Chereads / jjk x dragon ball / Chapter 2 - Discovery, and wishes

Chapter 2 - Discovery, and wishes

Narator:Sukuna and Uraume continue on their way until finaly they found what Sukuna was looking for

Sukuna: So this is turtle hermit students I Don t see anywere their master roshi. But o well lets have some fun! Uraume prepare because after i kill them I want them cooked well.

Uraume: Ofcurse sukuna Sama(with a smile)

Random student: Yea dude that was amazing!

Random student 2: I know right!

Random student two: It could have Been batter but it was alrithg( reminds me of that one friend who Always disacreas and hates on everyting)

Random student again: O cmnon you enyo-.

Narator: At that moment they felt horifiying presence. They could not even breathe.They felt that they had no escape. Like when you get in trouble for doing someting at school and your dead pulls out a belt. The beating is inevitable. But in this case their death was inevitable. And then they saw him Someone who everybody knew as gratest evil.

Ryomen Sukuna The King of curses.

Sukuna: Oooo! What do we have here!(With twisted grin on His face Like joker)

Random student: Great Sukuna Sama!(Fear present in His voice) What do you need.

Sukuna: I just need to have some fun.

Random student two: What kind of fu-( gets black Flashed in stomach with one of sukuna Four hands penetrating him(Pause) trought His stomach and His hand sticking out on other side and student dies instantly)

Random student two and three: Nooooooo!

Random student two: You montser!!!!(Charches strong Ki blast and hits sukuna with full force)

Narator: Students knew that that did not kill him because they felt His ki. And when the dust cleared they were shocked because.

Wow That atack did a quite of bit a damage Buuut!(using RCT to heal His body compleatly) Not enough.

Sukuna naratating: I watch them as they get prepared to fight. I can smell the heatred they give of now. They replaced fear with heatred.( With amused smile)

Narator: they dash at sukuna one of them tries to land a left hook on sukuna but sukuna blooks it with His uper left hand and usess other two right hands to Punch him. One of them landed on chest and one of them on stomach. Student flyies away while spiting Blood. The other student comes flying out of nowhere from behind(mega Pause)and tries to land: the jab, cross, lead hook, rear hook, left uppercut, and right uppercut, But sukuna dogded them all. And sukuna ducks down after last Punch and lands a devestating uppercut on student which knocks some of His teath out before flaying violently in air. The other student that was punched away charches strong ki blast and shoots it at sukuna but sukuna uses dismantle to cut the atack in half and and Also cuted at students chest and student screamed in pain. The student that was punched IN THE AIR(all of us knows this meme already) Comes flying down with a kick but sukuna dodges it and uses cleave to cut of His head.

Last Random Student. Nooooooo! You incarnated evil piece of shit I Will kill youuuu!

SUKUNA:HMMM. Is that so Than please try your best (with friendly voice).

Narator: last student dashes at him His aura of ki already shining and he comes flying at speed of light at Sukuna. The punched created Huge Smoke and after the Smoke disaperd only the Huge and deep crater ramained and....

Sukuna:( While holding His Punch with His hand says) Not bad but stil to WEAK!(Stick His free uper left hand and puuls out His heart)

Last Random student: You. (Watches with disbelif in His eyes as sukuna proceads to eat His heart in front of him with stomach mought)

Sukuna: Disgusting this is worse than that popcorn that i tried back in shibuya. I guees that is way I tell Uraume to Always removes organs.

Last Random student:( Colapses dead)

Sukuna: I gues I should Bring bodies to URAU-before he Can finish His sentence he was punched away.

Master roshi: How dare you kill my students!( With serious voice and Look)

Narator:Sukuna comes out bleeding heavily from His right cheek.

Sukuna. Damm Old man you hit hard but I am not on mood to play with you today because Even thought I can not feel hunger I want to eat already sooooo. I Will finish this imidiatly.( Proceds to laugh)

Master Roshi: What do you mean? (Clearly confuesd)

Sukuna: DOMAIN EXPENSION: MALEVOLENT SHRINE.( everyting in 200 meter radious gets cut to oblivion except.)

Master Roshi. Huuf huuf.( Breating hevaily and bearly clinging to live)

Sukuna: Wow old man you actualy survived that!!!! Marvelous!

(Proceds to kneel in front of him and says)

You do now what binding wow is because I can sense that you have some cursed energy right?( with bored tone)

Master Roshi:(with weak voice) Yes I Know.

Sukuna: Good Now lets form a pact. I swear that I Will Never kill you. But in return you have too teel me everyting you know about how to use Ki and about those wishing orbs I heard of. Do you acceptt!

Master Roshi: yes

Narator: After some time when Roshi explaning how to use Ki and best place to train.( Time chamber up at korin 's tower) Roshi Teals him about dragom balls and Also tels that he had Been colecting them and that he colected all of them.

Sukuna: Good.( Heals him with RCT BEFORE knocking him unconcius)

Sukuna: Uraume!! Come Here.

Uraume after 5 seconds: What is it.

Sukuna: Colect the dragon balls inside and Bring them outside.

Uraume: Ofcurse Sukuna sama.


Uraume: Here they are Sukuna sama.

Sukuna: Good. Now lets begin

Eternal Dragon. By Your name I summon you forth, Shenron!"

Narator: Sky darkened and shenron comes in full view.

Shenron. You who have sumoned the great dragon SHENRON STATE YOUR WISHES!

Sukuna: I want you to remove megumi soul compleatly then to revive all shadows that were killed and make ten shadow tehnique mine and for my last wish...(I Will revail in future Chapters)

Shenron: Weary well your wishes have Been granted

Narator: Shenron disipates in dragon balls and scater across planet and Sky returns to normal.

Uraume: That was realy Smart of you Sukuna Sama.( Said it with smirk)

What do you wana do Sukuna?

Sukuna: I Know exeactly what I Will doo...