Chereads / Willow Flag / Prologue

Willow Flag

  • 7
    chs / week
  • --
  • 79


The sun was high in the sky giving a pleasant warmth that penetrated her clothes , the forest throwing a playful shade on the greenery on the sides of the road . Quiet sounds of churning water and nightingale songs were heard , but without them in sight it was like someone had hidden them . The smell of grass and flowers so fragnant it can almost be tasted . Spring has finally arrived in full blow .

A fine day this would be , especially with the wagon light rocking .

If she closed her eyes she could almost imagine it being a normal day , going to the fields to help her mother , working themselves to the bone and then after a day of hard work coming back home , maybe even going to a vecherinka if she still had the strength . It was a simple and modest life but it was all she knew , maybe she would have liked to go on adventures one day to which she would later tell her mother all about . Maybe someday a youth would finally catch her eye and she would marry . Maybe in another life or weave of fate that would happen . But not this one … not after that . If not even the domovoi could hope to survive that , what can a mere mortal do?

And yet here she is … alive . or at least still with the living in name and body , her soul however was trying to complete the rites as properly as she could , both theirs and her own . The hope of that even and if quiet her wails will help them find the right way and maybe they will even forgive her for the wack of tears .

Then the sound of flesh hitting flesh was heard and dismissed the thought of anything other than the quarrel before her

You idiot , didn't your baba thought you better ? - The angry man shouted , his tone a clear indication he too would curse if not for the place they were in . - To curse in a forest . You're practically screaming at the top of your lungs "Come here and give us your attention " to any chort or Leshy wandering about .If you're so scared of some chorts then why choose this path then ? Or a Seren got your head . Oh I am so sorry your "majesty" , i didn't know your spear was sharper than Triglav's . Or were you a sharper mind than him ? - Oh , so that's why they were going through the forest , someone was big enough of an idiot to anger the gods or at least the zrets . Their argument did not seem to be going anywhere new , and maybe it was a little harsh to judge them on that after 2 weeks of being in close proximity . However they were one of the only sources of entertainment so they better be entertaining . Which kinda stopped after the 3 quarrel those two had. It did kinda dry out , like the village gossip if nothing new happens for a week .

Vasilisa shifted her gaze to look at the other slaves for Rod knows which time , it was after all the one of the few amusements on this trip . And amusing it was , in only a few places can you see this colorful of a selection of people . 

A psoglav , samodivas , even a ved and who knows what else , especially the chort looking one with his charcoal dark skin , goat legs and orange eyes lacking eyelids looking directly from the flesh of his face . She wonders what race he is from , and what other races are here that she is unable to recognize . Well , she does know one more rare race , and judging from the lack of raven heads other than herself there weren't any others . Which isn't all that surprising , a trained hunter would get out of this easily , for a difference of herself a mere peasant .

Sreeeeeeeeee !!!

The wagons suddenly stopped .

A tree blocking the road ? An animal on the path ? Maybe they haven't asked permission to enter the forest and the leshy is angry ? Or a vodyanoi or rusalka demanding offerings ? The possible reasons for stopping are many but only one of them could be true , so what is it ? 

Stop mortals ! You're in the territory of our masteress , on the road she commanded us to look after as per her instructions ! Pay the toll and pas or we will skin you all alive , then fry you and finally eat you ! - The being who spoke was a drowner , a very ugly one with a puffy unnaturally unevenly bleached skin and matted hair , hunched over back with a bright red hat on its head . Judging by the other chorts behind him it was either the mouthpiece or the leader . The hungering lust for mortal blood , flesh and bone in the chorts eyes was clear as a morningdew .What does your mastreress demand in exchange as the toll to use the crossroads ? - No bargaining , it can only mean they are willing to sacrifice even the cargo to survive , the mere thought in and of itself made her stomach churn . Just how much did they anger the Gods exactly ? A mortal sacrifice ! - A sacrifice , huh ? This really can't get any worse . So who would it be ? The ved ? Unlikely , most of them live too deep in Devana's domain to enslave another one . The samodiva ? No, it's too far west , unless they plan to purchase another one in an auction house . So the psoglav will probably be one of the sacrifices , they better have stoked on enough medical supplies then . Oi you , yes you , get the gypsy ! - A cold chill ran down Vasilisa's spine like a thousand needles made of ice ! The child !?!? Those sick fucks are going to sacrafice a child . Even and if stealing is bad , it still doesn't deserve a fate that's at best death .

 Vasalisa should have expected such people to sacrifice a child . Slavers , may they rot here after death !

Let me go ! - The boy was struggling to free himself from the hands of the greedy and dark hearted adults . The cries of another child was heard , this one a samodiva girl struggling to break free and go help her friend . The look in her eyes saying she understood what this deal entailed , the horror , resentment and sadness was enough to make anyone broken hearted .

And it did so to Vasilisa . The anger at this injustice began to mix with her so rarely felt bloodlust , even and if not much maybe she can help . Better be unsuccessful but having at least tried than not try when she could have helped . The sound of blood pumping was all she could hear , electricity started to flood her body energizing it , all she now saw was bags of blood and bone for her to gorge herself on , the dryness in her throat was getting stronger begging for any liquid . Putting weight in her legs , bending her knees , focusing her eyes on the vic—

Lads , why don't we do a deal ? - The old man to her left suddenly spoke . The light and cheery tone of his voice in contrast with the atmosphere was enough to make her falter for a second , and that second was all he needed to continue . - Your mastress sounds like a mighty and wise great woman . Oh how kind she must be to be satisfied with only one measly sacrifice , but she deserves better , wouldn't you agree ? - What is his goal , to sacrifice them all to whatever monster controls those chorts or something else ? Yes ! Our mastress is the most knowledgeable on this world ! She deserves mountains of sacrifices before her feet of the finest treasures this land has to offer . But what is it your deal you speak of ? - The crooked smile with water flowing out tells by itself the interest in whatever the old man is saying . A bloodthirsty interest .What would you say about this one ? You and your friends take those fine young men with no rope on their hands and in exchange the rest of us keep the wagons and everything in them , and maybe the mules . So what would you say ? - The smile he gave runned chills on every other mortal present despite the warm and grandfatherly tone he used . The quiet satisfaction in his smile spelling the doom of their captors , and perhaps having seen it the "free" men grabbed for their weapons and rushed screaming .You fucker ! I'm going to make your skull into a cup ! - One practically gifted in the lungs department slaver shouted , drowning out his colleagues .Deal ! - Exclaimed the drowner with happiness oozing from his form like a child being handed sweets for the first time in weeks .

The sound of wood was her only warning before her balance was lightly shaken by the old man , standing on the end of the wagon ready to jump down . He looked back , again with his already signature smile , and in that moment their eyes met . What this enigma of a man was thinking she couldn't decipher no matter how hard she tried , but he gave her a chance so she will take it . So she flashed him a smile and jumped down the wagon to get the child out of those monsters' hands . His voice booming behind her back

WHAT ARE THE REST OF YOU WAITING FOR ! YOU WANT TO BE FREE ? RUN THEN ! I CAN ONLY HELP SO MUCH ! Ohh , careful there lad you might hurt someone ! - Someone definitely got behind him while he was giving his speech . Not that he even took it in too much account , quickly jumping down the wagon and starting to sprint to the forest .

As if they finally got their brains back in the proper place almost everyone started to run in the same direction as that old man . The slavers were nonexistent problems , buckling down after one good kick in the stomach and the balls respectively . With the child secured by her side Vasilisa finally turns back , and got greeted with the sight of the scared samodiva trying to get the child protesting from earlier to let go of the wagon , as the psoglav cutts down their captors who got too close for his taste , his technique with the blade making clear of his high level in a combat [Class] . And stealing the medical supplies ? Why would they need them ? No , she can learn later ! First, it's running away from this bloodbath !

Let's go ! - A good shout to get their attention was everything she needed to get them going .

Аnd immediately started to run with her . Considering how behind they were they any and all the advantage they can get will be appreciated , with most of the group already a good distance away . At least the doghead knows to stay a little back and keeps the attackers back . And so they runned , until one particularly fast slaver got past their guard dog . And it seems to be aiming for the chort lookalike who was trying to help the final child of their group get away , even if his shortness of breath is making his poor stamina known . 

Just as the man was getting ready to cut his back and color the dirt red , with quick steps the scared samodiva took her hand , bending it back and finally extended it all in quick succession in the face of the slaver with an open palm , knocking him out back , if not out cold . The look of pain on her face would have been unnoticed had Vasilisa not played close attention . So that's what they took the medical supplies for . 

The screams of pain and pleas for help was all they could hear from their oppressors accompanied with the cacophony of flesh being ripped by the bones and the blood being spilled , permeating the air so much one could almost taste iron . The only thing in their eyes is the woods offering protection from this violence that just a few hours ago seemed impossible . Not letting even a single second go to waste they all took to the woods with hope for freedom in their hearts .