Today's dream is really different this type of place is really amazing !
I am seeing every night different dream that means different place diffrent species.
Son please wake up!
Mom please 10 minutes!
No ten minutes you is going to late from your work.
She is my mom
My name is li hema and I'm 23 years old.
When my age 14 years old suddenly out of nowhere my dad is gone no one know where is my dad !
Oh yes we are complaining in the cops there are don't find this to!
Ok mom I am going !
Ok tack care
Li meha is going, and book a taxi
Hey watch in the sky wat's going on!
Suddenly the sky is going to blurr,
And Li meha is shock because this sky like his first dream
This is not possible!
This is the day when the world is change !!!!!