It all started years ago. Angel and Basil have known each other since they were just kids. It started when Basil moved to Angels neighborhood. Having a big sister that was friends with Basil's big brother, Angel met Basil and from that moment on people teased them. They liked each other but they kept it to themselves due to their age. Years passed by and they both went to high school . When Angel is in 3rd yr high school that's the time Basil asked Angel if he can pick her up at school and start courting her. Angel got excited and gave Basil a chance. Due to Angel religious beliefs as well as Basil they decided to fall apart. Even though it hurts for both of them, they just stay as a "childhood friend". A few years later after College Angel is working in ER as a nurse. Basil is now working as an EMT. Angel has been in a lot of relationships hoping to find her prince to love her but I guess life has a different plan for her.