I stared at the array of dresses on my bed. I was required to pick the best…only the best to meet my future husband, Kincade.
Briefly, I wondered what he was like.
Was he nice and kind? What kind of ice cream does he like? Will he stay up with me at night watching cartoons and animation or would he shrug me off and place me in a corner like the goods he was forced to acquire?
Will Kincade like me? Could he fall in love with me given the chance and if yes, why was it that for the eighteen years we were betrothed, he never called or texted me, all I got was the occasional birthday cards stamped by the seal of Essex.
Who are you, Kincade Everhart?
Was he an angel or was he the demon I could feel in my soul that he was? The demon that keeps me up at night.
I took a deep breath.
I got this. I was born for this.
"I was born for this" I said out loud.
"What?!" Eva Belle asked from the place she was arranging about a dozen shoes for my pleasure.
"I said, I was born for this" I looked at Eva Belle, she dropped the shoe she was holding and gave me her undivided attention. "I mean that literally. My parents intentionally fucked each other to have me for the sole purpose of entering into a marriage contract with Prince Kincade of Essex. Did you know that?"
It wasn't a well guarded secret.
Everyone knows that I exist for him, even the virginity clause should have been the first clue. I live for Kincade Everhart.
Before I was born, my country, the Island of Avalon, went bankrupt due to a natural disaster and quite frankly, my father's international gambling habits.
My parents in bid to keep the country afloat asked for help from the neighboring countries, only Essex came to our aid but it wasn't without demands.
Thus, the nightmare that was called my life.
In exchange for keeping Avalon afloat, Essex wanted the two countries to merge to gain access to the island's natural resource - a silver white metal used to make jewelry very shiny called Rhodium.
but since they couldn't exactly take over a kingdom country without being seen as the assholes that invaded a struggling country, they went by the diplomatic root - a contract marriage between Avalon's heir and their heir, with the first born offspring of the marriage having legal claims to both kingdom countries.
Except there was a hitch to that plan, my parents had three boys and Essex had two sons.
And with both countries homophobic pricks, someone had to go into the bedroom and produce a daughter.
Thus me, Hi! I'm Nicolette Octaleign Aurora Hackett - N.O.A. H for short.
Welcome to my shit show of a life.
I turned around and looked at Eva Belle.
"I was made for Kincade. I guess that means I'm custom made…like a shoe or an accessory, an earring perhaps"
"Don't talk like that. You are important. You are the most important person in Avalon" Eva Belle said, concern lining her words "but the virginity clause is a little too much. I would agree"
"I guess it's because my pussy is worth so much, you have no idea. It going to single handedly save a dying island country. It's one hell of a pussy and it belongs solely to Kincade, my sweet lecherous future husband hence the virginity clause"
"Are you going to joke about this?" She asked me.
"Yes" I Stated as a matter of fact. "Lighten up Evie-Belly. It's just an engagement party, not the end of the world" I laughed it off. "Now, can we go back to my world class…"
"Don't say it" Eva Belle warned.
"Fine. I won't" I answered, biting down a smile. "but I'm serious. It's one good looking virgina. Do you want to take a look?" I asked her.
"Maybe, next time. For now, I will take your word for it because right now, we have to get you ready for your parents to make the formal introductions between you and the prince, your future husband. And you are going to do your best to come off as a learned proper princess everyone else thinks you are…vulgar Noah has no place today. Do you understand?"
I nodded. "Of course. I will charm the panties off the Sanctimonious doll head and if all fails, I will show him my glorious…"
"Don't say it" Eva Belle warned.
"Vijayjay" I whispered.
Eva Belle exhaled. "This is going to be a long day"
Our attention was called when there was a knock on the door, it was one of my brothers.
"Nicolette!" He knocked on the door loudly. "Nicolette, quit stalling…everyone is waiting for you"
"My name is Noah!" I yelled at my insolent brother.
"Nicolette…now!" He ordered like he had any authority over me. We could hear his retreating footsteps.
"Remind me to have him executed when I'm Queen" I told Eva Belle.
"Cut Ark some slack. He is ten years older yet by some twist of fate his baby sister is next in line to the throne that is rightfully his. I would be pissed too. Just give him some time, he will come around" Eva Belle said.
"Ark has been coming around to the idea that he will one day bend a knee to me for eighteen years now, he's had enough time. I'm simply going to have him executed and be done with it…I'm thinking probably by firing squad. Maybe then you would get over your stupid crush on him"
"You can't. He's hot…have you seen his abs?" Eva Belle asked me. "I would let him pin me against a wall any day of any week and have him fuck me senseless untill I…"
"Eww, image! He is my big brother, Belly"
"Sorry. Got carried away. Now, let's find you a dress to be married in"
We walked out of the room. It's took a few minutes but we settled on red dress that complimented my skin tone and wasn't overly showing.
I was nervous no doubt but I wanted more than anything to get it over with and just be done with it.
We barely made it a few feet before we bumped into my parents, they were with some people - two ladies and a bald headed man.
I have never met them before, so they were probably from Essex and was of some value to their country if the king and Queen were playing tour guide.
"Nicolette, these are emissaries from Essex, the dowager duchess Lady Bridgette and Yolanda, and this is Dr Stephens. They are here for you" my father introduced in his usual brisk voice which was curtier than usual today.
I didn't say anything at first.
I just watched my parents.
Were they afraid for me?
Were they ashamed that they placed such an enormous responsibilities on my little shoulders?
Dad looked ashamed but Mom was beaming with smiles like she did one hell of a job.
What was her favorite words, again? You were born to be Queen over two nations, Nicolette...you should be grateful.
Can she tell how ungrateful I feel right now to be pushed into something I didn't want?
Could she?
When I hesitated to say something, Eva Belle had to.
"May I present the Princess Nicolette Octaleign Aurora Hackett to you?" She pinched my arm, a subtle reminder to remember my manners.
I didn't.
"Where's Kincade? Let's get this shit over with, okay?" I said.
My mother almost fainted but my father bit back a smile. Occasionally, he was the father every little girl pray for.
"We will get to that as soon as we get a little thing out of the way" Lady Bridgette said and looked around like she misplaced something of little value.
"I suppose any number of these vacant rooms would suffice for the inspection"
The Dowager Duchess stood tall, her slender frame ramrod straight, as if she had a perpetual stick lodged in her posterior.
Her silver hair was styled in an impeccable bob, not a single strand out of place. Even her eyes, a piercing blue, seemed to bore into those she looked at, as if she was sizing them up and finding them wanting... she certainly found me wanting.
"What little thing?" I asked no one in particular.
The dowager duchess pointed at the room behind us and announced "This would do. Come" she commanded like we were dogs.
She said and walked past me and pushed the door open.
I was ushered inside the room and when Eva Belle tried to enter, the door was shut in her face.
"The mother can stay but I doubt the father is needed, Yolanda" Bridgette spoke over us like we were servants not royalties.
Sure, Avalon was the smallest country in the world but an old fart like her had no right to disrespect us.
"Hey! Lady! What's going on?" I asked as my father per her request started walking towards the door.
"Just do what she says, baby" My father whispered and walked out.
I was still confused.
"What's going on?!"
"Hop on the bed, take off your undies and spread your legs, Nicolette" Lady Bridgette commanded.
I almost laughed out loud.
"Lady, are you high on fumes?" I asked her and laughed, turning around to laugh at the joke with my mother but she wasn't laughing.
"Just do what they say. It would only take a minute, Noah"
"A minute to..."
"Doctor Stephen is here on behalf of Essex to check...to see...if you are still...intact" my mother murmured.
I stood froze. There was nothing remotely funny about this. "They want to check to see if I was a virgin? For real? Is this a joke?"
"Just do it" Mother said.
"Dad!" I yelled on top of my voice. He couldn't have gone far.
"Hop on the bed willingly or you would be restrained" Bridgette threatened.
"Dad!!!" I yelled and took a step back.