BUZZ!! The bell suddenly rang. But before I can walk out the door my teacher says "Miss. Madison, can I talk to you for a minute?" I groan and say "sure what do you need?" she smiles at me and says "I'm having you tutor Matthew Anderson." my jaw drops and I say "Um no I never agreed to that!" she rolls her eyes and says "You either help him or both y'alls grades will be affected." I groan and say "Fine but when does this start?" she chuckles and says "Tomorrow." I groan and storm out of the classroom and to my surprise I see Matthew standing at my locker grinning. I cross my arms and say "I swear y'all popular kids are always so nosy and are everywhere!" he laughs and says "Do you really think that I meant for you to tutor me?" I groan and say "Probably, but before we go and study I have some rules!" He groans and says "you're kidding me!" I laugh and say "I'm not, so the first rule must wear a shirt at all times! second rule NO flirting! Third rule: No kissing! fourth rule: No calls after 10:00pm! But before I could say the last rule Matthew interrupts me and says "If you get to make rules so do I!" I roll my eyes and say "sure I guess." he chuckles and says Evelyn can't bite her lip around me! Evelyn can't hug me! NO cuddling! I roll my eyes and say "are you done yet?" He crosses his arms and says "Yes princess, I'm finished." I roll my eyes and say "don't ever call me that!" he laughs and says "I'll call you whatever I want." i flip him off and say "Just sit down and read the book, because I'm not getting kicked off the cheer team because of you!" He rolls his eyes again and sits down