Jason arrived at school with his usual relaxed stride, his hoodie pulled over his head, hands stuffed in his pockets. After everything that happened in the past few days — the alley fight, the confrontation with Alex, and the chemistry presentation — he was hoping today would be uneventful.
But he should've known better.
The moment he stepped through the front doors, students were already buzzing.
"Dude, did you see the scores posted?"
"Bro, Carter and Dunphy obliterated everyone else."
"I heard their score was over three times higher than anyone else's!"
Jason furrowed his brow. What? He picked up his pace and headed straight for the chemistry wing. As he approached the bulletin board, he saw a large sheet of paper displaying the project grades.
Top Scores:
Carter & Dunphy — 298/300
Martinez & Roberts — 92/300
Smith & Taylor — 89/300
Jason blinked. Holy crap.
"Whoa," he muttered under his breath.
"Yeah, I'd say that's a fair reaction."
He turned to find Alex already standing beside him, her signature smirk firmly in place. She was clearly enjoying his surprise.
"You seeing this?" Jason gestured toward the board. "We didn't just beat them — we demolished them."
Alex shrugged playfully. "I told you we killed that presentation."
Jason chuckled. "Killed it is an understatement. We broke the curve so hard it's practically illegal."
"Yeah, well," Alex glanced at him, a hint of warmth in her gaze. "I had a pretty solid lab partner."
Jason couldn't help but smile. "Right back at you, Dunphy."
Before the conversation could dip into awkward territory, Alex suddenly perked up. "Actually — I was meaning to ask you something."
Jason raised a brow. "What's up?"
"Well… my mom found out about our project grade and, uh… she kind of insisted we have a little celebration dinner tonight." Alex looked slightly embarrassed. "And, well, she wants you and your family to come over."
Jason froze. "…Wait. Like, dinner at your house? With your entire family?"
"Yeah," she smiled nervously. "Look, you made a huge impression when you… y'know, beat the crap out of twelve guys. And Gloria has been dying to meet you formally — especially after they saw what you did."
Jason scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, uh… not exactly my proudest moment."
"Well, they disagree," Alex shrugged. "Anyway, my mom kind of wouldn't take no for an answer. So… dinner at 7? You think your family can make it?"
Jason hesitated. On one hand, it sounded like a potential disaster — meeting the Dunphys officially and having to deal with Phil, Claire, Gloria, and Jay. On the other hand… Alex invited him. She wanted him there.
"I'll ask my parents," Jason finally said. "But, uh… yeah. I think we can make it."
Alex smiled, looking genuinely pleased. "Cool. I'll see you then."
After School – The Carter House
"So let me get this straight," David Carter — Jason's dad — leaned back in his chair. "You're telling me you not only crushed this chemistry project but now the girl's family invited all of us for dinner?"
Jason sighed. "Yes, Dad."
David grinned. "Sounds like she likes you."
"What? I'm just saying!" David chuckled. "A family dinner is a big deal. You sure you're ready for that?"
Jason glanced at his mom, Sophia, who was already nodding enthusiastically. "I think it's a wonderful idea," she said. "We should go. It'll be good to meet the people you've been spending time with."
Jason shrugged. "Alright. I'll let Alex know we're coming."
His sister Emily grinned. "Ooh, you're meeting her entire family. Pressure's on, big bro."
Jason rolled his eyes. This is going to be a long night.
That Evening – The Dunphy Residence
Jason and his family arrived at the Dunphy house a little before 7. The large, suburban home was exactly what Jason expected — warm, welcoming, and a little chaotic. He could already hear Luke and Haley bickering through the door.
"Here goes nothing," Jason muttered as he rang the doorbell.
A few seconds later, Claire Dunphy opened the door, her face instantly lighting up when she saw them. "Oh! You must be the Carters!"
Sophia stepped forward, smiling warmly. "Yes, I'm Sophia. This is my husband, David, and our kids — Emily and Jason."
Claire's gaze instantly lingered on Jason for a moment longer, a glint flashing in her eyes. "Ah… the hero of the hour. Hello Jason."
Jason winced. "Uh, not exactly…"
"Oh, please," Claire waved him off. "Come in, come in!"
As they stepped inside, they were immediately met with the rest of the family. Phil practically lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw Jason.
"Dude! You're the guy!" Phil exclaimed, approaching Jason with pure fanboy energy. "I mean — you took down twelve guys. That's like action movie stuff! Are you like… trained by monks or something?"
Jason blinked. "…No, sir. Just… practice, I guess."
"Phil, please," Claire groaned, dragging him away. "Don't interrogate the boy."
Jay, sitting in his armchair, gave Jason a once-over. "You're the one who saved that lady, huh?"
"Yes, sir," Jason replied respectfully.
Jay nodded approvingly. "Good job, kid. You ever consider going pro?"
Jason hesitated, but David chimed in. "Actually, he's been training hard in boxing. We're hoping to get him into competition soon."
Jay raised his brows. "Boxing, huh? Smart. None of that MMA stuff — stick to the classics."
Jason smiled. "Yes, sir."
Across the room, Alex watched silently, impressed by how well Jason was handling her family. He was polite, respectful, and wasn't falling apart under the pressure. Okay, maybe he really is something else, she admitted.
Dinner was surprisingly pleasant. David and Jay hit it off quickly over talks of sports, while Sophia and Claire bonded over parenting experiences. Emily, Luke, and Haley spent most of the dinner exchanging high school gossip.
Jason, meanwhile, was seated next to Alex — and every now and then, their knees would touch under the table, sending subtle sparks of awkward tension between them.
"So, Jason," Phil finally spoke, leaning in. "Be honest — you ever just feel like punching someone for fun?"
Jason blinked. "…Uh, no. Not anymore."
"Man," Phil sighed. "If I had hands like yours, I'd be unstoppable."
Claire slapped his arm. "Phil!"
Jason laughed awkwardly. "I think it's best I keep it in the ring, sir."
Phil sighed dramatically. "Wasted potential."
After dinner, everyone slowly migrated to the living room. The parents chatted while the kids relaxed. Jason found himself sitting beside Alex, the two of them quietly observing the chaos of their families merging.
"…This wasn't so bad," Jason admitted.
Alex smirked. "Told you."
"You set me up, didn't you?"
"Maybe a little," she admitted, grinning.
Jason chuckled softly. "Thanks for inviting us."
"…Thanks for coming."
For a moment, there was a comfortable silence between them — until Phil suddenly called out.
"Hey, Jason! Quick question — if I ever get mugged, can I call you?"
Jason groaned as Alex buried her face in her hands, laughing.