Located in the depths of the desert, where beasts thrive, and innocent lives are snuffed out—a prison holding vicious criminals. Only those believed to be witches or affiliated with demons had been put in such an inescapable hellhole, its name was Ashenhime. One man was devoid of his memories, only his name still left in his shallow head. Acronis was his name. He had round, blue eyes with clean, well-kept black hair and he was average height with a decent build. The cell in which he was located went downwards deep into the ground. The light of day and the gleam of the night never pierced his eyes. Ting-Ting! A sharp sound of metal clanging rang in his ears. "It's time for work", a guard shouted. Opening his cell, the guard stepped backwards and watched carefully for anything suspicious about the man. The man, handcuffed, couldn't fight even if he wanted to. They walked through the fungus-covered hallways, their steps nearly cracking the ground on which they stood; it resembled a dungeon of sorts. Before any more thoughts could be made, they arrived at their destination, an open room with a large wooden gate rotten by termites. The guard pushed the prisoners and Acronis into the open room and shut the grand wooden door. The room had a large furnace in the middle, long metal poles extruding from it. The prisoners immediately got to work pushing the poles up and down to make sure the fire didn't extinguish. Five guards heavily armed with swords, sticks, and daggers, covered in gear, watched over the 10 prisoners who were working tirelessly. Acronis putting coal into the furnace, looked right and saw a dark-skinned woman with a muscular physique while he stared-"What are ya lookin' at scumbag?" she said in a rude tone. He immediately averted his gaze and looked left to see a feeble man barely being able to complete his work; he was wearing round glasses and had a look of hatred on his face. As Acronis stared on, the man finally noticed and a look of concern appeared on his face, whose neck jerked back forward, busy in his work.
When their grueling jobs were finished for the day, it was time for lunch. The guards escorted them to a large hall which was well lit with flaming torches. They lined every exit of the mess hall with their weapons holstered in their belts. One by one, each prisoner walked over to a large stall being manned by a demihuman who had fish-like characteristics and wet scales covering parts of his skin on his face and arms, with antler-like gills of an axolotl on the sides of his head. He gave each prisoner their meals individually; their meals seemed to be composed of gruel and some bread on the side. As all of them sat and were having their meals, Acronis stood up, curious about the people he had seen while working. He walked over to the table where the feeble man sat; he was eating slowly and discretely, trying not to get noticed. Acronis sat beside him and introduced himself and asked what he did to get into Ashenhime. The old man, adjusting his circular glasses, replied," My name is Artro Sparrow and I am a RuneWielder, I've been in Ashenhime for three decades. Why I am in here is a long story filled with sorrow and regret". As he said this, Acronis noticed a ring on his thumb that gleamed a faint blue with strange symbols etched into it. Arturo noticed him staring, "This? Well, that ring was put on me by the guards so that I couldn't destroy this entire facility," he said timidly. "Over the years I've grown weak and feeble, but if I could take this ring off I could escape easily." After he said this, Acronis noticed the same woman who insulted him was stuffing food into her mouth ungracefully. Ting-Ting! The same bell rang once more signaling the end of their meal time. They were escorted through the moldy hallways back to their cells and were locked in. When dawn struck, the guards escorted everyone into the mines. The people went down a narrow passage, entering a dome of sorts, they grabbed their pickaxes, and they were being watched by only 4 guards with the same equipment. The people with the pickaxes walked towards the guards one by one and asked what they were collecting today. The guard with a dead look on his face replied, "Get a cart full of amethyst crystal. "Artro bumped into a cart and dropped his pickaxe on his feet, injuring it. One of the guards went up to him to look at the damage done to his feet. Then seeking the opportunity, one of the prisoners stabbed the guard through an opening in his armor, that prisoner being the dark-skinned woman. Acronis, seeing this, took the opportunity for a possible escape and raised his pickaxe high and struck down with mighty force into a guard, instantly incapacitating him. Seeing this, another guard retaliated with a slash to his thoracic cavity. In the nick of time, Acronis weaved out of the way. The other 2 guards drew their blades in a flash, pushing away the prisoners surrounding the dark skinned woman. No one noticed the old and cunning RuneWielder on the floor, the RuneWielder getting his opportunity, maneuvered his pickaxe, making one of the guards fall, giving one of the prisoners a perfect window to strike. The other guard saw the old man and attempted to stab his disgraceful figure. Acronis managed to barely push the guard away and the dagger didn't get lodged into the heart of Artro. The fierce woman lodged one of the daggers she had obtained from the body of the lying guard into the last and final guard. Acronis heard a set of footsteps, he tells everyone to quiet down, but no one bats an eye. Coming down from the spiraling stairs, two weary guards rushed down. Looking at the massacre of the guards, one of them attempted to retreat and pushed the guard in front of him in an attempt to escape the prisoner's fury. The guard who fell into the dome was no match for the prisoners and got beheaded instantly, the cowardly guard ran up the stairs as fast as he could, trying to make it out alive. The prisoners rushed to kill the guard like a pack of wolves and reached the guard in the spiraling staircase in seconds. At the entrance of the mining facility, they saw no one but a large peculiar door that wasn't there before. It had a mystical miasma that attracted them to it, almost inviting them to enter.