HIt's been some time since my death, and I'm pretty sure that I'm in hell or if I'm lucky in a void where the soul goes when it doesn't enter heaven or hell. This pitch-black place is pretty calming for me after all. I liked it when I'm alone before my death but depression and shit like that got me into this situation.
My life was simple, I had loving parents and I was their only child and they loved me to the world's end. Thanks to them I was a Olympic level gymnastics and my father would tease me sometimes saying that I was like Dick Grayson from DC Comics, at first I didn't know what he meant by that but after reading about Nightwing, I decided to embrace the teasing my father did.
So, I started to imitate whatever Dick did and at first I got scolded for doing dangerous stunts, but after some time they realised that I was actually good at it so my parents encouraged me but also stated that my safety comes first. That was how my first sixteen years went by, and thanks to my diligence and hard work I was able to attend college at the age of sixteen.
After graduation from college, I joined the army as a specialist. In my fourth year in the Army, I was promoted to sergeant and after six months of meeting with my team, we were deployed overseas. My first year there was peaceful, but it all came down to the ground like a castle of cards.
Because there was an enemy attack, me and my team were sent to the front lines to fend them off, that was the day I took my first kill. After that, we were sent to the front lines multiple times and in my sixth deployment I got injured badly, to be exact I lost my legs that deployment.
After my injury, I retired from the army and was living off my pension. That was until I got shot dead by some robbers who broke into my home, and that was the last thing I remember. Luckily, my parents were on a trip after my relentless persuasion, so they are safe, I know that.
So here I am after my death floating in the void minding my own business and talking to the people beyond the 4th wall. You have no problem with me ranting here right, because if I don't do that, even if I love to be alone in here if I don't do anything I'll go crazy. And since I can't use my body, because I'm in my soul form all I can do is think like this and pass on time, there's time here right?
As I was just minding my business in this place black void, I saw a swirl of white in the distance.
Curious, I went towards it and to my surprise, I was seeing a lady with red hair who is standing next to two men with a stick in her hand. One man looked round and fidgety, the other man with shoulder length hair and a small goatee standing at least six feet tall was holding a toddler in his arms. The women was waving, the stick in her hand, around in so many motions that I didn't understand why she was doing all those along with her murmuring in Latin. As she finished it, she looked towards me with smile, and I felt something in my very soul that told me to protect this woman with everything I have.
I was confused about this situation, I mean what the hell is this all about. Suddenly that white swirl sucked me in, not minding my protest.
Four people were standing in front of a two floor house and the red haired women amongst them looked at the small stature man and said "Peter, you have to tell the secret to Sirius and Harry. Since me and James erected the ward, we don't need to know the secret."
"Alright Lily." Peter said and he went to the man holding the baby, as Peter went to the baby and the man holding the baby, Lily turned to the fourth member and smiled at him before wrapping him in a hug and kissing him.
As Lily was kissing him, the man started to remember about his last life, his memories, instincts and personality of his first life started to merge with his current life. There were so many difference between his first and second life, mainly the presence of magic and this magical world was all too familiar to him as he had read the books about this world.
When he was skimming through the memories and also kissing the beautiful read head, he heard a mechanical voice in his head.
[Congratulations! You've transmigrated into the body of James Charlus Potter!
Because of the late awakening of memories, you will be compensated.
So you have won a chance to get some powers!
To get it say Draw!]
Even though he is confused about this situation, he said in his head as his mouth was occupied right now. 'Draw.'
[Ding! Ding! Ding! You got the powers of Minato Namikaze!]
Slowly he leaned back from the kiss as he assimilated all the knowledge of Minato, his genius intellect, his fighting styles, his temperament, his skills and many more. He was overwhelmed for bit that he sighed and shakily sat down on the ground with thud.
Seeing this Lily got scared and asked him as she knelt in front of him "James, is everything alright?"
James looked up to see worry in those emerald green eyes and he sighed again berating himself for worrying her. Shaking his head he told her the truth "I'm alright, just overwhelmed about this situation."
Lily just nodded her head as she also felt overwhelmed about all of this, but she didn't know that there were difference between their situation.
As they were silent for a moment, Peter came over to them and told James while fidgeting a bit "James, I have to go and check up on my mum."
James looked up at his friend and from the memories of his first life he knew that Peter is the spy amongst them and that he is going to inform his master about the secret. James sighed and closed his eyes and went through his memories at high speed and came to a conclusion 'There is only two weeks to Hallos Eve, and from what I remember there were no deaths during these two weeks. It's best to let him go now and lay a trap for him and his master. I should also mark him so that even if he escaped, I can follow my mark.'
Having a small plan, James held his hand out to Peter to pull him up and Peter did it dutifully. Unknown to him his palm was marked with the trade mark seal of Minato.
Standing up, James told Peter "It's alright, family comes first mate. Say hello to your mother for me."
Peter flinched a little that was not seen by other but James as he was that much observant of others, nodding his head Peter said "Will do mate. Be safe."
After saying that, Peter apparated away from the house with a crack. Shaking his head at the traitor, James looked at his best friend and said "Sirius, you will go out to some pubs for the next week and tell them that you are the secret keeper to take the heat off Peter. But after that you will come back here after applying for a week long leave from the Aurors."
Sirius beamed at his friend and said "Alright, Prongs. I'll do that. You sure I should stay here after next week?"
"Yep. You will be staying here. I'm not risking your life and I don't want to answer my son when he ask for his Godfather." James replied as he held Lily closer to him.
Sirius beamed at him again and he looking at the baby in his hands he said "You hear that Harry? Your godfather is staying with you."
Shaking his head, James led Lily and Sirius to their home and closed the door behind them. As Sirius started to play with Harry in his playpen, James ushered Lily to their room in the first floor. After closing the door, looking at her confused face, James realised that even if he had a new set of memories and combination of two personalities, he still loved his red flower. He sighed and thought to himself for a moment and came to a decision.
Taking her in his hands, he kissed her lips fully, pouring all the love he have for her in that kiss and she reciprocated it as she matched his intensity. As they seperated from their kiss, breathing heavily, James placed his forehead on hers and said in a low voice "Lily, I am going to tell you something, but know that I'm still the James that fell in love with you when we first met in the train, I'm the same boy that irritated you to no end by confessing my love to you every morning and I'm still the same boy who bullied your friend due to jealousy and righteous anger, I'm still the teenager who fooled around in Hogwarts, I'm still the same James who manned up after my parents death, I'm still the man who you finally fall in love with, I'm still the man who you married and I'm still the father of our child and I love you with all my life."
Lily at first smiled at him, but as he continued on, she felt worry and dread worm it's way into her heart, so placing her trembling hand his cheek, Lily asked him as he finished his rant "What are you talking about James? I know all of that and by telling me these you are scaring me. Please tell me what happened."
Taking a deep breath, he led his wife to the bed and made her sit down and he knelt before her and took her hands in his and started to tell her about the memories that he got after they finished erecting the Fidelius Charm. He didn't tell her about the books about their son, just that he had memories of a life before this life and he was a soldier who died due to a robbery. After he finished telling his tale, he saw confusion on her face but he also saw understanding.
As James waited for her speak to him, Lily looked lost in thoughts and after some time, she said "James, I believe you. Because, when I was younger, I also had dreams of a lifestyle that was not mine. When I told my family about it, my father told me that there were instances where some people remembered their past life and it just assimilated to those people. My sister on the internet hand called me a freak for remembering my past life and she called me again when it was known to my family that I was a witch. So, I believe you and I know that you are the same man whom I fell in love with."
As she finished saying ger piece, James tackled her to their bed and kissed her with every bit of love he have for her. One thing led to another and they were in an intense love making session.
Bellow in the visiting room, Sirius scrunched up his nose as he heard the moaning of Lily and James. So he quickly cast a silencing ward that he learned after Hogwarts around him and his godson. Sighing to himself he looked at his godson and said "Looks like your dad and mum are preparing a gift for you little man."
"'Ift!" Harry said excited as he raised his hand above his head.
"Yes, gift." Sirius smiled at Harry when he started to repeat the word gift a few times.
Then looking at Sirius, Harry asked "Dada mumma?"
"They are in their room little man making your gift." Sirius said with a fond smile at his godson.
"Yay! Pad'foo play!" Harry him the stuffed toys in front of them. There was stag, a grim, a werewolf and a rat with a dragon placed opposite to the four stuffed toys.
Smiling at his godson, Sirius waved his wand over the five stuffed dolls and all of them came to life and started to fight against the dragon. Harry seeing his dolls move itself started to squeal and giggle at the antics done by the four smaller dolls.
Sirius was content with seeing his godson giggle around without a care and he promised himself that he will make sure that this happiness of the little boy will be ever present in his life.