Chereads / the love of the Mafia boss / Chapter 6 - chapter 6

Chapter 6 - chapter 6


I woke up in the middle of the night to use the toilet but I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. the worst part is that my legs were wrapped around his waist and we were so close that I could feel his breath in my hair. 'How did I end up in this position'

I tried to release myself without him waking up but he just held me closer and tighter. 'what the hell is wrong with this grown ass man. why is he holding me like a teddy bear. ' I tried twisting my body away from his hold not caring if he woke up any longer. the moment I had freed myself from his hold he woke up. "must you move around whenever you are asleep little lamb?" he asked me. his voice was still hoarse from just waking up and he sounded sexy.

"why are your arms wrapped around me. how do you expect me to stand up?" I decided to act angry.

"you are asking me? I woke up to find your legs wrapped around me. what did you expect me to do?" he replied nonchalantly.

'what the hell' I could feel my face heating up.

"what do you mean by that?" I retorted. I knew I moved in my sleep but there was no way I'm accepting defeat.

"I was about to fall asleep when I felt you wrap yourself around me and snuggled me closely. I tried to free myself from your death hold but you are just too strong" he replied while keeping a straight face.

that's when I knew he was playing. what does he mean that I'm too strong. clearly that's a lie. it's either he did not try at all or he was the one who pulled me into his arms. I'm going to go for the former because I knew from. my position it was partly my fault. but that does not mean I'm accepting it in front of him. no way.

"I'm not having this conversation with you Leonardo. can you let me go so I can use the restroom?" I just realized that I was still in his embrace and it did not feel awkward at all.

He looked at me with a smirk on his face as if he could read my mind so well and that made me almost freak out. he released me gently and the moment I was out of his embrace I felt a little cold. no wonder I did not feel cold last night. his warm body kept me warmed up all through the night. but I was not going to show that I actually liked it.

I quickly got off the bed and went into the restroom. it felt like my bladder was going to burst. I heard him chuckling from behind me but I decided to ignore him.

once I was finished using the restroom,I was about to come out when I heard Leo's voice coming from the bedroom. I did not mean to eavesdrop but I could not help it.


Immediately Lyxaria entered the restroom, I heard my phone ring. I grapped it from beside the bed and I saw that it was a call from Alfredo. I picked up the call.

"what do you want?" I asked him after I picked up the call.

"we have a huge problem Leo."

"what do you mean?" I replied. it seems like it was serious.

" San Francisco bratva attacked one of our clubs and killed Fernando. they have alerted all the residents around and now everyone is terrified. they also killed Felix. shor him in his head. things are bad Leo. you need to get back now. "

" I'm on my way. make sure you keep everyone in order." I ordered him as I got off the bed and began wearing my shirt and Jacket.

" yes boss." I cut off the call.

I walked towards the bathroom door and was about to knock on it when the door opened up and Lyxaria came out looking down and avoiding my eyes. the first thing about being a Mafia leader is to always know how to read people's emotions. I knew she had eavesdropped on my conversation but that was not something I'm going to worry about now.

" we need to get going. I'm taking you back to NewYork." I told her as I led her to where her bag was so she could get ready.

she suddenly paused and turned around to look at me. I saw fear and uncertainty in her eyes. but it didn't look like it was for me. " I'll follow you back. but I don't want you to hand me over to my father. I beg you Leonardo." she pleaded. I could see rhe tears gathering in her eyes.

"but why don't you want to go back. I'm sure he will be very excited to see you. " I joked. I knew her father would be furious but I needed her to ask me directly. there was no fun in me doing everything now is there?

I could see the resentment in her eyes. so many emotions on her face at the same time. he father must be a real bastard.

"he will kill me. he already hates me. my step mother will pay make things worse." I did not think she will actually open up to me but she did and that made me want to protect her more. from everything. she was too innocent for all this.

"so what do you want me to do?"

she looked devastated. I knew what she wanted me to say but I wasn't going to say it. she would have to voice it out. and I can't lie I'm enjoying every bit of this.

she hesitated for a moment before she sighed amd looked at me. "I'm seeking your protection from my father and in return I'll marry you." she requested. I nearly laughed because it was so funny.

"little lamb, need I remind you that you are already betrothed to me so whether or not I protect you from your father you are still going to marry me." I looked at her facial expression and I could almost see the anger bursting through her veins. she looked so angry and that only made her look hotter.

"I don't understand. are you trying to say I'm being forced against my will to marry you?" she demanded. the feisty look in her face made her look so sexy.

" I thought that has already been established little lamb. or do you have another option? the one that involves you going back to your father and let him choose another husband for you. maybe this one will really be potbellied mafia man under my wing. who do you prefer? to marry a king and become a queen or to marry an unknown man and become unknown.who knows what might happen to you?" I knew I was not suppose to say that. but she should quit thinking I'm her worse enemy when there are even worse people out there.

I could see the contemplation on her face. but I could not let her ponder on it right now . I needed to go back to NewYork.

" we will think about this later. we need to go back to NewYork right now."

" do you promise I'll stay with you?" she asked me again.

" of course little lamb. couples stay in the same house. don't they?" the way her expression changed when I said that was amusing.

" we are not a couple."she retorted. I could see the blush rising from her neck up to her cheeks.

" let's get going little lamb. I've business to attend to.

she quickly grabbed her bag and her jacket and followed me outside. we checked out of the hotel and I could see her glaring at the receptionist.

"if looks could kill that young lady would have been dead little lamb." I chuckled.

"she can't even do her job well. where was he confidentiality. telling you where my room was." she scoffed.

"oh little lamb, do you think I would not be able to find you if she hadn't told me. that's really funny." I mused

I could see the way her face was turning red from anger.

we entered into the can that I had already bookd when I was still in the room and it took us to the airport.