Dear Diary,
Sorry. Hope you didn't miss me. I didn't forget you. I was just busy. Today was a very happy day. Mom dropped me off at school. After that I went to the classroom. Today, it was finally my turn to sit beside the window. It was so good. I could see all the way to the sky. I could see the birds flying up in the sky. A sparrow came to sit outside the window. It was looking at me. It was so cute. Like Jennie. Today Jennie had pink ribbons in her hair. She was looking so cute. She is so kind. We had a test today. And she told me one answer I couldn't remember. She even gave me a candy. She is so sweet. I told mom to buy me pink ribbons. Mom said yes. On Monday I'll wear them to school. We'll match. Okay. I have ballet class tomorrow. I'll talk to you later. Goodnight.
- Love, Minnie.
She rolls over on the bed, the soft blue covers wrinkling under her soft weight. Pushing the diary under the pillow, she lies on her side, the white ruffles of the pillow case tickling her pale cheek.
Not every day does Minnie write to her diary. It's only on either happy days or the sad ones. Happy ones like today - when she got to sit by the window, or see a sparrow up close, or get a candy from Jennie.
Jennie. Jennie Marlow. She is new in class. Came from Canada after her father's transfer. Brown skin, black hair, slight chub in her cheeks, small nose.
'Cute' - that's what Minnie had thought when she first saw Jennie, about a month ago, sitting beside the window. Looking outside.
Minnie was late for school that day. It was actually her usual time. Or else she could've surely sat in the front row, beside her. Could've shared her mum's noodles and meatballs with her. But she couldn't. If only she didn't stay up late to have the doll house tea party with Daddy.
Surprisingly, she never came late since the next day. Minnie's mom is so happy these days. Daddy is relieved, too - finally getting a good rest after all those dragging hours at the office. They are trying for a second one. "A baby sister would be good" - is what Minnie had said. But her mom wants a little Michael. Maybe they'll try for a Michael again if it doesn't happen this time, either.
Anyway. We get sidetracked a lot when we get nostalgic. It seems Minnie is happy today. She's sleeping so peacefully. Other days, she asks her mom to pat her to sleep, but today, she can go to sleep alone. Happy thoughts do help with sleep. Happy thoughts and a tired body. Today, Minnie played a lot with Jennie. She forgot to write about it. Maybe she was too excited about the ribbons. Maybe she'll write about it some other day. Maybe another day when she's happy. On another happy day.
(To be cont. )