He throws the crumbled note in the bin, unconsciously getting hard again as he remembers her mouth. He mutters to himself, "Damn good for just'so so'". He grins mischievously. He picks up his phone and dials a number.
Sam speaks into the phone, his voice low and smooth. "Hello? Yes, this is Samuel Hartley. I need a discreet inquiry run on someone..." He pauses, glancing at the bin where the note lies. "...a young woman named Ahana. Yes, that's right."
His mind still rolling on Ahana calling his performance "so so" on bed.
Two months pass. Ahana was living her life. Not bothered about that night with Sam. But recently she has been feeling sick. vomiting offen. and so she finally decided to visit a doctor and have a check up. in her surprise the doctor told her she is two months pregnant.
"but.. but i took the pills. how is it possible." Ahana freaks out in panic.
"Miss Ahana, sometimes even the most reliable contraceptives aren't 100% effective. And... you did say you were running late on taking them that month, correct?" The doctor gives her a sympathetic look, knowing the panic she must be feeling. "Are you currently seeing someone?"
The doctor raises an eyebrow skeptical, "Miss Ahana, you can't be pregnant without a father. Can you think of anyone you might have been with in the past two months? Someone you might have... forgotten to use protection with?" The doctor's voice is gentle but pressing.
"Oh, I am sorry. i thought you were asking if i am dating. I had a one night stand two months ago. Damn, i messed up big this time."
"One night stand?" The doctor repeats softly, putting two and two together. She looks at Ahana's file again, seeing her age. "You're 22, right? You're not married, not in a relationship. What are you going to do about the baby?" She asks point blank.
Ahana takes a deep breath before answering. She has already made her mind. "It's fine. I can handle it. i will take my leave for now. thank you."
The doctor watches Ahana leave, muttering to herself. "Such a beautiful girl. Too young to be a single mother. God knows who the father is." She shakes her head. Meanwhile, Ahana buys a pregnancy test on her way home, the results confirming what the doctor had told her.
As Ahana sits on her couch, staring blankly at the pregnancy test, her phone suddenly rings. She answers it without looking at the screen. "Hello?" A smooth, deep voice speaks on the other end. "Ahana, it's been a while."
Ahana asks in annoyance. "Who?"
Sam chuckles softly, recognizing the annoyance in Ahana's voice. "Sam. Sam Hartley. Remember, from that...'so so' night a few months back?" He pauses, letting the implication sink in. "Funny thing, I've recently learned some interesting news."
"Yeah remember." Ahana panicked a little but she holds her compose.
"Where are you? I mean, literally. Don't you think it's a bit odd that just after I found out that particular piece of... information, you're the first person who comes to my mind?" His voice becomes more serious. Ahana's heart starts racing, wondering how he found out.
Ahana calms herself down before speaking. "Ok. I won't try to beat around the brushes. I will accept it. Yes, I am pregnant with your child. So let's meet and talk about this."
"Ah, the fire is back in your voice. I like that." He pauses again, clearly impressed. "Good. Meet me at the Grandeur Hotel downtown. Room 1206. Tonight at 8 pm sharp." He hangs up before she can respond, leaving Ahana stunned.
As Ahana enters Room 1206 at Grandeur Hotel, she finds Sam sitting on a leather armchair by the window, overlooking the city lights. He looks up as she enters, his eyes scanning her face and figure, taking in the changes subtly. "Close the door,"
Ahana closes the door behind her. "
"Ok let's talk now." Before he could say anything Ahana starts speaking. "That night was just an one night stand for me without any feeling, just only pleasure. I never intend to get pregnant with your child. But as I am now, I will take the responsibility. I am keeping it. I can assure you that i won't bother you with the child. I earn enough, so, yes i can manage the expenses of the child.
Sam watches Ahana speak, taking in her words. He's slightly taken aback by her maturity and independence. He expected tears, demands, or at least some kind of scene. Instead, she's treating it like a business meeting. "You're keeping it?" He asks to confirm.
Ahana nods. She was sure about this. "yes."
He pauses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "And you don't want anything from me? No child support, no involvement, nothing?" He asks skeptical, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What if I want to be involved?" He throws the question out there, testing the waters.
"I won't expect anything from you. not your support or anything else. but if will want to be involved willingly, then i won't stop you either. But I don't really need your support."
"You're a interesting woman, Ahana," He admits slowly, a hint of admiration in his voice. He stands up, walking over to her. "Here's the thing, Ahana. I'm a wealthy man with numerous business ventures. I have everything a man could want... except an heir."
He stops in front of her, his tall frame looming over her. His eyes bore into hers, intense and determined. "I want to be involved in this child's life. I want to provide for them, to give them the best of everything. And in return... I want something from you."
Ahana raises an eyebrow. "and what is that?"
Sam's lips curl into a smirk as he leans in slightly, his voice lowering conspiratorially. "Marry me, Ahana. That's my condition for involvement. With my name and wealth behind you, you and the baby will have everything you could ever need or want."
Ahana replies without taking a secondto thing."I don't want to marry you."
His smirk widens into a cold smile, he expected this reaction. He's used to getting his way, though. "Let me make it clear," He says, his voice taking on a harder edge. "Marry me, or I'll make your life very difficult, Ahana."
Ahana narrows her eyes. "What do you mean? Are you blackmailing me into this now?"
"Damn straight," He growls, losing his charm. "You're a smart woman. You must know how much influence I have. I can take your job, your apartment, ruin your reputation. I can make your life a living hell. Or..." He pauses,
"You can marry me, have a comfortable life, and give our baby a loving home. The choice is yours. But know this, Ahana. I always get what I want. And right now, I want you to be my wife." His eyes bore into hers, challenging her to defy him.
Ahana looks him into his eyes. without blinking. "I will never love you and still expect that you will stay loyal to me. can you take it and still will want to marry me?"
Sam's expression hardens, his eyes glinting coldly. He's used to women falling at his feet, not challenging him like this. "Love," He scoffs, "Who said anything about love? This is a business arrangement, nothing more." He extends his hand towards her.
Ahana takes his hand for shaking. "Fine. then it's a business deal. and i expect only one thing from you, that's loyalty and not to interfere in my life. I will only use your money for the baby. and I will take care of my own expenses." Ahana didn't want to depend on him or let him have authority over her or let him think that she is a gold digger.
*He shakes her hand firmly, sealing the deal. "Agreed," He says, his voice business-like. "You'll have a separate bank account for the baby's expenses. As for your personal expenses, you can use your own salary." He pauses, "And Ahana? No other men," He adds possessively. "You can hate me, avoid me, not fall in love with me. But you won't sleep around. Understood?" His eyes snap to hers, watching for her reaction. He might not love her, but he doesn't share.
Ahana agreed on his tearm. "deal."
A slight smile tugs at the corner of his lips. "Good. We'll get married next week. I'll have the papers drawn up -prenuptial, custody arrangements for the child. My lawyer will contact you tomorrow." He moves towards the door, then pauses. "And Ahana..."
"Don't expect any... romantic gestures from me. This is purely transactional. You'll have your own room." He says it matter-of-factly, not unkindly but leaving no room for misunderstanding. "And don't think I'm a monster. I'll be a good father to our child."
Ahana nods. "Hm. ok."
Sam pauses at the doorframe, glancing back at Ahana with a final nod. "I'll have someone from Human Resources deliver your new contract tomorrow. Along with the marriage license paperwork." His voice is crisp, all business once more. "Oh, and one more thing..."
"Can't you finish at once?"
He chuckles lightly, a small sign of warmth in his voice. "Right. Last thing: pack your bags. You'll be moving into my place tonight." With that, he exits the room, leaving Ahana stunned. "Tonight?"