The dining mess of the school was buzzing with chatter and sounds of utensils. It was a lively scene in the hall. Mitta and Faneel were talking at a table, their conversation drew some glances from other students.
Mitta leaned in and faintly talked, "There are three dominant clans in Sinki- Minsk, Thrall, and Red. Each has its leader, and they maintain the balance of power here. If you want to continue in this institution, you'll need to join one of the clans or become strong enough to resist their advances."
Faneel intensely listened to the conversation. "What makes these clans so powerful?"
"Wealth, power, and brute strength, "Mitta replied. Matter of fact, "Thrall is the strongest, but the three clans keep each other in check. There are small skirmishes but they stand on equal footing. The prime targets are newbies for recruitment or elimination.
Before Faneel could question, a knife slammed into the table. He looked at the person, a wild-eyed boy with a wacky smile was staring down at him.
"Oi, Me an' ye wi'll fight tomo'row," the boy declared in a thick Western accent.
Faneel blinked, taken aback by the straightforward challenge. He was at least in peace that a challenge came more straightforward than through treacherous ways.
Mitta, unfazed, stood up from the table and went away. "I'll leave it to you then.
Faneel kept the challenge in the back of his mind. He started socializing with people around him.
He felt everyone was at ease with him. People were interacting with him without any hidden malice. As he was talking to a guy with an armband across him.
"Who is Mitta? Why does everyone's attitude change towards me?
Armband guy, "Don't you know, who Mitta is? He defeated the Vice-captain of his section in a duel. The vice cap' was an ox head- twice his size and strength.
Faneel's eyes widened. He was impressed to know that Mitta had the strength to live by his words. He was comfortable that such a person had joined hands with him.
"And the guy who just challenged me- tell me about him?" Faneel continued
"That's Gaelish," the armband boy replied. "He's an enforcer for Thrall. They're testing you. If you impress them in the fight, they might recruit you. If not, then the attitude of people around you will change real fast."
Faneel nodded, "Okay, thanks for the info. What's your name brother?"
The boy smiled, "You don't need my name. I'm just a Ghoster. The clan asked me to keep an eye on you."
The air changed around Faneel, he understood that you are either someone or no one in this institution. And if you are no one, then there is nothing but misery ahead. Ghosters were the lowest of the low in Sinki-students with no clan affiliation, often used as pawns by clans. They were given menial tasks and rarely graduated with honors. Most ended up as foot soldiers in the army, sent to the front lines where survival was up to fate.
In the army, Ghosters were pushed to the edge of civilization and enrolled in the wars. They rarely survived above the age of thirty. Most of them retired early. After understanding a bit about Ghosters, he concluded that his father was probably one of them.
He felt for the Ghosters, but he had to think for his own survival and was too powerless to do anything about it.
Mitta came around after circling around the dining mess and meeting with his clan.
"So, a challenge huh? Are you nervous....You can defeat the Gaelish guy just attack his legs. He has crazy upper strength but his legs are weak."
"Ah, I will keep that in mind tomorrow."
Mitta pokes again, "Are you nervous, you have 2nd channel don't you?"
Faneel eating his food and not listening to Mitta, "Yeah, Yeah I'll defeat him tomorrow."
In the continent, the warriors and mages depended upon body channels. Starting from the Root ( 1st channel), Sacral (2nd channel), Plexus (3rd channel), Heart (4th channel), Light (5th channel), Eye (6th channel), and Crown (7th channel).
Warriors internalized the body channels while mages externalized the power of channels. Each body channel would enhance the mage's element's affinity. At the same time, warriors' channels would strengthen the resolve of the mind, body, and weapon.
For warriors, the body channels were a source of energy. They would harness its power for weapons but control and affinity were dependent upon their learning of Ki.
In the early morning, everyone participated in the morning training, where the physical instructor would train every individual based on weapons, and mages were trained in the elements.
However, newbies were yet to be designated concerning their abilities. A test took place to check their affinity. It was simple, a mug of water was taken from the fountain. If the water overflowed from the mug then, the student had the potential to become a mage but if the water turned into a whirlpool then the student had the potential of a warrior.
After new students were going through the initiation, most of them fell into the warrior category as mages were rare. It was Faneel's turn, he was requested by the instructor to surround his hands outside the mug.
After a while, the bubble starts to develop. The water boiled and lightly spilled over the cup. Everyone was amazed at the sight of such discovery, as it was very rare for Beaster beings to have an affinity for magic. Faneel's elven heritage had likely played a role.
The initiation continued with only 20 of the 100 new students showing potential for magic while the rest were warriors.
Arva Ellis, the prideful daughter of the Kingdom's knight, was among the few who had already developed the first body channel before joining Sinki. It is considered a risky process for students to learn early. They have to develop at least the first channel. In the case of magicians, it was more complicated as they needed to create a false heart to pour their mana energy to understand their affinity early.
Arva knew her affinity was fire, she had already started learning her ability. She was among the few newbies who had such early success in her affinity.
On the other hand, Faneel was dazzled because his father had taught him about the channels. He was in the process of developing a first channel before joining Sinki, as the first channel mainly depended on the conditioning of the body. He didn't give much thought to it.
He was successful in crafting the first channel just before arriving at the institution. But, he never once pondered about his potential, he thought he would follow in his father's footsteps and become a warrior. However, fate had other things in store for him because he became the first mage-wolf of the Khast family from the Belliege tribe.
Warriors were different from mages, it was easier for them to create channels. In addition, to channels they had to learn about Ki, similar to mana.
Ki were breathing techniques that were suitable according to their harmony with the weapons. There were three major breathing techniques for warriors.
Swordsmanship, Spear, and Mace breathing techniques.
Swordsmanship included all sharp-short range weapons. Spears included long-range weapons like arrows. While Mace breathing included techniques for blunt weapons.
Besides, the staple breathing techniques, the warrior techniques were further fractured according to the weapon wielded by individuals. For instance, there were niche techniques that warriors made it their own.
Individuals who believed in the breathing techniques of swordsmanship were able to learn a mass array of short-range weapons. The learning process was vast. It took a longer time for them to become experts in this field.
On the other hand, fractured breathing techniques provided an understanding of niche weapons such as Anchor flail (chain weapon attached with anchor or sharp weapon like shortswords). It was easier to learn those techniques faster for warriors but, it didn't give them vast power in comparison to the three main breathing techniques.
Faneel knew all the basic information about the warriors. He intended to pursue the breathing technique of swordsmanship, that his father pursued. But now, he had an opportunity to walk into a new path.
While Faneel was ruminating, the quirky-eyed person came across him.
Gaelish, "Whatcha Thinkin'? Are you ready?"
Faneel spanned out of his preoccupied thoughts. A new energy surged inside him.
"I'm ready," Faneel said while meeting Gaelish's gaze. "Bring it on."