Dev woke up with a jolt
"where i am again? oh its still my room"
"so it really happened to me huh"
"wakeup dev you have huge workload today"
But then, something felt different.
He looked at his hands. His body didn't feel the same. There was a lightness, a sharpness in his senses. The usual stiffness in his back from hours of lying around was gone. He flexed his fingers, stretched his legs. Every movement felt… smoother.
"i already filling good though should i just sleep more" a thought popped
"fucking bastard wakeup don't waste opportunity you got a fucking system now go move and sent our plan in motion"
dev freshed up and went near his books
He grabbed a book from his shelf, something heavy and filled with calculus though he could solve them it took huge amount of time and mental strength to do them but now His eyes skimmed through the pages, and to his shock, the words sank in immediately. Concepts that once took him hours to grasp clicked in an instant all it took was mental calculation to solve questions
"thats amazing just wait you all bastard your father is coming…" he whispered. The boosted comprehension was real.
Excitement surged through him, but another thought struck
Dropping the book, he moved to the center of his room and got into a push-up position. The last time he tried, his arms had given up after eight. He started counting.
One. Five. Ten. Fifteen. Twenty.
His breathing was steady. Thirty. Forty.
His arms should have been shaking by now, but they weren't.
Dev collapsed onto his back, staring at the ceiling, he laughed out crazily "this is awesome hahahahaaha"
dev mom shouted from downstair" are you going mad dev"
his brother too asked" are you alright dev"
dev replied" i am okay" being thick skinned he wasn't feeling ashamed
and his family new his foolish habits
Then another realization hit—he needed to leave soon. Though he felt reluctance but he know he have to do it The window of opportunity was closing fast. He had planned everything meticulously the night before, but now, he had to execute it flawlessly.
He went downstairs
[Dev pov]
" when are you leaving for birthday party" i asked?
mom replied" we are just going after getting ready"
Dad: Dev, don't forget to check the electricity bill on my phone
Shit i almost forgot about that my account is also connected to my father phone
father's phone had all his banking details, UPI logs, transactions. If i cash out father would surely get notification
I have to delete my account from his phone.
"okay dad let me see and when are you coming out of bathroom i also have to take bath"
father's phone resting on the charging dock. i moved unlocking it with practiced ease. i instead of checking bill i first Remove linked accounts and fuck with 2 stage verification it took time his father came out " how much is it"
though my heart was in my mouth i replied" its 2000 rupee only"
"only 2000 rupee that 2000 rupee dev once you go outside you will know how tough is it to earn 2000 "
"here we go nagging start again" i though my brother also came out passing a smirk
"no need to get angry dev no need he is your cute little brother ain't he calm down" i tried to calm myself not punching his face cause i know once i did my parents will beat crap out of me.
One problem down.
after having breakfast i entered in brother's room
"Arjun, aren't you going?" i asked casually me having oscar level acting skills from daily facing people
"Not in the mood. Too much drama at those functions."
Dev sighed. "You know Rohan and ria gonna be there, right? He got a new gaming setup. Said he's bringing his laptop for a test run."
His brother perked up. "Wait… for real?"
Dev nodded. "Yeah, and I heard he's letting people try it out"
His brother hesitated, then grabbed his phone. "Fine, I'll go. But only for a while. and why arent you going"
"i dont wann face aunt dumbass question about my exam" i told him
"who told you not to study and waste your time on those stupid cartoon and webnovel"
i gonna kill this bastard i swear
[Dev pov ended]
dev planning was going perfect for now and lastly
for the final step—supplies.
After his family left for the party, he changed into simple clothes and slipped out unnoticed. Cash in hand, he made his way to a busy marketplace, blending in with the crowd. He needed to buy everything without drawing attention.
A sturdy backpack, a few sets of clothes, protein bars, a refillable water bottle, and a first aid kit. He made sure to buy items from different shops so there wouldn't be a clear pattern on CCTV.
people may think its just easy to go to camp but let me tell you to reach Himachal pardesh Special Forces Training School (SFTS) he have to change atleast 4 buses that itself feel tiring for someone like dev
Paranoia gnawed at him. He kept his head down, checked reflections in store windows, avoided looking at cameras directly. Every step felt like someone was watching. He even took a detour through an alley to shake off imaginary pursuers.
By the time he returned, the house was still empty. He packed everything neatly, securing his cash in different pockets.
Then, he took one last look around his room.
he took his phone out factory reset it deleted.
he started writing a letter to parents and truthfully the toughest task
Mummy, Papa,
I am leaving the house, not because I feel burdened, but because I want to try my luck in the world. Don't worry about me. I will be leaving Delhi as you read this letter. I love you, and tell that stupid brother of mine to study. I will only come back once I am successful.
The letter sounded emotional, heartfelt. But in reality, Dev just couldn't think of a better excuse.
Tomorrow, he would vanish, leaving behind everything he had ever known. His old life was over.
And a new one was about to begin.