Linalia Fromne is a 19 year old girl who did not have the chance to grow up in a loveling home.Her mother died when she was six years old and after her death ,her father remarried a woman who would kill him shortly after.This series of events will make Linalia serve her mother-in-law and her children,her daughter Natasha and her son Imiro.
All her life she was treated like a slave by her in-laws,she was often beaten and mistreated.To escape this harsh reality she often read,imagining herself to be a princess and have a dream life,this life she managed to glimpse in some dreams, she also read to educate herself because she was not allowed to got to school she also drew and wrote often,these were the only things that reminded her of her mother with some books that she had given her including books that she particularly loved,these books tell the story of a princess named Orthansia Flamien,who lived a perfect life until the death of her older brother which pushed her family to sell her to a powerful but horribly evil duke,who made her live a terrible life until they managed to bond and fall in love with each other, it was this kind of story that made her mother dream and visibly her too.When her 14th birthday approached Linalia was a pitiful and unhappy skinny girl,she looked like her mother in every way she had also inherited her beauty of her big blue eyes,her beautiful pink lips and her doll-like appearance with her pink skin.All these very beauties particularly annoyed her mother-in-law. One day without warning Linalia she burned all of her mother's memories and all of her books ,all she had left was an old piece of fabric that her mother had embroidered on an old dress that she had tried to mends as best she could,even this old dress was burned.Linalia upset but her tongue and her entire mouth until blood came out of her mouth and nose and she could no longer speak,this cost her a stay in the hospital.A few years after this incident Linalia had become a beautiful young woman but still as pitiful,one day after shopping for her half-siblings,returned home and found a man soho looked to be in this twenties sitting on her couch with her mother mother-in-law ,Linalia greeted her before asking who this strange man was.
-First of all ,say hello.Don't you think so ?
Linalia:Hello.Who is ? Mother-in-law ?
-So you have no patience,my child ,excuse me Savir ,she takes after her mother.
-It's nothing…
Linalia cuts him off:
-May I know why you're talking about mother ?
-To answer your questions,this man is your husband and your mother,I can talk about her if I want to,you dirty little cheeky thing.
The mother-in-law stood up before slapping her brutally .Linalia swallowed her saliva and spoke:
-I don't know him,I don't even know his first name,why should he be my husband ?
-Because I decided so,if you want to know everything,his name is Savir ,he is 26 years old and is the Duc of the Lomire region.
-What made you think that I would accept without complaining.
-The fact that you are forced to do it is enough,right ?
-You are not serious,we are 7 years apart,it's…
It was Savir's turn to cut her off:
-Do you think it is my will to marry you,this marriage is only a contract that is beneficial to both of us.So I would ask you to accept it,if you can just hold on for five in my company you will be able to obtain the right to divorce.
She spoke again:
-It's like no and this opinion will not change.
Linalia stormed off and slammed the door,it was so angry, arriving in her room she clutched against her chest the last memory she had of her mother,it was an old piece of embroidered fabric that she always kept with her .
Despite all the resistance Linalia we able to show,she found herself forced to marry this man,this marriage was a real tragedy,it was a small wedding after he refused to put her wedding ring on her finger he also refused to kiss her,but this wedding was only the beginning of Linalia ´s descent into hell.Indeed Savir Okman suffers from mental disorders and regularly beat Linalia until she bled,often after each of these crises where her inflicted injuries on her, he apologized but she kept a lot of mental after-effects.From the outside this young married couple was beautiful but in reality everything was only disappointment on their side.Savir was an alcoholic,after he came home from work Linalia would give him dinner before cleaning the kitchen,but of course they didn't eat together because Savir didn't want to,then he would beat her,after finishing all the household chores Linalia,would take care of rocking Savir hoping not to get hit after she went to the bathroom to take care of her injuries and her appearance,then during the night she would listen to him parade many women in his bed before her eyes of course and without hiding.Linalia washed the sheets in which they spent their restless nights,she washed the plates in which they had lunch ,the next day,despite everything she did for him,he never called her by the first name of the women he coveted one night,which was humiliating knowing that she had been putting up with him for three years,it didn't matter to her,she hated him even more than him,after all "there are only two years left to go,right ?" she said to herself,but she clearly couldn't stand this monotonous,repetitive and miserable daily life any longer.
After living this daily life for three years she could no longer stand this life where she was treated like a parasite in this life full of despair she had no family who cared for her nor friends who could worry nor lover who could plunge into despair if she died,so one day she made the decision to end it all,she slit her veins with a kitchen knife with which she prepared these good meals,strangled herself then bit her tongue,took sleeping pills and poisoned herself before jumping from the top of her window to give herself no chance of survival,while doing all this she wrote a letter filled with despair that she addressed to the her of the past she thought,"who knows it maybe that she will find her and that she will survive ?"while she was writing it her hands were shaking with pain the only word she had on her lips was that of her dear husband entered the room and saw her,he tried to strangle, her to reason with her but it seemed that she did not hear him she was insulting him her head lowered her long black hair which hid her face,she got up and kept telling him how much she hated him,the couldn't move to stop her from backing down because he was still under her threat.At the time he thought she was a woman devoid of courage incapable of rebelling but it seemed that he was wrong,while he was powerless she continued to approach the window,she jumped,Savir tried to catch her but when he came he fell too and an imminent death awaited them at the bottom of this apartment.
After this imminent death Linalia finally thought she was done but to her great misfortune she woke up in a luxurious bed around her servants who no longer counted trying to wake her up.
-Miss Louyhoze,it's the big day.