Jenna blinked twice, then shook her head. Master? Did the stranger just regard her as master, or was she just hearing things?
Well, it could be hearing things because a lot of odd things had happened since last night.
"Master?" It was the physician who broke the silence. Her eyes shifted from Jenna to the young man. "You- are his master?" Her eyes widened as she gauged the height difference.
The young man was well-built, with his black long hair falling on his shoulders, while his tired, brooding deep-set of hazel eyes stared blankly at nothing.
The veins that popped on his forearms were evident of lifting heavy objects in the past- or fighting?
And this same man, twice as huge and tall as everyone in the room, was a servant? What a day has come! the young physician exclaimed in her head.
Jenna as well wasn't left out of the shock and turn of events. She raised her finger to her chest. "Me? Master?"
The young man's head bobbed up and down. "Yes, you," he replied with a bright smile.
"Er..." Jenna rubbed her neck anxiously. "There must be something... wrong. I'm not his master. Like I said, I don't even know him."
The physician turned to the young man, eyeing his body lewdly. She could see the muscles lining his chest. She pressed her lips and smiled. "Do you remember your name?"
"Name?" The young man hummed for a moment, then shook his head. "No name," he replied.
The physician sighed and slowly dropped the bell. When she did this, Jenna exhaled, feeling relieved.
"I think I know what happened," the young physician began, taking a step closer to the young man. She reached for his forehead and touched him. At first, it was to check his temperature, then slowly she traced her fingers down.
"He must have lost memory because of the hit on his head."
Jenna bit her lips. "No, please," she sighed. "He needs to remember something! At least about his real master." She didn't want to be entangled in all of this. Her life was already a mess, and she knew she wasn't exactly capable of taking care of anyone.
"What about the magistrate? Maybe he can put up his pictures just in—" Jenna paused. She noticed the young woman rubbing her thumb on the man's lips seductively.
"Don't worry about the magistrate," the physician replied. "I will let him know that it was a scream wolf situation. Nothing to be worried about at all," she chuckled, moving her hand to touch the man's face.
Jenna watched as the young man flinched every time the physician touched him, and when their eyes locked, she tore her gaze away. She shouldn't let herself be involved in something like this. The man was an adult and capable of taking care of himself.
"What are you waiting for, merchant lady? You can leave now. Sorry we started off on the wrong foot." The physician waved, then returned her attention to her new prey.
Jenna slowly turned around, slowly making her way toward the door. She didn't know why she was feeling guilty. She wasn't supposed to... the man was an adult.
But one with no memory of his past! A small voice of conscience in Jenna's head screamed, but she forced herself to shut it off. She had promised herself not to get involved in anything scandalous after she had left her marriage.
Knowing how society was, stories about her must have spread like wildfire, and if she should get into messy trouble like defending a man, then women who had been waiting with their teeth bared to tear her apart would have a reason.
So even when it was the right thing to do, to help the man who obviously needed help, Jenna turned her back on him and left the room. She just hoped that the man would forgive her someday.
As she left the room, she heard the physician say to the man,
"Don't worry, handsome. I'll make sure to take care of you until you remember. All you have to do is touch me here..."
Jenna cringed, raising her shoulder up. She didn't know men too could be treated this way; she'd thought it was always women who were victims. She turned her head to the side.
Even if the man had lost his memory, he should say something if he didn't want to be touched. She assured herself.
"But I've never touched anyone there before," his velvety voice was heard.
Jenna halted in her steps. Wait. She turned around and saw the young man staring blankly at the physician. Was he really now stupid and without any memory? Like a fool?
"That's beautiful!" the physician exclaimed. "You don't need to know. I'll teach you all that you need. I'll be your master now, okay?"
The young man shifted his eyes from the physician and settled them on Jenna. Both of them stared unblinkingly at each other for a moment. Then Jenna thought to do something right that would clear her conscience. She shook her head and mouthed,
'No, tell her you want to leave!'
The young man nodded. "No, I want to leave with my master."
"What?!" Jenna cried. She didn't want the physician to know she was still here.
The physician followed his eyes. "What master- you! You're still here, lady. You should leave."
"Oh... about the bills—" Jenna ruffled her gown, searching for something.
"Don't worry about it. He belongs to me now, and it's only right I take care of him. No?" she asked boldly, reaching to touch the young man's chest.
Jenna nodded. "You're right, but don't you think trying to make him feel you up is a little..."
"Lady, do you want the man?" the physician's voice was laced with frustration this time.
Jenna waved her hands. "No... no. Why would I want him?"
"Good!" the young physician interjected with a frown on her face. "You clearly said you don't know him, and all I'm doing is taking him in... imagine this young man staying out cold in the street with no roof over his head. I am letting my conscience guide me, lady," her voice dropped condescendingly when she said lady.
Jenna opened her mouth, then closed it. The physician seemed to be someone with a history of trouble, so getting into an argument with her wouldn't be advisable.
"All I'm saying is... what if the man doesn't want to be... touched?" Jenna muttered. She noticed the young man just staring at her, and she wished he would defend himself.
"You see why I asked if you wanted him? You keep poking your nose where your merchant trade doesn't belong. He's a grown man and can say no if he doesn't want me." The physician sneered.
"Pretending to be better than everyone else. Lady, I know women like you... married but yet want unmarried men to look at them. Now get out of here before I call the attention of other women."
Jenna pressed her lips. She had tried all she could. The physician was right; the man should help himself. She walked out of the room and closed the door.
Back inside the room, the physician's grin widened.
"I can't believe I found myself a pleasure giver... I can't wait to see what you have in between your legs to satisfy me with!" She blushed, trying to act coy. "A handsome fool... I'll make you my handsome fool just for me."
She slowly pushed her apron down and then her sleeves, leaving her dress to pool down on the floor.
The young man sat there staring at her like it was just a normal thing. No emotions, no words, just staring.
"Now feel my body and push me on the bed."
The young man sighed. "Master said no."
"What?" The physician turned and saw Jenna standing at the door. "You! Leave already!" She tried to cover her body with her hands.
Jenna stood at the threshold with a frown on her face. "You're right! I let my conscience guide me." Her eyes burning with anger, she pointed at the young man. "You, stand up and follow me."
"He won't do that! He belongs to—" the physician was still talking when the young man stood up and walked over to stand behind Jenna.
"You!! Aren't you married?" She rushed over to drag the man back to herself.
Jenna stepped forward, using her small hand to protect the man behind her. "You'll stay away from him. He now belongs to me," she commanded, not sure where the confidence was coming from but okay.
"Let's go," Jenna pointed at the door. Before she left, she removed the jacket she was wearing and donned it on the young woman's body.
"You shouldn't take advantage of people just because they appear to be weak. I've come to learn that even a mouse gets dangerous when cornered," with this, she left the room with her new servant.
The handsome fool.