Denis poured the tincture and went to the kitchen for a snack.
- Is this your apartment? - I looked around the room, sitting on the pillows. Niki was lying on my legs, looking at my chest hanging over her face.
- Yes, we've been living here for a couple of years. It's a nice place, there are almost never any neighbors. A hermit lives in the apartment on the right. He never leaves the house, doesn't talk to people, but sometimes we hear him walking.
- It's cozy here... But maybe I would make the color scheme a little lighter...
Niki smiled and, lifting my T-shirt, kissed my stomach, so much so that I even screamed in surprise.
- Hey! Kisses on the stomach are forbidden when they are so unexpected! - I smiled, and she rose from my lap, accepting a couple of plates with sliced sausage and cheese.
- All the best for you, girls... - Denis was a little embarrassed, but I saw how his gaze ran over my chest and eyes.
- Thank you, darling... - Niki stood up and kissed her boyfriend, and how she kissed him! With a passionate, hot and long kiss.
I smiled and interrupted their kiss with my voice.
- Guys, am I disturbing you here by any chance? It seems like you have unfinished business... - I was a little embarrassed and felt superfluous.
- Of course not, what are you talking about. The more of us, the better! Us - the living! Let's drink to this! - Niki raised her glass, we clinked it and drank.
- Uhh... how bitter... - it really was bitter, but afterwards came a delicious nutty aftertaste. I bit into the sausage, feeling how the alcohol hit my brain hard. Right, I haven't eaten...
- Don't be shy, Lerr, eat, we still have plenty, I went to the store downstairs this morning. There was no one there, not even a salesperson. Well, I took everything I could carry.
- Yes, yes, yes, we still have 5 sticks of this sausage, eat. - Niki hugged me around the waist
- Thank you, guys, I am grateful to you. At least now I have time to get away from this madness. To get my thoughts in order. - I diligently ate the sausage and cheese. A little later Denis brought some tasty bread.
My new friends turned out to be very funny, Niki, although she was older than me, but in spirit she seemed to be younger. She was constantly joking, laughing and trying to touch me as often and as much as possible. Hugs, kisses, she was very... mmm... loving.
We even danced a little to the music on their music system.
The sun was already setting and it was getting darker and darker.
We lit candles and placed them around the room,
Despite the horror happening outside, we had created a cozy, warm and even romantic atmosphere here.
We were already sitting on the unfolded sofa, Denis was sitting in the middle, and we were on the sides. The one and a half liter bottle of tincture was already finished, and we were feeling very good. A red blush decorated our cheeks, and loosened our tongues completely.
- Listen, you are just incredibly lucky with such boobs... - Niki said slowly, looking at me through Denis.
- Aha-ha-ha, thank you of course, but don't play poor either. You have such gorgeous hair, I've already fallen in love with your curls, they are insanely... sexy. - At the last word, I seductively licked my lips. - And so I ate them.
- Yeah, I eat these curls every night, it's not very tasty... - Denis drawled, already tired of talking.
- Hey! What are you saying, I'm your favorite woman, which means you love every little thing about me, and the curls that climb into your mouth at night - too! - Niki pouted and Denis kissed her.
- Yeah... this is it - family life! - I said, getting up from the couch, and going to the toilet.
When I returned, a beautiful view appeared before my eyes...
Denis kissed Niki's small, neat tits, grabbing her by the butt, lifting her onto himself. He had already managed to get rid of his pants, remaining in his underwear, and he had rid her of her tunic, the girl was completely naked. As it turned out, she was not wearing panties.
- Oh... Guys, should I come see you later? - I laughed, looking appraisingly at the curly girl's cute breasts.
- No, no, join me, honey... - Niki looked at me with a completely intoxicated look, but there was a spark in that look, a hot spark, quickly growing into a flame.
I climbed onto the couch with the guys, the blonde got off the guy, and I saw his penis sticking out in his underwear. It was bigger than Dima's or Kostya's, about two centimeters... Large and big, so seductive, even in his underwear.
Niki crawled up to me and took off my T-shirt, exposing large breasts with slightly excited nipples. I blushed a little, and ran my fingers over her chest, nipples.
- Mmm... how insanely hot, sweet you are... - I was lost in the captivity of her lush hair and mesmerizingly white skin, on which her nipples stood like sharp thorns.
Niki pressed her lips to mine with a kiss, hugging me with one hand and pawing at my breast with the other. Denis released his big hot cock and began massaging it, looking at us.
- What a sight, girls... Holy shit...
We turned to him and smiled in unison, crawling closer to him. We lay down at his feet, so that his cock was between our faces, I touched the head of his penis, and Niki immediately licked the entire shaft along its length, stopping at the head.
I moved my hand to his balls, big, hot, gently massaging them, rolling them in my hand, while the curly girl licked his head and smacked her lips on it.
Having risen, I began to kiss the guy on the lips, while my hand was busy with his balls, and his girlfriend – with his dick.
- Holy shit, girls… - was all I could hear from Denis's lips.
I returned back to his groin, Niki shared her big tasty stick with me. Gently grasping the thick member with my lips, I plunged it into my mouth, slowly starting to suck, tasting a new organ for me. Very big, too big for me. I have never had such…
With difficulty I sucked his huge manhood, feeling how my panties were getting wetter and wetter.
Niki began to take off my leggings along with my panties, exposing my ass.
I immediately received a loud, strong slap on the butt from the blonde and moaned loudly with the guy's cock in my mouth.
Denis pulled me away from such a desired penis.
- I madly want both of you...
With these words, he lay down on his back, along the entire length of the sofa.
- Sit on me, Lerrochka...
I blushed madly, just from the thought of it, and Niki had already started sucking her boyfriend's cock again.
I sat right on his face with my clean-shaven and narrow pussy. I felt the guy's pleasant, wet, warm tongue...
- Ah... yes... like that, God, how long have I not had this.
Denis also moaned when he felt the taste of my girl.
I squirmed on the guy's face as best I could, completely surrendering to the feeling that overwhelmed me, plunging deeper into pleasure and enjoyment. How his tongue flutters on my pussy, how sweetly he licks me, drinks my sweet juice...
Also before my eyes was Niki, sitting on the pillows below and sucking his cock, closing her eyes...
Then the guy tried to turn over, almost bringing me to orgasm with his tongue, I got up from his face, and he ran his hand over my chest, grabbing my nipple with his fingers, and lowering me down by the chest, not hard, gently. I obeyed and knelt down, sticking out my ass.
Niki walked around, looking at me from all sides, putting her hand between her legs. The blonde was a blonde everywhere, and between her legs too. She stroked her pussy looking at me, my big hanging breasts, and how her boyfriend rubbed his huge cock against my wet pussy.
- Yes, go into her. Honey. Tell me what it's like there...
- Mmm... - I wanted to say something, but I felt a big elastic head of a cock entering my pussy.
- Damn, how big... - that's all I could say until he entered completely...
- How tight are you, aren't you a virgin? - Denis asked, but I couldn't think of anything, and closed my eyes enjoying his cock, big, elastic and hot, which reached the deepest and most tender places.
He took my ass with his hands and began to slowly speed up, fucking my pussy with his huge organ.
- Yes... yes.. yes... Love me... - moans escaped my lips, and the sight before my eyes excited me even more.
Niki lay down in front of me, and spreading her legs, she caressed herself with her fingers in front of me.
- Oh you... pervert... - I whispered, licking my lips looking at her pussy.
She smiled and crawled a little closer. The thrusts from behind became stronger and more assertive, Denis literally took me and impaled my pussy on his cock.
I moaned and licked the curly girl's pussy. I felt a large influx of moisture on my tongue and bit her pussy harder with my lips, sucking out all the juice from it...
- Oh yeah... yessss Lerra! - Niki screamed, leaning back, and slightly shuddering in convulsions from orgasm.
I also did not keep myself waiting and under the pressure of Denis I came abundantly, it seems I slightly wet the guys' bed with my love juice.
The guy took out his dick and rubbed my elastic ass several times and came on my back and ass. Drops of sperm dripped onto my back, slightly burning.
- So hot... mmm... - I closed my eyes, enjoying the waves of orgasm and the vulgarity that we arranged here...
A few minutes later we were all lying on the couch hugging. We were even too lazy to dry ourselves or go to the shower. It was too hot to ruin the moment, and we just fell asleep, naked and hugging.
When I woke up, the sun was already high, and my head was splitting.
I thought I shouldn't have drunk so much tincture, it's like vodka... oh... my head...
I wandered into the bathroom, turned on the cold water, it obediently flowed from the tap. I wonder when it will be gone, and in general, what will I do then, where will all the surviving girls in this world wash?
I washed my face and tidied myself up. It's good that I had a toothbrush, which I took to work. After brushing my teeth, I found my T-shirt, leggings, panties... But there were problems with panties, they were still damp from yesterday's games, and I really didn't want to put them on today. Walking around in panties for the third day – I'm definitely not that kind of girl…
For now, I put on leggings on my bare bottom and covered my boobs with a T-shirt. I need to go to the store for some underwear, or get home and grab some extra…
The guys are still sleeping, hugging. This time, I could get a good look at both the girl and the guy. Many details are not visible in the candlelight.
For example, the tattoo on Nika's snow-white pubis – a beautiful little dolphin.
I quietly walked past, collecting our shot glasses, uneaten food and carried it all to the kitchen, chowing down on a couple of pieces of sausage along the way. My head was splitting, so I found the first aid kit in the kitchen. I took some citramon, aspirin and activated charcoal.
I took out my phone and checked my calls and text messages – nothing new. And no internet. Great, damn... I should have at least downloaded the maps while I had a connection, and what was I thinking? Idiot...
After putting the kettle on, I found a can of instant coffee "Jockey" and sugar. Time to get my body in order.
The aroma of hot coffee was already starting to help my health, and the remaining food in my bag was rapidly decreasing. I finished my supplies, sitting in the kitchen, looking out the window.
A few zombies wandered aimlessly around the yard and rushed after every cat or dog. I did not see any people.
- Are you awake yet?
I heard a man's voice from behind me and immediately felt a kiss on my neck... I turned around. In front of me stood naked Denis with his big balls and thick penis. I immediately blushed.
- Yes, a long time ago... could you get dressed, this view is very distracting... I smiled and poked my finger at his penis.
- Or maybe I like that you are distracted by looking at him... - Denis said, pouring himself some coffee, his penis swinging in the air between his legs. I couldn't resist and reached out, touching his balls, gently and carefully.
- I just haven't seen such a size yet... - I got up from the chair, kissed Denis on the chest, and stroked his slightly erect penis.
- I'll go wake up Niki, how much longer can I sleep... - I went into the room, swaying my hips, feeling the guy watching my buns swing.
The curly cute blonde had already woken up and was naked admiring the view from the window, stretching and yawning.
I came up from behind and slapped her on her juicy ass.
- Hi, sweetie... - she turned to me and, smiling, kissed my lips.
- Hi... Oh, you shouldn't have drunk so much yesterday... - Niki fixed her hair, which had tangled into an incomprehensible ball.
- Run to the kitchen, there's hot coffee waiting for you there...
- Oh yeah-e-e... Niki trudged into the kitchen and I followed her.
Denis opened the window, letting in some fresh air. It was warm outside, and not stuffy, good. A great time for a walk, if only the end of the world hadn't come…
Niki sat down next to Denis, and I pulled out a chair and sat down opposite them.
- Guys, what's your plan? What are you going to do?
- What do you mean, "will"? – Niki's eyes widened. – Do you want to leave us? I thought we were in love… - the blonde pouted her lips demonstratively.
- I don't know yet, but I definitely need to see my mom, they seem to be at the dacha with my dad, and it's 50 kilometers to the dacha…
- No problem, I have a car… - Denis said quietly, sipping his coffee.
- Really? Can you give me a ride? I feel safe with you. You're such great guys. And I'm so happy that I heard you yesterday… - I blushed, and a spark of hope lit up in my soul.
- Oh, come on, I called you because I really liked you... You're a beauty... - Niki laughed, and then added - Sure, let's all go together. I would also like to go shopping...
Denis interrupted his girlfriend.
- We don't have a plan in general, we're used to living one day at a time, well, a week at most. Now the military will probably return everything to normal in a couple of months, the main thing is to survive and wait for it...
Niki was drinking coffee, holding a mug in one hand, and with her other hand she put Denis's penis, massaging it. I saw it perfectly.
- Well... I don't believe in the military, everything will be like in the movies and... Damn! Niki! - the guy's penis was getting hard, and he was looking at me.
- Why are you so embarrassed, kitty? You're one of us now, and we're not used to starting the morning without sex... - Niki licked her lips, looking at me.
- You're just sick... - I smiled, looking at Denis's already hard cock.
- Maybe... but happy... - the guy said, leaned forward and kissed my lips.
I felt my pussy getting wet... and unexpectedly for myself I remembered something very important.
Having pulled away from the kiss, I stood up.
- Honey, I have an intimate question for you... - I looked at Niki, who was calmly caressing her boyfriend's cock with her hand.
- What's wrong?
- I could use some panties... Maybe you have some new ones...?
- Mmm... what a dirty girl you are, walking around without panties then... - Denis moved his hips, imitating sex, inserting his cock into the blonde's hand.
- What are you saying? This busty pussy is now my favorite girl, and don't you dare call her dirty! - Niki took her hand off the guy's cock and stood closer to me, hugging me and putting her hand on my ass.
Since the morning, Niki was just pouring out a playful mood, passive aggression and a sharp tongue, which I already wanted to put where it would be more useful and enjoyable...
- Of course I do, I still have three pairs of brand new panties. I bought them a week ago, and I still haven't worn them. Let's go, choose some for yourself, and when we go to your dacha, we'll stop by the store and get some more underwear, and not only that. - Niki was prettily wagging her ass, although hers was not as beautiful and round as mine, but it beckoned my lips.
- And you jerk off your huge sausage yourself! - Niki shouted into the kitchen.
- Why are you making fun of your boy like that... What if he really gets offended? - I understood that she was joking, but I wasn't quite used to this kind of humor yet.
- He definitely won't be offended, he's already used to it... - Niki opened the panty cabinet, I chose white lace panties for myself and shouted into the kitchen again.
- You better come here, caress yourself, watching us change. - Denis was already standing next to me with his cock sticking out a second later.
Niki and I exchanged glances and started getting dressed for the trip, watching the guy pleasure himself on us.