Leo entered a training hall that reminded him of his college gymnasium. Basketball hoops, soccer goals, and a volleyball net were all present. Even the wooden floor squeaked with each step.
This place felt so familiar that Leo momentarily forgot he was here to spar. Only when he noticed Zeke's sneer did he remember why he had come: to fight that man.
Leo had never really fought in his life. While some people got into fights as kids, adults usually avoided them, knowing anyone could be hiding powerful abilities. In this world, people awakened skills at different ages and sometimes kept them hidden to avoid unwanted attention.
Leo's casual nature never drew negative reactions, and people generally liked having him around. If not for Yvonne, he might have become friends with Zeke. But jealousy sparked by her actions put them at odds.
Just me spending a week with his superior, and now he looks like he wants to kill me. Eh, let's think clearly. My chances of beating him are near zero. He uses a sword, has experience, and has been a hunter for a while. Me… I'm stronger than the average human, don't feel pain, and can become headless. Oh.
While Leo considered his plan for the spar, Yvonne took a seat and announced she would judge. She didn't bother with rules and quickly began the match.
As soon as she started it, Zeke dashed at Leo like a panther, his silver sword forming from a bright light. Leo, startled and defenseless, saw Zeke sneer and thrust his blade.
At that moment, Leo's head shot off his neck and flew at Zeke. He slammed his forehead into Zeke's, then his body caught up, wrapped around Zeke, and performed a rough suplex that drove Zeke into the floor.
It happened so fast that Leo wasn't sure if he had succeeded. Still, managing to pull it off felt amazing. He never thought he could do that, yet he did. Zeke took a blow to both his body and his pride.
Leo didn't know what to do next. He had lost the element of surprise, and his punches were weak despite his stronger-than-human physique. Zeke used his experience to cut Leo a few times and land punches on his face.
The spar became so one-sided that Yvonne stepped in to stop it.
"Good work, Zeke," she said, making him smile.
"Thank you, Lady Yvonne!" he responded.
That was all the praise he received. Then Yvonne focused on Leo's flaws. Each criticism felt like an arrow piercing his heart, but he realized he had a lot to learn.
"You think clearly in battles. Even with Zeke pounding you, you didn't lose your composure and tried to counter. That is a strong asset," Yvonne finally added something positive.
Leo beamed. "Thanks."
"Get some rest and change into your work clothes. We're going on patrol," she ordered, leaving him sprawled on the floor.
Zeke quickly followed her out, not wanting to stay near Leo.
Leo's new attire was a black suit with a red tie. After changing in the facility's locker room, he met Yvonne and Zeke outside. Together, they got into Yvonne's car and headed to their destination.
"Give him the details," Yvonne said.
Zeke nodded. "We're patrolling an urban park. It's afternoon, so we might not see anything suspicious. Our goal is to look for signs that could lead us to a villain. We ignore everyone else and let the heroes handle them."
"Got it," Leo said. "I wish I could've trained more moves. I can't headbutt everyone. That'd be risky and stupid."
He directed the last words at Zeke, who looked like he'd swallowed something bitter. Soon, Yvonne parked by the urban park. As they got out, Leo immediately noticed something odd about one of the joggers.
He ran toward the man and grabbed his shoulder. Smiling, he asked, "Are you a dullahan?"
Before Leo could say more, Yvonne and Zeke flanked the man, staring at him intensely. They released a raw pressure that only those with abilities could sense. Leo had felt it before and recognized their combined strength.
Under that presence, the man twitched and whistled. "Nice one, dude. You caught me. What are you?"
Leo tilted his head. "Can't you tell? I'm a dullahan."
"Sounds like a fun joke," the man said with a shrug. "Where do you three want to fight me? No way you'll take me on here with all these people around, right?"
His sneer was annoyingly smug.