"And that's all for the tour. "Wow! It's really big. But why is it so big if it's only you guys staying here? "Well, it's that way because we're. Because we're Royalty, I guess? "Royalty? What's that?" "Well, there are a certain group of people who are chosen to rule a kingdom, and that group of people are called royalty". "Kingdom? What's a kingdom?" Damean sighed. He had been answering questions like these since they started the tour. Most of the questions asked were really childish, but instead of getting on his nerves, he was actually quite glad to answer any and every question that the handsome man had. Just like before, he answered this one, and soon they had gotten to the garden. "Finally!" Damean said with a heavy sigh of relief. A maid walked to where they sat and dropped a tray containing cookies and tea. As they ate, the man couldn't help but notice the statues that he saw around him. There was one on the water fountain, and that one had especially caught his attention. "What are those? He asked. This was a question that Damean could easily ignore or redirect, but straying from this topic was considered unholy in this land. So with a long sigh, he spoke. "The one you see on the fountain is a statue of a god called Asclepius. He is the god of health, healing, rejuvenation, and everything concerning life force. Legends say he can give life and also suck away life force from anyone. There was a look of awe on the man's face. He turned to one of them in the middle of the garden and said, "That one? Damean looked over at what he was looking at and smiled. The statue was of a man with long hair and beards. The man wielded a sword on one hand, and on the other, there was an axe. Hanging on his back was a bow and arrow. There is the god Ares. He is the son of the Greek gods Zeus, the father of all gods and god of lighting, and the Greek goddess Hera. The rest you see are Aeolus, the god of winds and air. Aether is the primordial god of the upper air, light, the atmosphere, space, and heaven. Alastor, god of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds There is Apollo, the Olympian god of music, poetry, art, archery, plagues, medicine, the sun, light, and knowledge. Quite a lot of titles for one god. Over to your right, there is the Minor God of Opportunities, Luck, and Favorable Moments. His name is Caerus. That one you see, the one beside the walls far back, That, my friend, is chaos. He is known as The Nothingness That All Else Sprung From. He is a god who filled the gap between heaven and earth. He also created the first beings: Gaia, Tartarus, Uranus, Nyx, and Erebus. The one on a black chariot with black wings is Charon. He is called the Ferryman of Hades; he took newly dead people across the rivers Styx and Acheron to the Greek underworld if they paid him 3 obolus. (a Greek silver coin). That's that about the gods. 'Handsome' just listened like a really good student. He had a lot of questions, but judging from Damean's body language and slightly pale face, he could tell that he was tired. It was already evening, and the sun was setting. "You really are knowledgeable. Thanks for showing me around." Damean lifted his right hand and placed it on 'Handsome's' shoulder and said, "It's nothing," he said, noticing something strange. A frown appeared on his face, but he did a good job of hiding it. He was feeling extremely weak—not physically, though, but mentally. All the explaining had taken its toll on him. He even had a slight headache. But immediately after he touched the shoulder of this man, he felt everything go away. He even felt better than when he woke up this morning. Strange, he might be a healer, but not to the point of healing with a touch. That's not something you get to see every day. He decided that he would ask him about it. "The gods I told you about had a war with what we called the Titans. They won, but were far too weak to sustain themselves. So instead of dying, they chose vessels in men. A man can possess a minor portion of a god. In some cases, ten people combined are said to possess the spirit and prowess of a particular god. Depending on its power. If it were a mighty god, then at times it would take hundreds, possibly a thousand. I possess Ares' powers. What about you? "I.... I don't really know. I just woke up, so I guess I'll have to find that out by myself. Is there a way I can figure it out? He asked, becoming excited. "There is a way. But that would only be possible tomorrow. I'll get Glenna to help you check out. She's an expert at doing those kinds of things. Oh, ok, that would be wonderful. We should head in to meet the others. Yeah, we should. I'm pretty hungry myself. They walked into the palace and straight towards the dining hall.
"Lady Glenna, Lord Scott has requested your presence in his quarters. " Go. I shall walk there myself" "As you wish, my lady". The guard bowed low and walked away. ' I wonder what he wants this time'. She walked on to Scott's quarters, and the closer she got, the fewer servants she saw. When she got to his room, there were no guards there. With a sigh, she walked in. "Lord Scott, I believe you requested my presence. Perhaps there is something I can do for the young lord? Hearing her words didn't seem to make him happy. In fact, the smirk that was on his face was" gone, replaced with a look of longing and sadness. With a gloomy voice, he said, "I just called for the one I love to see. But she is so insistent on being so formal with me. "Dear Scott, I think it'll help you to know that I still love my brothers." "Is that it? I think you've been drifting away from me these past few days. I feel you tilting to what the world says about us." He looked directly at her. She closed the distance between them and gave him a passionate kiss. It wasn't the type that a sister would give to her brother. The lust and longing were clearly evident in that kiss. He responded by kissing her just as fiercely. Soon, sounds of clothes being ripped apart were heard with a succession of barely suppressed moans. Inside the room were Glenna and Scott, ignoring all titles and making love like two barbarians. This was one of the many secrets of the royal house. Glenna, the third princess, was in love with the second prince, Scott. After some minutes of stressful exercise, they both lay staring at the ceiling. "You crazy ape. You ripped my clothes." "It's only fair that I did that. Besides, you ripped mine off first. "This is your room. No one would know even if I ripped off your skin." "You're right. Which is why... He stood up and walked to his wardrobe. He brought out a deep blue dress. "This would look perfect on you. She smiled. It would complement her deep blue eyes. "I'm going to have a wash. She said that and stood up. He smiled as he watched her go to the bathroom.
Travis sat on his bed with a look of fantasy on his face. "Lydia, ooh Lydia." He kept whispering. It would seem that every single person in the palace had their own crazy thing going on. As he was sitting down, a frown slowly found its way onto his face. That guy seems to be a threat. She seems to be lost in his beauty. But that won't be a problem. At least not for long. He had already drafted out plans for his future.
I hope y'all enjoyed this...please walk with me