Chereads / A genesis to madness / Chapter 2 - Act one scene two

Chapter 2 - Act one scene two

After three hours of maneuvering and complaints, mainly from Marie don't tell her I said that, we spotted the massive cave opening before us. We contemplated going inside but heard voices coming from behind us.

"The scent is getting stronger"

"You've been saying that for an hour now, are you sure your power isn't broken"

"Says the person with the sharpshooter ability, how do you have supernatural aim and still miss"

"I mean he's right, I've seen you kill a fly a hundred meters away with an iron sight, but you can't shoot at a crowd of people, talk about useless"


"Enough, even if they lived, they can't survive long in this forest, we'll just capture them and give them to the architect, it's been complaining that it needs live sacrifices for a while now"

As we listened to their conversation, tears fell and a sense of dread washed over us at what would happen if we were captured. 

'No, we can't die here" I thought, as I wiped my tears and took Marie's hand. I started running towards the cave with her in tow, her sobs didn't allow her to struggle.

" There might be a cave system in here and hopefully there's a strong enough smell in the cave for us to throw them off." As we entered the cave, darkness claimed us as we strode forward blindly, my hand on the cave wall to gain a sense of direction we were going. For thirty minutes we kept walking, tripping on every rock we came across and Marie's sobs quieted until we saw a small light. We hastened our steps, eager to finally escape the darkness. We were blinded momentarily before our eyes got accustomed to our surroundings, but I honestly really wish we didn't.

"Wh-what is this?" I stammered as I gazed upon the strangest structure I had ever seen. A black pyramid stood before us, with white blocks revolving around it. I glanced down and saw a massive field of flowers surrounding the pyramid, each one different than the other. Yet I couldn't help but get a chill everytime I didn't know Marie was lying down behind a rock until she pulled my arm and sent me crashing on the floor.

"What was that for?" I winced before she put a finger to her lips and pointed. When I followed her finger, I found the reason she was pointing. Six golden eyes the size of whiteboards were embedded into the door, their pupils staring directly at us. At this point, all the adrenaline I was feeling vanished, and the realization of our situation caught up with me.

"It all makes sense now" I chuckled. Marie looked at me like I was insane, but I just stared ahead at the eyes.

"What does?" she questioned. I gestured towards the pyramid. 

"How Emus can beat the Australian military, how people can like that abomination called vegemite, and how anything turns out to kill you, this continent is being inhabited by aliens," I said resolutely. 

Marie rolled her eyes and cracked a smile, "says the person who drank a cup of milk with chunks in it"


I tore my eyes away from the door and said "It was for twenty bucks, do you know how much gas is in this economy"

She deadpanned and was about to say something when the eyes on the door closed and started to open. We waited to see if anything was going to happen, but all we could see was darkness.

"Is it trying to tell us to come in?" 

"It doesn't matter what it's trying to tell us, nothing good can come of that, let's see if we can find an exit to this cave, those people might be still after us," Marie said. I nodded my head and as we were about to leave a voice came behind us.

"Live sacrifices on my doorstep. I was wondering if my eyes deceived me. It looks like this evening won't be so boring after all," a cheerful voice said before everything went black.