Rezo pov
It was a simple day I woke took a shower brushed my teeth put on my school uniform. Almost missed the bus talked with my friends.
All normal stuff you do on the way to school
But my luck ran out when I got to school. Is it so much to ask for just to listen to music on my phone with headphones
I should have noticed something was wrong when people started running past me in a panic. And yet I didn't like the idiot I was. I just stood there and a second later like a firework went of my vision went blank
Now I'm here the "here" being a coin like ocean my body…. AHHHHH!!!! MY BODY IT…
Shut up
Rezo. wait that wasn't me
I said shut up your mind less shouting hurt my non existent ears
Rezo. A echoing voice are you a my sub….
Rezo. MK38 hhmmm who no what are you
MK38. I am a rob. BUT because I want you
out of my domain I will send you to a
New world similar to the Minecraft
Game you have played
Rezo. Ok but
Cough cough… now I will give you
Three wishes now first wish
Can be powerful the second wish
Has to be something related to
The Minecraft world you are going
And the 3rd wise can …. Hmmm
I don't really know
Rezo. How about a weak simple thing
MK38. I SAID Do …actually that works
Rezo. Um ok for my first wis….
MK38. Wait before you wish know that if you
Say something I heard already
Like gamemode 1 or goku I will kill you
Rezo. "Gulp" ok for the first wish I want the
Powers of four
MK38 No
Rezo 2
MK38 No
Rezo. 1
MK38 that works
Rezo. ok for my 2nd wish I want to not be
Binded by the basic rules of Minecraft
MK38 elaborate
Rezo like limited crafting like say I want to
Make a diamond long sword I could
Or not dying to starvation or drowning
Or being infected if bitten be a zombie
But I still want good things like healing
Potion effects
MK38 ok ok (now wearing glasses and having
A notepad)
Rezo and last I ask to be able to read and
Talk all languages
MK38 Good good with all that out the way
I will let you ask one question about
The world
Rezo. Ok will I get all my powers emidetly or
MK38. The 2nd and 3rd yes the 1st you will
This is because the higher beings
Of the world will notice if I put you
In with all the power
Rezo. Ok
MK38. Well of you go
With a snap of he's fingers Rezo
Was sent to the world by MK38
This began the grand adventure (if we did not die emedetly)
Hello little rats the truth is I need power stones
and I would like a ACTIVE view basin talking comments I'm talking voting on polls and I'm talking giving me stones