Marath was not even the cusp of what was once in his life, those eyes full of life were now empty. His hair fell slowly through his body, his biblive body, his bones were noticed, his hips were marked, his skin was almost transparent. Marath did not react to anyone's call, the world in which he lived was more beautiful, the world he created in his mind, a perfect world in his head, filled with desires, hopes and congratulations. The world he created in his mind was an illusion. He, Deous, a demon of war and courage, could no longer see his beloved to be like that, he could not see more of it. He would simply give the end to one of his children he loved the most. He should never have made him devotee to him, or give him the power he was looking for so much for his revenge.
Deous, regretted what he did. The few survivors of the slaughter had locked the hero, not even Carmion could stop them. The thirst for blood was huge, something never seen before in the kingdom of humans, even the gods of heaven, could not stop the killings.
Marath felt that touch, that soft frozen touch, which he knew. Deous, clearly remembered the God who allowed his revenge. His mind became calm, just for a few seconds. He soon hunched with his broken body, and covered his mouth, trying to avoid vomiting, but failed. His eyes filled with tears, his lifeless children. Those beautiful children, with bright eyes and beautiful smiles, were their life, and now they were not.
He remembered his bodies, without smiles, without his heat, cold, dead, only meters from the ... It was his guilt, the power blinded him, he took to his light, his reason for living, and his reason for revenge, he took their lives, as if they were nothing for power. It was a pig, a despicable being.
Marath was vomiting again. A soft sob sounded, it was not real, he wanted to return to his paradise, where his partner, his children, friends, companion of war, his parents, grandparents, could not. He pressed his teeth in frustration.
The mato, to all of them I kill them. How could that? Deof! He gave him power, he had to take care of him, he had to teach him.
Alvize protected his children, even at the last moment, how could he hurt him? What happened? What happened that day?
Remember, shouts, blood, cries, more screams, and the smell, a nausebound smell, his body felt sticky. It was annoying, really annoying to feel that, but more than annoying, it was painful to see that it could now have lucidity.
And his power? Where is your strength? Where is your condemnation chain? He killed his whole family, and still had nothing left. He was selfish, yes. But shouldn't their death be worth something? No?
I couldn't do that, I couldn't go back to power, I couldn't get dirty more than I had already done, I had to look for a way to remedy. But he wouldn't, it was obvious, his body was not the same, his eyes were sunk, the place where he was dark, and looked strong.
I was in a prison, maybe, or was sealed; After all, it would be normal, the power of a God in the hands of a human. Or you die, or you die, that was the way to free yourself.
Deous, if he could clarify his mind now, why didn't he?
—Deous, why didn't you do it before? -
The whisper came out of his dry lips; It was complex, that answer was complex. Deous watched him with pity from afar, he could not tell him that it was all of the fate, nor did he know that he would come. He ... simply gave him the power to take revenge. His future was uncertain, he was not written, he was a human, in a world that should not be born, he was a human being that was unique.
The problem is that no God knew why it existed in that world, or in the worlds, it is as if it had been born by something else. It was as if he had been born to suffer, he was going to suffer, even maybe now, after his death, he would suffer; Nothing was written.
No one knows where his soul would go, there is no record in the temples, in the holy rivers and borders, or in the walls of hell, nowhere is.
The heartbreaking cry that came out of his son's throat, while crying, those thick tears that fell again and again, from his face to the bed.
I killed my family.
Kill my childrens.
My husband.
My brothers.
My parents.
My friends.
My colleagues.
The people I promised to protect.
He destroyed everything, that damn power was a mistake, but even so, with everything present, with everything he has known now, he still wants it, he still longs for that power, that force. If I could only touch it a little more.
- Marath. - I call Deous. -
- Because? -
- I'm sorry, I didn't know what would happen.
- Kill my family! I asked for that power to avenge my family, and protect it! -
- We didn't know your future. -
- Ha, and now they know? -
- No. They do not exist anywhere in this universe.
- That? -
- You should never exist here.—
- If so, they should have eliminated me! I am an anomaly! - Husted Marath shouted, he wanted to attack him, but he couldn't move a centimeter for his body.
A bitter and painful laugh was heard in the room ... it was his laugh, it was as if he could no longer accept anything else. Deous observed his beloved son, whom he took care of and Crio since he discovered him on earth. Would your fault have been? Did you really allow them to break it?
Yes, it was his fault, his son was broken.
Crystalline tears fell down his face, a broken heart was there, purely and cleanly, a shattered heart. The feeling of loneliness enveloped him, he did not want him to leave, but it would be cruel to have him in agony.
He had no reason for life, he didn't want to live, his gaze said.
A redhead with a broken look ...
- If peace gives you, they are in a good place, some decided to reincarnate, and others simply decided eternal rest. -
Eternal tears fell again from his eyes, his heart pressed, maybe he was not the most affective God, but he, like Deous, had lived a human life millennia years ago, and seeing his son, losing everything, as once happened to him was painful.
- It's time.
- Where will I go? -
- No one knows.
- Tell him I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. If I be born again ... or where the fate took me ... - sob -, I will take care of your memoirs, I will be a good man ... -
- It is no necessary to be a good man, marath, you just need to live, and enjoy whatever comes, at least you can show that everything that has happened in this place is worth it.
- That is selfish. -
- The human being is selfish, and you are one. Be selfish in this, enjoy life, enjoy it to the fullest, without a doubt, without worries, do what you want, and do not carefully. -
- Matte. -
- It was power, and it was my fault, I shouldn't have given you such great power. -
- ...
- Live, little bastard, this father will take care of you. -
He calmedly observed how he closed his eyes waiting for his time. With a slight movement of hands, I send the frame of death to your forehead. This soon wrapped it in small red petals, they were beautiful, but at the same time sad, because it was the end of his son's life.
In the sky, outside that room, they observed how those, petals, left the room, aimlessly, fading, slowly.
Marath was no longer in the world.
Marath would not be reborn in that place.
Marath was gone.
The Angel of Blood left, and finally, the fearful power disappeared from the lands, but at the expense of many lives, and pure suffering.
This was marath. The human born of destiny, and the life of a human.