Li Chuan's whiskey just baru sampai on the table, but the man in trench coat already stand up liao.
"Eh, we change place." His voice very steady one, but got that kind of tone cannot reject de.
Li Chuan glance around a bit, like checking got any problem or not. In the end, he still stand up and follow the man out of the bar.
The night was dark-dark, and the air full of that wet neon smell. Two people walking side by side on the quiet street, and the streetlight cast that kind of yellowish glow onto the wet road, wah, the whole scene a bit drama ah.
"Eh, what's your name ah?" Li Chuan open mouth.
"You can call me Cheng Mo." The trench coat man talk still very flat.
"Cheng Mo." Li Chuan repeat one time. "Then, why you find me?"
Cheng Mo no answer straight away. He just stop walking, take out one photo from his pocket, then pass to Li Chuan.
Li Chuan take it, see the guy in the photo wear metal frame specs, face quite skinny, look a bit nervous.
"This who?"
"The last person see Wei Xingzhi before he mati." Cheng Mo say very soft. "Three days ago, he give police one statement, say he got proof that Hengtai Group doing money laundry. That night itself, he disappear liao."
Li Chuan look at the photo, macam got something thinking.
"Police got find him or not?"
"Nope." Cheng Mo stare at him, macam want see his reaction. "Actually ah, even his report also kena delete inside the police record, straight away disappear, macam never exist before."
Li Chuan look up at Cheng Mo, his eyes suddenly change a bit.
"So, you think this not just simple murder case, but got big-big power behind?"
Cheng Mo slowly nod.
"If only Wei Xingzhi die, maybe can say is company shareholder fight among themselves. But got one person willing to be witness, then straight away missing after giving statement... This one, cannot be just normal business fight already."
Li Chuan keep quiet for a while, his eyes look at the photo again.
"His name leh?"
"Zhao Qiming."
Li Chuan repeat the name softly, macam want remember properly.
"You found him already ah?"
"Haven't." Cheng Mo sigh a bit. "But I got clue."
He pull out one hotel room key card from his pocket.
"This one, is the last place he stay before disappear. Inside got one handphone, but already rosak. And also..." Cheng Mo pause for a while before continue, "one copy of Hengtai Group financial report."
Li Chuan take the key card, flip-flip look at it.
"So, you want me do what?"
Cheng Mo stare at him for few seconds, then slowly say: "Help me find Zhao Qiming."
Li Chuan no talk for a bit, then suddenly his mouth curve up a bit, smile like he enjoying this game.
"Wah, interesting case ah."