Chereads / Mission: Save the Hunter (BL) / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

"You really have no interest in this field, Yoon Seo."

When Yoon Seo asked, Park Soobin chuckled softly and explained in a low voice.

"He's Hwashim, a C-rank mercenary hunter."


"Yes, that's why he became even more famous. A C-rank who managed to take down even B-rank rampage monsters. The video went viral worldwide, so he's probably the second most famous person among the hunters here. That is, except for the Seokyoung guild hunters."

"Yoon Seo, don't tell me you don't even know Hwashim? There were so many articles about him. Even if you're not interested, that's just too much."

"Yoon Seo is probably the most indifferent and carefree person among the 200 people here."

"Look at him now. Even while listening to us, he has 'no interest' written all over his face."

The others, overhearing their conversation, burst into laughter. Yoon Seo wasn't as indifferent as they claimed. In fact, he was debating whether to use his skill on this Hwashim, who, judging by his aura, was clearly far from an ordinary C-rank.

"But Hwashim seems to be quite the indifferent type too. He never even makes eye contact."

"Apparently, he doesn't talk much either. He might be one level above you, Yoon Seo."

"Yoon Seo, don't lose! Fighting."

"Our guild's prideful indifference, fighting."

"Enough already."

When Yoon Seo chided his guildmates, they laughed briefly before moving on to another topic.

Yoon Seo decided against using his skill on Hwashim. Someone indifferent to others usually wanted others to be indifferent to them as well. He averted his gaze, only to see a red-haired man—Hong Euiyoon—scowling as if annoyed by the attention focused on Hwashim.


Sensing Yoon Seo's gaze, Hong Euiyoon glared back. Yoon Seo didn't even nod in acknowledgment and turned his head away.


At the Seokyoung guild's table, the guild leader Yoo Juncheol himself had appeared with senior executives. It was already expected that he would personally attend the government-hosted Great Dungeon clearance ceremony since his name was on the attendee list, and the deputy guild leader, Do Deungsoo, was busy with a dungeon raid.

A pale-faced man stepped onto the podium and began his speech. Given the timing, only 20% of the speech was about the merger, while 80% focused on the Great Dungeon. The speech had begun with a moment of silence.

Yoon Seo listened absentmindedly, glancing at the Seokyoung table. A middle-aged man with a mustache sat upright, staring straight ahead. His determination to avoid making eye contact was evident. Yoon Seo figured it was better not to get involved, especially if someone was monitoring the man, and withdrew his interest.

"The Great Dungeon was a truly horrific disaster. Many senior guild members from our Seokyoung guild ventured forth to clear it but never returned. We have never forgotten them. In the ten years since, no portal of the same grade as the Great Dungeon has appeared. However, should one arise, our Seokyoung guild will once again take the lead, just as we did then."

The Seokyoung guild leader's speech was undeniably ominous.

Yoon Seo tried to distract himself from the speech by thinking about what to do at home. Should he bake cookies again today? He could do squats while waiting for them in the oven. Maybe he'd turn on a drama rerun on TV. In the last episode, the male protagonist had his wig discovered by the female protagonist's aunt's son's tutor. The next development was unpredictable. Could the tutor also be wearing a wig? As he reached that thought, the speech concluded.

Next, each guild leader was called to the podium to receive Seokyoung's official guild member certificates and nameplates.

The schedule proceeded smoothly and ended without a hitch at the expected time. After the meal, a polished host smiled and announced:

"Unfortunately for the reporters, it's now time for the hunters-only portion of the evening. To Seokyoung's new family members, we'll hand out portal stones. Once you're ready, please head directly to the Royal Banquet Hall."

"Wow, a portal stone."

"They're giving out a portal stone to each person?"

Exclamations rang out here and there. Portal stones, crafted from dungeon byproducts, were items that allowed movement to designated locations and were quite expensive. For the distance from Gangnam to Royal Banquet Hall, they would likely be C-rank. Even at C-rank, each was priced around five million won.

"Unbelievable. Are they boasting about being number one in the world? So annoying."

"We're part of the Seokyoung guild now, though."

"Oh, right. Does this mean we've entered an era where we commute using portal stones?"

"Wake up, idiot. Even the Seokyoung guild leader wouldn't waste two portal stones a day for commuting."

The former guild leader, Gi Sanghyuk, crushed the guild members' hopeful dreams. He went on praising the Seokyoung guild leader as a thorough and rational person, while beside Yoon Seo, Park Soobin chuckled softly. When Yoon Seo glanced at him, Park Soobin looked slightly embarrassed.

"The Seokyoung guild leader… doesn't really seem like a thorough person."

"You know him?"

"Not exactly. It's just a feeling."

Yoon Seo became certain that Park Soobin knew the Seokyoung guild leader. However, there was no time to dig deeper.

"Alright, everyone, change your clothes and don't be late."

The former guild leader issued the order as guild members retrieved their belongings at the hall's exit.


"See you at the banquet hall."

Everyone, except for Yoon Seo, scattered to change their clothes as if it were the most natural thing. Having not brought a change of clothes, Yoon Seo was flustered. Come to think of it, he vaguely remembered seeing a notice in the group chat a week ago about preparing attire according to the dress code. Of course, he had skimmed over it without reading it properly.

It's not like this is a ballroom. A suit should be enough….

'I've never been to a hunter banquet before. Having my first banquet at Gyeonghoeru, hosted by Seokyoung, is truly moving. I must dress appropriately, don't you think?'

Goh Heewon's dreamy voice came to mind. Yoon Seo felt a sudden sense of unease but pushed it aside.


Unease always becomes reality. This time was no different.

"Yoon Seo, why are you standing so far away? Are you embarrassed because you're the only one in plain clothes?"

"Maybe he's jealous of us. But this is really delicious. Oppa, come here and eat some."

Park Youngbum and Goh Heewon, their plates piled high with rice cake cakes, waved at Yoon Seo, who stood at a distance. Yoon Seo pretended not to know these lunatics dressed elegantly in hanbok and took a step back. Did they not feel the stares of the crowd? Or were they simply too carefree?

Yes, the members of the Guild of Leaves had come dressed in hanbok, reasoning that the banquet was held at Royal Banquet Hall in Gyeongbokgung Palace. Even the sly Park Soobin was wearing a modernized hanbok, hands clasped behind his back as he chuckled softly. Of course, all attendees other than the Guild of Leaves members were dressed in suits and gowns. Yoon Seo was also in a suit. Because, after all, this was a merger celebration banquet, not a masquerade ball.

"Guild master, move your gat. It keeps poking me."

"Why don't you move your wig instead? And don't call me guild master anymore, Heewon."

"Then what should I call you? Sanghyuk oppa?"

"That makes me want to throw up. Let's discuss this later. Don't call me anything until we figure it out. Where's Yoon Seo?"

"He was over there just a moment ago."

"I was going to ask him to hold my gat. Ugh, seriously."


Yoon Seo, hiding behind a tree, froze and concealed his presence even further. He could hear two men, seemingly from another guild, chatting nearby.

"Those guys are hilarious. Was it the Guild of Leaves?"

"Yeah, twelve members total, with two B-rank hunters. I didn't even know that guild existed, but they sure made an impression."

"I want to get to know them. They seem fun. I should've worn hanbok too."

"Lee Jungin, you're such a clown."

The man called Lee Jungin, of average height, smiled broadly as if he'd just received a compliment. Dimples sank deep into both cheeks. His eyes were an unusual pink. At first glance, Yoon Seo thought it might be a passive skill in effect, but it seemed his irises were naturally that color.

"By the way, Kwon Jihan couldn't make it after all. I really wanted to see him, but of all times, the Flood Bell had to ring."

"Well, now that we're in the same guild, you'll meet him someday."

"They say Kwon Jihan is practically the strongest in the world. I'd love to enter a dungeon with him."

"If you're entering the same dungeon as Kwon Jihan, it'll be S-rank. You sure you can handle it?"

"If you've awakened, you've got to risk your life in an S-rank dungeon at least once."

"You're really something, Lee Jungin."

The two walked away, laughing.

Yoon Seo also knew about Kwon Jihan. He was an S-rank awakened being who had held the top spot on unofficial hunter rankings for years. People often debated who was stronger: Seo Chaeyoon, the ultimate defender, or Kwon Jihan, the ultimate attacker.

"Yoon Seo, where are you? We're going to eat everything!"

The persistent masquerade ball participants continued searching for him. Yoon Seo hurriedly escaped from Royal Banquet Hall. It was one of the most thrilling moments he'd experienced in a while.

The beautifully lit surroundings, the tranquil ripples of moonlit water, and the majestic yet elegant palace were breathtaking. But Yoon Seo had no interest in enjoying the view.

At least the merger had just been finalized today. He didn't have to go around introducing himself as part of the Guild of Leaves anymore.

'I want to go home.'

Walking to a secluded area of the palace, Yoon Seo briefly considered leaving. If he left now, he might miss baking cookies, but he could probably make it in time for the drama rerun.

"In the end, we all got absorbed into Seokyoung. Still, I expected more from Hyung."

A faint voice came from the darkness.

"Mother and I gave up. What about you, Hyung?"


"Mother said that if you want, you can come back home."


Yoon Seo really didn't want to hear this. Eavesdropping on other people's personal matters wasn't his style, so he turned to leave.

"I'm not going back."

"I figured you'd say that. Then tell me. You haven't given up on finding Seo Chaeyoon, right?"

What? Who are they looking for?