"Hey Fin, how much longer until we reach the cabin?" I asked wary of the place I've been taken to.
Silence filled the air until he finally said, "Not that long."
Something felt off about him… Something felt off about this… this place. I can't explain why I feel this way. But it feels like something… someone is watching. The fog isn't helping with breathing this out…
We continued walking and walking down the dirt path through the foggy woods. The further we walked, the less of the car I saw until it was gone. "How much further do we need to walk? We've gone pretty far. Are you even certain you saw what you said?"
Fin creepily turnt his head back and began moving back towards me. In a venomous tone he spoke, "Jack, are you telling me you don't believe me? Are you trying to call me crazy like everyone else? Like your parents?"
"No bu-"
"Then SHUT-UP- and follow ME." I don't know why he got so mad. His eyes lit a flame the moment he said that. It was creepy.
"I'm sorry…"
No response…
He just began walking forward again. Again and again… The further we walked the more distorted the trees began looking. The further we talked the more the trees looked and felt as if they were watching… The further we walked the darker the fog got. The further we walked, the thicker the fog got and the harder it got to breathe.
I want to say something but he'll get mad…
"Say uh… Fin…"
"Yeah?" He asked in an aggressive tone.
"Is the eerie atmosphere part of the mystery you said you discovered?" I asked. I mean it is a good question… I think…
"What's eerie about this? This is normal for being in the woods."
"I mean yeah, but I don't think it's normal for fog to be here."
"Just shut up and keep following me, the shack is right ahead." He begins pointing at the distance.
It's a shed. The shed he was talking about. The shed that haunted his dreams, day in and day out. The shed that occupied his mind even when we were in the middle of something important.
"Jack… I've been having this recurring dream… I can't seem to get my mind off it these past couple weeks… It's about a shed. A shed in the woods," he began talking uneasily.
"Well did anything happen in the dream," I asked confused.
He began shaking up… His hands… his head… his legs. Every inch of his body… Not a single part of his body wasn't following the rest. "I… In the dream I tried to open the shed. It ended up being locked. So I left."
Confused, of course, I asked if that was all, but then he replied "No… The next dream I dreamt of the same thing, this time I had an axe with me. So I broke the shed's door down. I hacked and hacked, but before I could enter, something pierced me… I ended up waking up from the dream."
"Well? Did you at least see what's inside?" I asked, intrigued.
"No… Not in that dream at least…"
"Oh? There's more?"
"Yes… For two weeks, I had dreamt that exact dream. Each time I tried changing my decisions trying to change the outcome of the dream. But to no avail. I don't exactly remember what I did in those dreams, however none of the options worked."
"So you never figured out wh-"
"Then, Wednesday happened…" His tone suddenly became more serious.
"What happened on Wednesday?" I asked.
"I didn't want to sleep on Wednesday this week. I tried staying up. I began hearing voices, soothing voices… Soothing yet creepy. I wanted to cry. I didn't want to stay awake. It felt like someone was watching me. It felt like they wanted me to sleep. It was working, I was too scared to stay up. I fell into the same dream. This time I had an axe as well as… I don't remember what else…"
"What do you mean you don't remember what else? Is that all that happened in the dream? Was there any significance to that forgotten thing?"
"Can you stop asking so many questions…" He said irritated.
I was at a loss for words… I didn't think I was being annoying. No really I didn't. "Sorry…"
"It's okay… I'm sorry as well… This is making me uneasy…"
"If you don't wanna talk about it then we can s-"
He cut me off saying "No it's fine… I'll continue. I know you want to hear what happens next…"
"So, I remember walking down, like I always did. However this time it felt like an eternity. An eternities walk. It felt treacherous a bit with the thick fog. But I got used to everything else. I finally approached the cabin. I don't know what happened but, when I hacked at the entrance, nothing pierced me. I finally was able to enter the cabin. However, the moment I stepped foot in there. Everything went pitch black and then I woke up."
"Aw man that's it?"
He raised his head and looked at me with a killer's stare, "Are you taking my suffering as a form of entertainment? Are you that terrible of a friend that you enjoy seeing me suffer?"
"No… I'm sorry, I didn't mean it li-"
"Thursday, I slept and this was the first time I didn't get the dream. Instead, I woke up with voices telling me to go searching for the cabin. So I did. I spent Thursday to Sunday searching for it."
"Well… Did you find it?" I asked curiously.
"Well? Where was it?"
"Jack, tomorrow I will take off school. You need to follow suit as well. I will take you to see it." He spoke in a serious manner. He wasn't lying about this nor did he request this. It was a demand.
"I don't know Fin… This sounds terrifying…" I don't want to go. But knowing Fin, he'll force me.
"You are going…"
"Say… Fin… is it just me or are the tree branches moving in an odd fashion…" I'm terrified. I want to leave.
"The lack of air is probably getting to you…" He said, in the same serious tone he's been using all day.
"I think I'm going to leave Fin, sorry. This is too terrifying fo-"
"Y O U A R E N O T L E A V I N G" He turned his body, and forcefully gripped my arm before I could leave. His eyes widened.
"You're scaring me dude… I don't want to continue this…" I tried yanking my arm away from him but his grip was too strong…
"Jack, the cabin is right here. Please… Just follow me, I'll keep you safe if anything happens. I always have and always will, I promise…"
He's right… Ever since we were little he had always protected me. Even if that meant he would get hurt in the process. He stopped some kids from bullying me once even though he knew they'd pick on him next…
"Okay Fin… I'll… follow you…" I said hesitantly.
So we walked. And we walked. And walked and walked. We walked until we made it to the cabin. When we made it to the cabin, the fog made it impossible to see even the sky. The fog made it seem like it was night time during the morning. Fin grabbed his axe and began hacking away at the door of the cabin.
He hacked. And hacked. And hacked and hacked. He hacked until the front door revealed the inside.
"Finally, we can solve the mystery of this cabin… The cabin that has been haunting me for weeks upon weeks. Aren't you eager to see what's in it Jack?" He asked in a happy tone.
"I don't think I'm all that happy to see it… If anything, the cabin looks…" I looked at the inside of the cabin through the door. "It looks scary, it looks like there's a human skull in there. And there's also a lit candle… Who's been in here? Was it you?"
"No Jack. How would it have been me if I just opened the door?" He asked, annoyed.
"Well you said you went to search for the cabin… That's why I'm assuming this." I'm trembling, I don't want to go in there. I don't want to stay here… Get me out. Please god, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please.
Fin entered the cabin waiting at the bookshelf full of cobwebs and skulls. "Well, aren't you going to enter?" He asked me.
"Right… Right…" I began attempting to walk into the cabin but I stopped myself right in front of the door.
"Stop being a wuss and enter…"
"Fin… Ever since we began this trip… You sounded… off… You sound scary. You're being scary… This place is scary. I'm sorry… I can't continue this… I'm lea-"
"W-w-wh-what…" Wh-what just…
I looked down… only to see something had pierced me… it looked to be a branch… When I turned around, the trees I once assumed were watching me, leaned forward piercing my stomach… I vomited a pile of blood… I look back at Fin, the man I once trusted and asked… "Why?"
He merely said, "It's a small price to pay for one's sanity."
Slowly the friend I once held dear to me approached me with an axe in his hand————