dustheads. Klopp is Basquiat and his teams are famed for their high energy. Of course they are. Why wouldn't they be when they are high off angel dust?!
 The A.D in m.A.A.d city, a particularly good kid (Teacher's pet) and a m.A.A.d city can make a classic like good kid, m.A.A.d city, like Dortmund vs Bayern, like Liverpool vs Manchester City. That's Red and Blue like R&B. Rice versus beans will never make gyūdon and that's a shame like a world without Japan. That means no samurai and no samurai means no [Robert Houston's] Shogun Assassin and no Shogun Assassin means no Liquid Swords and no Liquid Swords means no one can heat those liquid swords to gas words. Gus Fring's words: "…They Will Always Be Your Priority, Your Responsibility. And A Man, A Man Provides." My words: "If a man does not provide, let a woman leave him for a Frank Ocean with a Provider. And if you are that woman, let the man with a Provider eat your heavenly donut for a $. Not being crass, just being frank about it, like Sinatra." Seen at Ra's place, no wonder she came back glowing. All red cheeked like a chick at a Beatles concert, nothing else will blow her mind. That spells trouble in paradise. Lion and Lamb suddenly remember they are two L's and wonder how they were attracted to each other thus, the marriage is consumed by divorce, medieval style. Till death do us part and they battle to the death.

The cat wins.

[Wince] Not that cat, the other cat. 
Caterpillar or Caterpillar make no difference to Butterfly. They both ground-bound so love Angelina Jolie for to love her is to love an angel in a jolie and that will make you feel jolly, jolly like a Roger and when you become that Jolly Roger flapping in the wind, you can beat the bishop to a watching crowd and still feel above the shame. True liberation achieved, like a post fourth wall break and with no break, you head into heptagon territory, that unexplored frontier like five toes on a fox. Shout out Fleabag, that fox might just be God

Is Gangsta. Thats Kendrick without his crew
 but with his crew, he's far more. Beyond gangstar, they're The Mafia of the West
. They the Mob, like "White T-Poison" so bend the knee
 to TDE like they Psycho Helmet
. Crown on Head but "I'm not your Savior." 
Come now Kendrick, ain't that hypocritical, hype, high silence

[Sigh] Pretend I said nothing save The Big Steppers crush me for going against Mr Morale or for drinking more ale than Mr or for being more L than their El. That will earn me a elephant stamp like Not Like Us. Not like ass, Kendrick's larger and stronger like a horse. Carried TDE on his back like Sleipnir till 2017. Then he died. Yeah, DAMN happened so back-up

Not like ass, Kendrick's larger and stronger like a horse

Carried TDE on his back like Sleipnir till CTRL

Alt-Del every other album that year, CTRL was 2017's best
 as is 2023 was for SOS. Save Our Souls when SZA releases
. Scratch that, 
Save Our Studio Albums from release in the same year that SZA does hers for hers always end up being the best of that year. Kinda makes one wonder if SZA is actually Caesar? If no, what a bummer bit if yes, YES!!! Yes 'cause the Battle of Gergovia will happen sometime. Sometimes you gotta support Rome over Russia. A city state over a country? Yes, I'm a sucker for the underdog. Except not really cause Alexander lost but Alexander did not. Thats why they call him 'the Great' and the other one 'God of War.' Kratos strength but Deimos visibility. Truly,
Alexander Suvorov is underrated. Like Look Back

No, look back and see Joel

The Book and the Man, Ortiz is criminally underrated
. So are The Raincoats so REIGN, COURT!! REIGN, COURT!! like Gentry. Superb killer and long may the Man stay Gray. Gray like John Wick, he got a weakness for dogs like MF DOOM got one for DOOM comics. Potbellied dude but replace that with a pothead and 
Let Me Solo Her
. Solo'd rap and what came of it? Operation: Doomsday and Mm…Food is what. They classics like spotted dick and scotch egg. British classics cause he was born Brit and when the sun set on his rap career, he was in the empire that the sun has long set on. Retired from rap at 49, he is the Shakespeare of rap. No debate, it's a wrap. Then rap came along

Some Rap Songs by Earl Sweatshirt,
He the new Shakespeare like Ibsen
. Two one like Cookies and Kookies, that's MF DOOM and Earl's talent, measured in song length. Width, With, W like hope,
It's ever fading. Took three albums to reach rock bottom like
 Rock, bottom, .
A vertical line on top and that's how it all ends
, with an exclamation mark like Riot!
 Then the malady happened. Not church ill but Sick!
 Earl is no Prime Minister or even lieutenant
. He's an even lieutenant and in lieu of a tenant, um, whatever, becomes an option

Op Shen is a 50/50 and that's great news for chance

The rapper's Big Day fell so hard. Guess its not so great news for Chance

His Big Day like The Morningstar's rebellion,

It happened. Then came autumn. Oh Tom,
Why did you not take Harry's Dick like you always did before?
 Dictator was never the right move for that adds a tat or

Success or

Unlettered, unrestrained failure, its infinite and thus inevitable

Big Day goes tits up like Morningstar's rebellion

Rebel lion falls off the cliff but survives (phew)

Good on him till the hyenas came. He does not survive
. Truly, fans can kill a rapper career like its a Lion King play. In other words: Big Day went tits up like Morningstar's rebellion. Then came fall. Season aside, Chance's fall was like the Fall in the Garden of Eden

Hazard. Need I say more? Archangel Jack Son? 
I'll stop. Start. Should I, really?Do you want me to? (Ok, sure)

OK Computer

Perfect, pure, undiluted. 
In the raw: Computer is OK (Ok, sure). Then Dirty happened . OK Computer now Dirty Computer
. D.C's where it all began
 then it spread throughout all of Marvel. 
Its a marvel that universe was reduced to only a uni verse
. Should have been a chorus at least and at worst, a bridge
 so yeah, all things considered, its a miracle
 and that deserves a mirror call (Ok, sure). Mirror, mirror on the wall
, who's the miracle I can cawl

Cough up God like he's a pro

Profound prologue from Presbyte,
 thats his preface (Ok, sure)

Before face, there was milk

Milkdew doesn't apricate

Sunbather's gross (Ok, sure)

Grossly underbarked is Moondog

Strange, for there's Mani in Moondog

Less buck than expected? Guess he has more cats than expected (Ok, sure)

Two cats for Moondog…and the catfish

Just like Moondog's real name but not really him

Louis and Louis,
The Viking of Sixth Avenue is the Pious (Ok, sure)

Surely you have something to say about something I said since we started speaking? (Ok. Sure). Sweetpee, sourpiss, Molly is peace. Molly and Xans sans molly

Holy wholly ho lee 's The Bride

Breed, Beef, Between devil and the deep blue are Double D's

Nikki with the dorky tits, treat dad like bra

Brando meets Giorno and Kill Bill Vol. 3 happens

Happenstance which does not take a stance

Both do not happen like a second Saturation Trilogy

That was hit after hit after hit like a Vegeta experience

Even Super Saiyan Blue couldn't prevent his L

Lonely blue, baby bull, Asta with the Black Bulls

Bull's eye and Golden Dawn's ear equals Black Clover

Mouth it and the nosegays rain

Heaven giving its flowers to the shonen anime like rap did

The Creator gave us Flower Boy so hug him, hug him now

Hug Scum Fuck or it'll cherry bomb

Better he have an ego than make a bomb

Better he be Igor than Oppenheimer

Be Kandinsky. Be abstraction, not quantum physics 

Don't open the boxer or you'll find Schrodinger's Cat alive and well

Willing to leave this time and no one can stop it

Mythology says the box was closed before he could leave

You believe that?
 Believe that Old Age could leave that box before Hope? No, 
Hope did not leave 'cause Pandora was babysitting him

Teaching him what being hope actually meant

No more for opening the Box frees Hope

He's learnt everything from Pandora like they Pan and Dora

The Explorer so Hope explores the continent and everything in it

Then beyond that

That is Area X of Annihilation

No hugger-mugger that's its Kafkaesque

Why, though, is it so Kafkaesque?

No Authority to get answer but Rabbit does

Smashed Hope's phone so that's a no?

No other option except Acceptance

Hug Hedwig like Harry

Hieronymus completes the square of H
S, salvation from the trap is exclusive to Bosch's song so Hope jams

Butt song, Butt song, Butt song

Spank those notes till

Square explodes like milk out of male chicken

What a release!

No one is pleased!

Mom's disgusted and my bed-sheet is sticky

Stuck with Witch till this point makes you a doctor

A witchdoctor, a miracle worker, my miracle

Removed the loaf choking my throat and Tom thanks you

Still choking but its tears this time

Choke 'em back, chuck Steers away

I'm Team KFC, Team NewJeans but I do wear a Blackpink tee

Who knows,

I might become a rockstar like LISA, Lil Uzi Vert, little gun green

Grin and bear those Rebirth raps for Lil Wayne is rockstar's first real

Reel it back to '04 and watch Wayne catch his second wind

Wind up second in Mr Carter but bag the win for the Carter name

Wayne and Jay like Frank and Tyler

They not human

They rap gods and rainbows
I'm due an R&R

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I'll just Replenish on Rockstar

[2 minutes 48 seconds later]

Mugshot 43's Alter Ego comes in to replace him…