Chereads / Ranma of the Shield / Chapter 3 - The Grind

Chapter 3 - The Grind

It was not every day he fought his way out of sleep with warmth beside him, usually that meant Shampoo had snuck in and Akane was going to give him a flying lesson when he woke up. But no that couldn't happen, he was not there anymore.

He opened his eyes looking around a dimly lit room he did not recognize, there was the bare necessities and he thought he could hear the sounds of a forge nearby. Light sure breathing reached his ears and he looked to his side, the girl was there. Her small arms were clutching him tightly, her body clenched as if she was used to sleeping in smaller spaces.

It had worked, thank god, he had done it or rather the shield had become exactly what he needed it. The girl whimpered and on reflex he touched her head gently, ever so gently rubbing back and forth. The whimpering stopped and, and he thought he could make out voices.

"What do you think?"

"I, I don't know what to think from what you told me her lungs must have been damaged."

Oyaji was speaking to someone but who?

"That boy did something I've never seen before and I was partied with you once."

The other man was quiet for a moment "I have no idea what he did to her"

"He healed her"

"Not in the way we know it."

The shopkeeper made a confused sound "Huh?"

"Healing magic will repair injury, it can slow disease and heal that damage done by it, but do you know what always remains behind?"


"Marks, scars, signs, something to indicate that the area has been healed, but there was nothing. I used my most powerful scan spell and saw nothing but healthy tissue, if anything the boy had more damage than the girl."

"Did you figure out where that came from?"

"...The only thing that makes sense is not possible."

"But you said it makes sense."

"Well yes but."

"So what is it?"

"That boy somehow turned his own life, his own HP into mana."

"I have never heard of that before"

"That is because not only is the art forbidden, the knowledge of how to do such a thing has been lost of centuries. I only know about it because I like to study history, not because of my schooling."

"Why was such a thing forbidden?"

"Because of the damage it causes the body, the strain it puts on the mind and most of all because it is the precursor to something darker."

"I don't understand"

The other man sighed "The school of thought behind it is that once you figure out how to turn your own life into power it would not be a stretch to turn others life's into power."

Ranma blinked, that was a terrifying thought, granted the way he had healed was far different from the magic these people seemed to practice.

"If I might ask" the strange man said.


"You heard the proclamation of the king, you have heard of this deeds. Why help the shield? For all you know he could have been the cause of the girl's ills."

Anger flared but faded as Oyaji answered calmly "Simple really, I don't believe them."

"But the princess herself"

"I know the princesses, and that is one of the several reasons why I don't think he did it."


"From what you told me, that boy nearly burned his life out to save a child, what kind of monster does that?"

"...*Sigh*... I should be going now, the boy was recovering fast and I would not be surprised if he awakens soon."

"Thank you for coming over Tarth"

"Think nothing of it, I still owe you a lot Iron Adventurer."

Oyaji laughed "Not as much as I owe you Berserk Healer"

Their voice faded as they moved further away, well at least someone was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Slowly he sat up gratified to find no pain at his actions, the motion however stirred the girl. Her eyes blinked open, they were brown to the point of almost red. Her breathing stayed steady as she held onto his side.

What should he say? He was very good at saving people but afterwards he seemed to always mess it up. "Hey" he decided on that word was harmless enough.

Her eyes looked down "Thank you" she whispered.

Almost by itself his hand went back to her head "It's what I do"

Looking to the side he noted his clothing lying on one of the chairs and got out of the bed, the girl watched him as he got his stuff back into place. "Why" she asked.

That word had so many implications, why save her, why heal her, why step in at all?

"Because I am a martial artist and that is my duty"

Her eyes lifted back up and met his, how in the world could eyes seem to be that big "Are you going to leave me?"

Well what the hell kind of question was that? "Um, where are you parents?"

"Dead" she whispered tears forming "Th-They were killed by monsters"

Ouch that stung, stung bad. "Look what I am doing is not going to be safe, do you have any relatives? Anyone to take you in?"

"No, I'm just a demi human slave"


"Sad Child has entered your party" the status window told him.

"What's your name?"


"I'm Ranma Saotome"

The status window changed "Raphtalia has joined your party"

Well it was not like he was not used to baggage in a fight, though hopefully this one did not have a hammer to smack him with. There was a rag next to a bowl filled with water Ranma picked up both and brought them over to the bed. "You should get cleaned, I'll be right outside."

"You're not going to leave me?" she asked again

"Of course not"

He opened the door and stepped out, the back of the weapons shop came into view and a building with a forge stood on the right. Oyaji was on his way over and pulled up at the sight of him "Damn kid back to 100% already?"

"I'm used to worse"

"Worse than turning yourself into a lifeless husk?"

Ranma pulled up his shit and showed the man a blotch of scars where a Phoenix god's flames had burned him "So far nothing has quite equaled this, though turning life into mana was agonizing."

Oyaji shook his head "Who's the girl? She would not stop struggling until I let her sleep next to you."

Ranma shrugged "I don't know I think someone was keeping her as a slave, oh that reminds me She's awake and I have her cleaning herself up with that rag and bowl of water, sorry I didn't ask if i could use it."

"No, that's fine she didn't want anyone to touch her so I left it there for that purpose."

"Ok back on track, so there is slavery in this country?" Ranma spoke normally but there was a knife edge to his voice.

"Ya but for the most part its monsters who are caught, tamed and used as party members for those who can afford them. Slavery of humans has long been outlawed in this kingdom but demi humans...well its not to uncommon for there to be one or two among the slave traders."

"I see"

"What will you do with her?"

Ranma sighed "Her parents are dead and she does not know anyone that can take her in, and I'm reasonably sure if she was left here the trader that had her will come back."

"A wise assumption"

"So I guess she's coming with me"

"You made her a party member?"

"I don't plan on having her fight" He said quickly "But I can't leave her like this."

"You don't do things half way do you Hero?"

"Not true I often as I would like"

"Well it's better that you have a beastman child with you rather than human."

Ranma blinked "Why is that?"

"Hm?" the shopkeeper muttered "Oh nothing just the musings of an ex adventure"


The door opened the Raphtalia stepped out her face washed clean of the dirt and grim, to his relief the ki healing he had done on her closed the many minor cuts and bruises she had on her body before.

Oyaji smiled kindly and dropped to one knee "Good to see you doing well"

The girl stepped behind Ranma looking uncertain "Its ok" Ranma told her.

The looked up at him and nodded slowly moving out from behind him "Th-thank you for helping me, I-I'm sorry I scratched you."

"Ha" the old man burst out "No problem, I should have known you would have woken up confused, honest mistake."

They made their way back to the shop "If you're going to take her with you boy then she needs some better clothing and a weapon."

"But I'm not"

He held up his and stalling the question "I know what you want, but you never know better to be prepared than not right?"

"...very true, a lot of things in his life could have been different if he had followed that philosophy."

"You'll need this and this and this" the old man was saying to himself grabbing clothing the proper size, a cape." he pointed her over to the long knives "Find one that feels comfortable"

Ranma started pulling out some silver but the Oyaji waved his hand dismissively "On the house, I had every hero party come through my shop yesterday I can afford to be generous."

Those were words he had never heard in his life, his dad would never say something like that. Nabki, the old hag, the perverted troll. No one in his life would have said that but this one said it so easily "I wonder what it would have been like to have this man as a father"

He shook his head where had that thought come from, "Thank you so much" he honestly told the man "For everything, especially not judging me."

"Dont get me wrong kid I'm not perfect when I heard the news I did wonder if it might be true, but after seeing what you did for her. Well thats not something just anyone would do."

That brought out a smirk on Ranma's face "Thank you then for judging me according to my real actions."

Raphtalia got dressed in the changing room and when she came out looked even more adorable than she already had.

She looked up at him questing for approval, "That looks good" he told her, there was a twinge in his stomach and he realized that he had not eaten since his dinner at the inn two nights before. "You hungry?"

At those words her stomach made and audible noise "Right what was I thinking kids are always hungry."

He held up his fist to Oyaji who raised an eyebrow in response "In my world people who respect each other sometimes bump fists" he explained.

"Ah, ok then" they bumped firsts and Ranma said his farewells.




They got a lot of looks as they got on to the main street, women moved quickly to get out of his way and several of the men gave speculative looks as Raphtalia. So that was why they had a child slave for sale, well he was now pissed off.

Raphtalia stopped in front of a business which judging by the smells was a restaurant of some sort, well that worked.

The server gave them a displeased look as she led them to a table, Ranma noted the envious look Raphtalia was giving towards another kid's lunch and some of the anger he was feeling dissipated this child was too cute, it should have been a weapon in her inventory.

He ordered them food, himself taking the cheapest thing on the menu after all he didn't really care food was food. However he ordered Raphtalia the kiddie meal, at first she seemed confused but with some encouragement. While they were eating and ignoring the stares he checked his stats, he had gone up quite a few levels yesterday. Those knights must have been at a much higher one than his current, there bad luck he was someone who didn't follow the rules of power this world seemed to have in place.

No that was not the right way to say it, rather the world had started him at the beginning and did not seem to care his power far exceeded a simple lv 1.

His starts had shot up even higher and for the most part it was the same as his first level up, defense got the highest, he would really have to see how getting hit would affect him now. Attack, HP,MP, where generally the same save for the fact that the switched around the numbers 12,11, and 10 a little. Intelligence and agility were progressing slowly but if he flipped genders they were growing extremely fast. Something he noted is that while the difference in strength and life was large in his girl from his defense was the same. That must have been the shields influence.

He finished the meal and changed his shield to the Rosetta Shield, Raphtalia was too focused on the small flag atop her rice mounted to pay attention. He waited patiently reading and doing lessons the book was giving him while Raphtalia enjoyed her food. No skin of his nose to let a child be happy.

Just as she was about to be finished he morphed the shield back to its Balloon form, "Ok I'm gonna go visit the forest outside of town, if you want I can probably get Oyaji to watch you until I get back.

"No!" she said loudly grabbing his side.

"But there will be monsters"

"NO!" she said again louder.

"Ok, ok let's get moving then."

The exited the town and several orange balloons floated close, to a look and Ranma and turned around floating away. "They learn" Ranma muttered.

Together they followed the road uncontested until they entered the thickly covered forest, almost at once several red balloons a color he had never seen before on them attack. Raphtalia yelped in fear as one leapt for her. Ranma backhanded it into a tree so hard it popped. Another had been going for him but a single kick killed it as well.

Raphtalia looked a little pale but it was over now, he picked up the remnants of the balloons. Something jumped at him from behind and Ranma decided to let it hit him, see what his defense could do.

At least that was what he planned, "Look out!" the child cried panicked, when he did not move she did. With speed that would not have been possible with a human child she leapt at the monster hitting with the weight of her small body driving her knife deep. *Pop* went the balloon.

"Exp 13"

"Companion exp 9"

She stood up holding the knife in both hands shaking and trembling her breath ragged. Gently Ranma pushed the knife to a safer angle and put his arm around her. No need to say he had never been in any danger that was not what she needed to hear. "Thank you Raphtalia"

Her breathing steadied, "I, I did it"

"Yes you did and it was very impressive but you don't need to fight, I got this covered."

She looked at her knife cute face contorted in thought, while she was thinking he got together the corpses of red balloons and absorbed them.

Red Small Shield

True power sealed … Equipment Bonus: 4 Defensive Power

Well that was larger than his current shield so with and effort of will he changed to its new form. Raphtalia stared at it in shock "Ranma sama who are you?"

"Its Ranma and I guess I'm the hero of the shield"

"The legendary hero?"

"I guess"

"I'm gonna do a bit more fighting, see if I can get any new shields so stay close."

"Yes Ranma"

The next encounter was with three balloons that burst onto the path, the one going straight for him died on the first hit, the one charging in on his right was shield bashed so hard its corpse stuck to the shield. Raphtalia tried to get the third one surging forward, the red balloon weaved to the side and she missed falling to the ground.

She let out a cry of fear before Ranma caught the Red balloon and held it off to one side not killing it yet. The thing struggled a little but its own strength was no match "Sorry" she murmured as she got to her feet.

"Raphtalia you don't have to do this, you're a kid its fine to depend on others."

"Bu-But I want to help."

He could have said I don't need your help but maybe Akane's hammers to the head were having a good side effect since he did not blurt that out. So instead he said "Fine but look if you gona try and fight these things your gona have to do it right."


"Watch" he threw the balloon back five feet and it charged, Ranma waited until it attacked avoided it and caught it. "Since you small right now any real attempt at an attack like you are trying to do is going to put you off balance. So do what I just did, avoid that attack then strike."

He let it go and the kid yelped as it dashed at the weaker of the two biting for all it was worth. He was ready to intervene if it looked like it might actually hit and that turned out to be a good thing. She avoided its first attack but lost her footing, Ranma caught the Red Balloon again "Good try but watch your footwork, keep calm I won't let it touch you."

He released it again this time she waited, the fear was still there but it was overshone by her trust in him. The Balloon surged forward and she stepped to the side avoiding that attack, with with a quick movement she thrust her dagger into the balloon with both hands. *Pop*

Exp Ranma 1

Exp Raphtalia 6

"See, when your opponent attacks and is not prepared to defend a counter attack is devastating. But you did very well, I did not pick it up so fast."

She looked away from him shyly "Th-thank you."

"Alright let's continue"

The next monster was stranger than the Balloons, it was a white, moving mushroom. It had sharp slanted eyes, and was roughly the size of a human head. There was only one of them and Raphtalia moved forward slowly. "Well so much for not using her to fight, but at least I'm not forcing her to fight." The thing the shield said was Roux Mush growled as it charged, she waited until it swung its small arm at her and avoided the blow burning down her dagger in an overhead slash and the Mush pitched over dead from the blow.

Exp Ranma 1

Exp Raphtalia 6 Lv Up

Well that was strange, it took him thirty five exp to lvl up the first time not twenty three, but still that meant even children could grow in power at rates that would have made his father jealous. "Good Job" he told her.

She beamed at up at him, and well that was that. As it turned out there were several different colored Mush which he helped Raphtalia kill. It ended up that he got several new shields out of the deal.

Mush Shield

True power sealed … Equipment bonus: Plant Identification 1

Blue Mush Shield

True power sealed … Equipment bonus: Simple Compounding Recipes 1

Green Mush Shield

True power sealed … Equipment bonus: Apprentice's Compounding

Taken advantage of the help option, he realized that all these things were for the medicine skill, he could now instantly identify a limited number of plants with medicinal purposes. He had some recipes to tell him what he needed and to top it all off he somehow now knew just how to mix, crush, cut and use the plants to make the medicine work.

Welp that did it, this shield was even more freaking awesome than he realized. They stopped as the sky grew dark Raphtalia had gained three more levels making her LV 5 and already Ranma could see the imminence difference in movement and strength from this morning.

He gazed at her thoughtfully as they ate a meal he had thrown into a pot and boiled down to a very bland tasting but filling stew. She noted his gaze after a while and began to shift uncomfortably, "D-did I do something wrong Ranma?" she finally asked.

"No, I'm just thinking"

"What about?"

"You, are you sure you want to fight?"

Her face got the determined look only children could make "Yes"


"Because I want to help you."

"But you could get hurt, monsters like the ones that took you parents could come at any time, this is very dangerous."

There it was, fear appeared in her eyes and she started shaking "I want to fight she said again"


"I want to"

"Why!" he said louder.

"Because I don't what to watch!" she screamed and burst into tears.

Very carefully Ranma went over to her and wrapped his arms around her "I don't want to watch" she whimpered "My parents died, they died and I could do nothing."

They were quiet for a little bit as Ranma comforted her "Its ok, I understand If that is your reason than I will show you the proper path."

"What?" she asked.

"I will show how to become strong, and it will be the hardest experience for your life. It will be exhausting, it will be painful, and it will be hard. But if you want it I will show you the path to power."

"I want it" she whispered "I want that more than anything."

"ok" he said simply " Your training begins tomorrow apprentice."


"Ranma is just fine"

"Are you... fighting against that disaster? The one where the monsters come from?"

"A Martial Artist protects the weak that is my life, it has been my only constant," he stroked her hair gently his eyes distant "Every world has its share of assholes and wretched people but I'll protect them too."


"Because if I didn't then I would be just as bad as them, actually no I'd be worse."

He smiled down at her "And of course there are people like you, you're are a lot easier to fight for."




The next two weeks were possibly the worst of Raphtalia's life, Ranma made sure of that. As it turned out training could grant you exp. In fact the status window made a note that she was his apprentice now and gave her an exp bonus while he was training her. By the end of those two weeks he was getting a feel for just how far he could push her. Since she was his apprentice he could now see her stats, he was starting to be able to see the numbers and get a very close guess at how much she lift, how long he could make her run, ect. Training did not increase individual attributes unless you counted the boosts her apprentice level skill in martial arts gave her.

He ran her ragged, and in between training her he studied the Rosetta Shield and tried his hand at medicine. He had expected some complaints from her but so far had received none. Which was highly impressive considering he had never shut up about his complaints to his pa at her age.

The exercise was a good thing for her, it had taken him a while to realize it but just because the strength stat said one thing, it was quite another to get the full use out of it. By his methods she was able to reach the full limits of her physical stats and understand her own limits as well.

Being on the other end of the teaching spectrum was a strange experience, he was starting to almost be grateful to his pa for making all those mistakes with him. Now he knew what to avoid with Raphtalia.

Oh yes and during this time Ranma was able to unseal quite a few more shields, they had met a new kind of monster that came in several colors and from its remains he had gotten.

Requirement for Egg Shield has been unsealed

Egg Shield

True power sealed … Equipment bonus: Culinary 1

Requirement for Blue Egg Shield has been unsealed.

Blue Egg Shield

True power sealed … Equipment bonus: Judgement 1

Requirement for Sky Egg Shield has been unsealed.

Sky Egg Shield

True power sealed … Equipment bonus: Beginner Cooking Recipes

So their meals had taken a considerable jump in taste when he had made them, also his medical skills had increased, he had been able to create, the Heal pill which helped with wounds when applied, and when absorbed into the shield, that's right the thing could absorb medicine to, it had unsealed the shields called.

Petit Medicine Shield

True power sealed … Equipment bonus: Raises Medicine's Effects.

Petit Poison Shield

True power sealed … Equipment bonus: Poison Resistance (Small)

Soon after he had managed to create a Nutritional supplement pill of low quality and a Recovery Potion which helped with testing illnesses. It probably would have been helpful to Raphtalia if he hadn't practically rebuilt her lungs with his Ki healing.

But anyway absorbing them into the shield gave him the

Calorie Shield

True power sealed … Equipment Bonus: Stamina Boost (Small)

Energy Shield

True power sealed … Equipment Bonus: SP Boost (Small)

Energic Shield

True power sealed … Equipment Bonus: Stamina Consumption Decrease (Small)

All these stat bonuses too bad they the only worked when he was holding them, well that was what was happening. Oh, right three other important things had happened, one it seemed that Raphtalia could only avoid nightmares if she was holding on to him while she was sleeping. And after several night attacks by monsters attracted to her cries he decided to just get used to it and stop expecting a hammer to attack him.

Two he found out what that glass case she had kept was that conversation had gone like this, "So Raphtalia what is that case you have?"

The girl moved her hand over it gently pulling back a black cloth she has placed over it, inside was a small egg. "When I escaped I grabbed the thing they had set to the side earlier, they did not want to damage it so I used it as a shield to get away.

"Whats in the egg?"

"A monster baby I think"

"...say wa?"

"From what," she shivered "From what the bad man said, some adventures like to raise monsters from the egg rather than buy them as full grown pets. He says it makes them more loyal to the owner."

Well now he knew he had a baby monster to watch out for, he said nothing to Raphtalia about throwing it away. She seemed attached to it, it was something had helped her to freedom, so he hoped whatever hatched from it would be friendly.

The final thing that happened over those two weeks was his penchant for chaotic things returned with a vengeance. It has started when they had been practicing how to attack an opponent while not opening yourself up too much.

That was when a creature who had no business being in this area wandered across them, imagine a Rhino, but the Rhino has a horn three feet long with a razor sharp point. Now imagine most of its skin was made of a rock like material, now to finish the image it's pissed off as all hell.

Rhinogore the shield told him unhelpfully, the damn thing was lv 20, which made no sense give this area was home to lv 3 Mush. Well to make a short story even shorter knowing he had no time to waste and not trusting his fist to end it quick enough to guarantee Raphtalia's safety the battle had went something like this.

Grabbing the child in one arm he leapt straight into the air, nearly twenty feet straight over the things charge. Angrily snorting his disapproval the Rhinogore had placed itself where they would and intent of getting them.

It had not expected what came next, holding his hand up he let his confidence sing along his body. Ki ignited at the tip of his shield and gathered into a ball, pointed it down he had howled "Moko Takabisha" The shield changed something about it, it was tighter than it should have been, stronger than the Ki he had put into it. The ball of ki hit the thing right along its back and there was a shattering sound as a blast of light washed over them.

Exp Ranma 600

Exp Raphtalia 300

Ranma LV 18

Raphtalia Lv 10

5 gold

When it had cleared the Rhinogore was dead, Raphtalia just started at him in awe as he began to harvest the thing.

Requirements for Stone Hide Shield unsealed

Stone Hide Shield

True Power unsealed: Damage Reduction /1, Equipment Bonus: Damage Reduction /1 Defense Bonus 7, Bonus Skill: Hide of the Ancestors (Once a day skill that grants a plus /10 Damage reduction to the user"

Requirements for Sword Horn Shield unsealed.

Sword Horn Shield

True Power Unsealed: Piercing Resistance 5, Equipment Bonus: Attack 5, Bonus Skill "Aura of the Raging Ancestors Damage 3/Enemy debuff damage 3 in a thirty foot area centered around the user." (Aura stacks with attack bonus of the Sword Horn Shield)

The Stone Hide Shield was a circular thing nearly three feet across, the front was covered in the rock like skin similar to the Rhinogore which the back was cushioned against his arm by a soft material.

The Sword Horn Shield was awesome, his first shield with attack properties. Imagine his first shield the small shield. It was about the same shape and size but protruding to either side of the shield tip were foot long needle sharp horns about two inches at the base. The shield placed as it was up near his hand made it a perfect punching tool.

He decided that the Sword Horn Shield was going to be a trump card and switched it to the Stone Hide Shield.

That was the first chaotic incident, the second one turned out to be even more significant than the first. They were hunting balloons together when they spotted a red balloon twice the size of the others. Raphtalia had dashed up to it and stabbed it, and that was when they found out why it was twice the size of the others. The damn thing had been drinking water, drinking enough to swell to that size. When Raphtalia stabbed it water had exploded every direction and He became a she for the first time in this world.

Raphtalia had turned to apologize but just stood there her mouth agape Ranma sighed shaking her head to rid it of the water. The child looked from the shield to Ranma's new red hair and back again utter confusion on her face.

"um" she muttered "Look I know this is weird but there is an illogical explanation for this...wait magic is more common in this world perhaps a curse is a logical explanation for this?"


*Sigh* "ya its me see the shield" Ranma waved it in front of the child.

"Bu-Bu-But you're a girl?"

"Ya that sometimes happens"


Several mushes had ambushed them in that moment and Ranma blurred into action, to Raphtalia it looked like a blur of movement and three afterimages of Ranma punching all three mushes at nearly the same time. *poof*poof*poof* went the mushes.

"Hm speed really is greatly increased" She mused.

Raphtalia still just stood there mouth opening and closing like a fish "Look just hold on a moment." she told her.

Swiftly she made a small fire and set a cup of water to boil, then dumping it over her head the manly equipment returned and she became a he. "See, boy again"

That served to confuse her even more so he ended training early that day, sat her down, got her fed and calmed. Then told her the story of his curse and the mechanism that triggered it, it took several transformations right in front of her eyes and letting her feel around to for her to be sure that it was true.

And a final note to those weeks of training Raphtalia grew, grew a lot, like three and a half feet in height. No he was not kidding, she had gone from jailbait cute to outright gorgeous in less than three days. Her hair went down to her waist, her ears were much more prominent, as had her chest. She was taller than he was and had a killer smile that would turn any head.

Sometimes it was hard to remember she was only ten, that body belonged to an adult and it was one the same level of as Kasumi the only one of the Tendo sisters that could be called beautiful. Where Nabki had a sort of cold charm, and Akane was tomboyish cute, Kasumi shown forth as a sweet flower among that family. He could say without a doubt that Raphtalia was equal or even greater in terms of looks than Kasumi.

Which made it all the more weird since she was freaking ten, the only answer she had given him about the sudden change was that leveling caused the beastman's body to accelerate growth. She swore to him that it did not affect her mind but he was not so sure, there was a sneaking suspicion in his mind that she only told him her mind was like a child because she liked sleeping next to him. She might had deduced correctly that if he was sure she was not a child there was no way he would let her sleep while hugging him.

But he was not sure and for all he knew she was telling the truth so for until circumstances dictated otherwise he would let the sleeping arrangements fall where they may. Besides she still had nightmares and hearing a girl screaming in terror set off his protective instincts harder than just about everything.

So at the end of those two weeks Raphtalia broke her knife, they ran out of seasoning for food, and had managed to get Raphtalia up two more levels. So it was time to return to town and get resupplied, he also had questions about the wave. His system help bar told him what it was but not how and when he was going to fight it. The damn thing just said "Check the Dragon Hour Glass"




Nothing really changed in the castle town as they arrived, he still got the looks of fear and disgust from the town's people, apparently the king had been working hard to keep it that way. But in the end he didn't care, people had judged him before and would so again.

Besides there was at least one person happy to see him "Hey boyo" Oyaji called as Ranma and Raphtalia store. "I thought you two would be in Raffan by now" The man pulled up at seeing Raphtalia in her shiny new adult body.

But unlike Ranma the man seemed to know exactly what was going on "You have become quite the looker" He told Raphtalia.

The girl flushed a little "Thank you"

"So again, why are you here?

With an embarrassed expression and held up the broken knife "Ah got some use out of it did ya?"

Ranma looked away from the man "She ended up fighting anyway"

"I thought as much, why do you think I gave her that."

"Well we are here for another weapon," Ranma glanced again at Raphtalia "A sword this time I think, one that is highly durable."

Oyaji nodded "That is a reasonable upgrade."

He walked out from behind the counter to get a closer look at the girl "Hm, both right and left arms are equally strong, are you ambidextrous?"

"No she's right handed, I just didn't let the muscle growth become lopsided."

"Oh, you're training her?"

Ranma nodded "I am a martial artist so I know a thing or two about fighting."

"Know anything about swords?"

"Mostly Katana but I did learn about about longswords, I am an established staff fighter, a decent bow shot, and knowledgeable in several other forms of weaponry including throwing axes….don't ask where I learned that."

*blink*blink* "What martial art did you learn"

The only answer Oyaji got was a smirk and the words "Anything goes"

"Come to think of it" Ranma said "Do you have any Katana?"

"You're asking me If I have a weapon that is considered illegal to even showcase outside the eastern country of its origin?"

"Ya pretty much"

" much silver do you have?"

"Two hundred and eight two copper, three hundred and ninety five silver and five gold pieces"

*blink* blink* "I'll be right back" The shopkeeper vanished back into his storeroom. They waited and heard some crashing sounds and boxes being moved. Oyaji returned holding the weapon, the Katana was forty inches long. It's hilt was eleven inches and engraved with a dragon on the right side and a phoenix on the other the blade was twenty nine inches in length and where the hilt and blade connected there was a white lotus flower guard.

The steel was an inky black which almost seemed to absorb light itself, perhaps it was his imagination but as the shopkeeper sheathed the weapon into a rather simple looking wooden sheath the room got brighter.

"Twelve years ago I and my party were exploring an underwater shipwreck, we ended up running into a leviathan and had to flee. This and two jet black gemstones were the only things we recovered." He ran his hand along the sheath "It took me forever to restore this thing to fighting condition and I tried using this but never could make it effective. However if you want this weapon it's going to eight hundred silver and I am pretty sure I could sell this to collectors for at least eight times that much."

Ranma frowned "Why done you do that? I know a girl who would kill for that kind of money."

The man frowned a bit looking at the blade "This weapon is made for combat, it's not an ornament or something to be put away in a case for eternity." His eyes went distinct "It's made for combat and it would be a disservice to do otherwise."

"You don't just make weapons to see them do you?"

"No" an edge came into his voice "I make them to save the lives of the ones who buy them."

It sounded like there was a painful story behind those words but Ranma was pretty sure now was not the time. Looking at the Katana he nodded and handed over the five gold coins, each worth one hundred silver, then he handed over three hundred more silver pieces. With no little reluctance Oyaji handed over the weapon, he also gave Raphtalia a hide breastplate free of charge saying she needed something more fitting for battle.

Ranma showed Raphtalia the proper way of belting on the Katana, the exact angle required for the fasted draw. Oyaji watched him with interest "how much is a whet stone?" Ranma asked

"Fifty copper"

So he bought that too, as he picked it up it started reacted to the shield, curious he let the thing absorb it.

Requirements for Shield of Whetstone Unsealed

Shield of Whetstone

True power sealed … Equipment Bonus: Mineral Identification 1+

Special Effect: Automatic Polishing (8 Hours), High Consumption

Special effect rather than ability, well time to check the help section "An exclusive effect that will only be usable when equipped with a specific weapon.

The effect won't be usable by other weapon even if its true powers have been unsealed. Therefore, one will need to fit a specific weapon into a slot for this special ability to take effect."

Well how about that, a shield that took care of weapons. "What on this flat Melromarc is that?"

Ranma smiled "Not important, say how much common equipment do you have?"

Five minutes later he let the shield absorb what he had bought and several common items he found right outside.

Requirement for Rope Shield has been released

Requirement for Pikyu Pikyu[1] Shield has been released

Requirement for Wood Shield has been released

Requirement for Rock Shield has been released

Requirement for Butterfly Shield has been released

Requirement for Pipe Shield has been released


Rope Shield

Unsealing[2] completed…Equipment Bonus: Skill -「Air Strike Shield」

Pikyu Pikyu Shield

Unsealing completed…Equipment Bonus: Beginner Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques I

Wood Shield

Unsealing completed…Equipment Bonus: Lumbering Techniques I

Butterfly Shield

Unsealing completed…Equipment Bonus: Paralysis Resistance (Small)

Pipe Shield

Unsealing completed…Equipment Bonus: Skill - 「Shield Prison」

All that he did was watched by Oyaji with an open mouth "What the hell kind of weapon is that?"

"The Legendary kind" Ranma told him cheerfully.

"Empty Night boy, you are going to be a terror."

A group of adventurers passed by them, most looking glum. Ranma glanced after them eyebrow raised "Oh those guys" Oyaji said "They went hunting for the so called king of the plains apparently someone killed it."

"King of the planes?"

"Ya sometimes monsters much higher than the levels of what is around it move in and stay, those creatures become much stronger and get titles like that."

"Hm I wonder what it looks like"

"From what they said it was a powerful Rhinogore"

Raphtalia glanced at him and he shook his head "Well that's good to know" He told Oyaji, they traded grips and said their farewells.




According to his help bar the Dragon Hourglass was located in the clock tower and since that building was the largest one building in the town itself finding their way there was not that hard. The receptionist greeted them with the look of distain, obviously his infamy has spread even here.

"I'm here to see the hourglass" Ranma said in a business like tone.

She nodded and moved up from her chair leading them to the central room which had a vaguely spiritual like air about it. The Dragon hourglass was seven meters tall and if the room gave off a spiritual air this thing gave off a divine presence. And he out of all people ought to know, he had killed a being with kind of aura before.

The red sand fell slowly grain by grain and in his vision the numbers of a digital clock appeared. "6:20:12"

"Six days twenty hours twelve seconds Ranma muttered, that was when the next wave would hit. From what he understood when the wave happened he and whoever he was partying with would be pulled to the source of it by magic so he did not have to worry about being in the place it happened.

So he had a week before the wave would come, good perhaps he would get a few more useful things done before it happened.

"You" a woman's voice snarled.

Ranma and Raphtalia turned to in time to see the Spear Hero Motoyasu and Mein enter the room. Oh and five other women who looked to be in his party, *sigh* playboys.

Motoyasu looked like he had been doing well in the past two weeks,Motoyasu's gear was vastly different from a month ago, one can tell how high-leveled he was with a single glance at his equipment.

It wasn't iron-based, but a shiny armor made from silver. He wore cloth underneath which emitted a beautiful pale green tint, most likely due to the extra effects blessed by those clothes. Not only that, but there was the layer of chain mail worn in between those two; it was as if Motoyasu was boasting his absolute defense.

Mein on the other hand looked pretty much the same, her gear was better quality but none of the coloring or type had changed at all. However he got to see a look on her face he had not seen before, she was livid. Her face was red her eyes stroking, her body trembling with suppressed rage. Ranma gave her his sweetest smile "Trouble getting your rocks off?" he asked with a wink.

Oh that did it, four other women had to hold her back otherwise she would have gone for his throat then and there.

"You fiend!" Motoyasu snarled "Is not taking her chastity and not receiving punishment enough."

Ranma raised an eyebrow at him "Ranma who are these people?" Raphtalia asked coming to stand by his side.

At that moment Itsuki walked in with his people, he pulled up short at seeing Ranma. The martial artist gave him a nod and to his surprise after a moment's hesitation the Sword Hero returned the nod, it seemed someone had been thinking about the events that had taken place and asking questions.

The bow hero followed soon after, the kid actually tried to sneak in all quite like do a batman impersonation. Ranma found himself so amused by it that he did not react and let the kid have his moment. Both heroes also had much better equipment than the last time he had seen them.

"Just who is this beauty? She's simply adorable." Whispered the Spear Hero as he looked upon Raphtalia for the first time completely forgetting his rant.

Did Tatewaki have a long lost brother who had somehow got lost in another dimension because the spear hero was reminding Ranma of that Kendo practitioner a lot right now. As he was thinking that the spear hero sutured up to Raphtalia taking her hand and kissing it gently.

"Nice to meet you, young miss. I was summoned to this world as one of the four great heroes. Please call me by my name, Kitamura Motoyasu. I'm honored to make your acquaintance."

"Ah, yes... so you are one of those heroes."

Raphtalia nodded timidly while her eyes eluded his gaze.

"May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"


Troubled Raphtalia looked over at Ranma and darted her glance back to Motoyasu.

"I'm Ra-Raphtalia. It's nice to meet you."

"What's your business here today, cutie? For what purpose are you carrying around such a dangerous sword and equipment?" he asked.

"I-I am Ranma's apprentice"

The Spear Hero's eyes widened "You, another one."

Ranma sighed, Motoyasu tuned back to Raphtalia "My lady this man is a violent predator of women, he has already raped one of his companions and if he has not done anything to you yet he will. For your safety and my piece of mind please join me in saving the world."

Ranma waited, Raphtalia had to make her own choices, her own decisions, and her own judgments. Here and now he would see exactly who she was and what she stood for.

"That's not true" she said pulling her hand out of the Spear Heroes "Ranma would never do that." Her voice sounded angry, well that was a switch, a women being angry on his behalf instead of at him.

He touched Raphtalia's shoulder and motioned her to follow, they had more productive things to do get into a screaming contest. Motoyasu did not take that well, he reached over to grab Ranma apparently wanting to say something more. It was at that moment when one of the women working here arrived with a tray of ice cold water one of the heroes had asked for.

In a series of events that could only make Ranma look up at the multiverse at large and ask "why". An ice piece in one of the cups fell out bounced off the tray with the drinks , that said piece of ice hit the ground just before her left foot touched earth. The Result was practicable at least by Ranma standards, the lady slipped and fell forward. The Bow hero reacted with commendable speed and kept her from crashing to the ground.

The eight cups filled with the cold water had to splash somewhere and as the whipping boy of creation it naturally landed on him. The transformation from boy to girl took place in an instant faster than the blink of an eye, perhaps as fast as light itself. Red hair replaced black and she was suddenly very grateful to be wearing cloth not armor or she was be in a lot of pain right now with the sudden chest size increase.

All that happened in the course of a several seconds and the Spear hero was still in the process of grabbing at Ranma. *ploink* Motoyasu froze as did everyone else. Ranma looked down as her chest to see his hand squeezing her left boob, there was an instant of crystallized silence then. *Squeeze*

Ranma reacted dropping low foot sweeping out, knocking the spear hero off his feet. Girl form's speed was truly something else, as she wiped her body around and up foot raising until it was horizontal with her body. The speed was such that the spear here was still suspended in air not quite falling yet. With a battle cry Ranma attacked moving her foot and leg in a drop kick like a falling guillotine.

The kick landed center in the Spear hero's chest and drove him into the marble floor like a railroad spike. Had her body been in male from that blow would done major internal injuries. Luckily for the spear hero Girl form was only half as strong. So instead of a shattered section of marble floor a mere shockwave of force kicked some dust up into the air was all that occurred to the building. The Spear hero's eyes went white and his body automatically gasped for the breath that had been violently crushed out of him. Ranma was about to switch to the Rikari Shield and make sure he didn't kill the man when he caught his breath and he eyes started to refocus.

No one else moved as Ranma turned from the fallen hero, not a jaw was closed in that moment as the the heroes and their companions started in abject shock. Ranma shrugged "Well now ya know."

Without another word she walked forward Raphtalia following quietly, the receptionist blinked in surprise as she passed her no doubt wondering just how the hell someone had gotten past her with being noticed. Far behind she heard one of the male companions yell "W-what the hell was that!"

Well whatever she had been planning on using her girl form anyway to visit other shops anyway, "Um Ranma-sama" Raphtalia said.

Ranma gave her a look "Ranma" she corrected "Should we not go get some hot water?"

"No" She shook her head "Since the hero of the shield has a bad reputation, I'm gonna use this instead."

"You really think that will make a difference?"

Ranma raised her eyebrow "Yes I do, and if there men even better"

"Why is that?"

"The two mountain discount"

"The two mountain discount?"

Ranma grinned "You'll probably get it by the end of the day, though we better hurry news will get around that this form is also me.




The first place they stopped by medical shop where Ranma pawned all the usable medicine he had created. As it turned out the owner was male and given that Ranma's shirt was still soaked from the earlier water spill she managed to sell them for twice what she as expected.

They next was the magic shop, it was a large bookstore of sorts with shelves and shelves of magical tomes stacked together. Thanks to the Rosetta Shield if she took a moment she could make out the titles on the covers.

It would be slow going but she could now actually make use of books in this world, at the counter a plump old lady in a witches outfit waited to assist them. "Good afternoon young ladies" She said in greeting.

Ranma and Raphtalia nodded to her "Why brings two young ones like yourself here?"

"We want to see if we can use magic"

"Ah I see, wait a moment please," she reached under the counter and pulled out a crystal ball. Magic hummed in the air as she placed it on a holder "Young lady gaze into the crystal ball"

Raphtalia leaned over to look "As expected, the young lady of the Raccoon race is suited for light and dark magic."

Ranma blinked "That sounds really powerful"

The old women giggled "Let me clarify, light and darkness are not holy and void. Your companion has the potential to become quite skilled with illusion using light distortion and darkness."

"I see"

"Now it's your turn"

Ranma did the same thing Raphtalia had done leaning over to look in the crystal ball, she did not see anything strange but the Old shop owner made a surprised sound. "What the"

Ranma pulled away and together with Raphtalia they watched the old women study the crystal ball for a good five minutes. "Um miss could you look into the crystal ball again"

Even though that was strange Ranma did so again "That does not make any sense, such an affinity does not exist."

"Um what are you talking about it?" Ranma asked nervously

The old lady looked up at her eyes filled with something akin to awe "You young lady, you have the potential to be a legend."


"I had you do this spell twice to be sure, but it seems you don't have one affinity or two. Your body literally seems to have every affinity for any form of magic."

Was that part of being a hero or was that something from the Jusenkyo curse "Wait" the women said "Oh, sorry my mistake apparently you don't have the water affinity but everything else is still there."

That sounded like the cosmic force she knew "I would suggest started off in only one or two areas girl but given time you will be quite versatile."

Ranma nodded "How much are beginner level books worth"

"Around three silver"

"Raphtalia can you read?"

She shook her head "Not very well"

"Ok, we will work on that, Miss?" she asked "My I buy the beginner's books of fire, holy, and void."

"I have fire but void and holy are controlled by the church and they don't give those out"

"Ok, fire, lighting, and wind then"

"Very aggressive are you sure you don't want healing in place of one of those?"

"I have that covered but thank you for your concern."

They exchanged the coin for books and exited the store giving the old women an affectionate farewell, Ranma paused at the door however "Um quick question, which stat helps with magic the most?"

"Intelligence" the old women replied promptly.

"I see, thank you"

That concluded the last of their errands in town time to head to Raffan by his reckoning if they booked it, it would be a day and a half trip. Now that would not leave much time for studying but from what she understood there would be more than once wave.

"Master are you going to change back?" asked the beastgirl.

She shook her head "I'm going to see if I can get some use out of this greater intelligence stat when we camp tonight see if it helps with studying the Rosetta shield.

Later that night Ranma finished the last six chapters of the book and the test that followed in the end of the book. Realizing that if she had done this in girl from in the first place the two and a half weeks this had taken to learn would have been cut to three days she spent the rest of the night crying tears of frustration comforted by a very confused Raphtalia.

Rosetta Shield

True Power Unsealed: See it match it (Any written language seen by the bearer of the shield will be seen as the language taught by the Rosetta Shield)