In the universe, there are many mysterys.
in somewhere of this mysterious universe
there is a world where magic dose exist.
In that world everything is different from the general world.In that world every race have magic power amd mana.The race are divide into main five family.
first - the race of land
second - the race of water
third - the race of sky
fourth - the race of forest
fifth - the race of god blessing
The fifth race are the most powerful race in the world.They have the divine blessing of Makimi the goddes of creation.
The main character of that novel is not a human he is bron into a race that known as water demon.He is the Prince of the water demons. His father is the current king of the water demon realms.First i explain the power tree of the water race.The most powerful water race is The holy blood race of water goddes.This race is blessed with the blessings of water goddes Benten.
The head of that race always rules the whole water relam.The water relams head is known as the water lord.After the holy blood race of water goddes there are another four noble race those are the most powerful race after holy blood race.They are the race of water dragon, the race of the water demon,
the race of the mermaid, the spirit race of water.The main character was bron in the water demon race.That four race are the novel races of water relam.They maintain the whole water relam.The name of our main character is izumi,the prince of water demons.He was a demon but he thinks that human and demon and other races are not different.They are the same.They don't have to fight.His goal is one day he will stop the fight between the human and demons and other races.So full filling her that dream he need to be the strongest in the whole world.
So he start a journey to become the strongest.