Chereads / The Chaebols Are Back / Chapter 8 - C8

Chapter 8 - C8

'Did America really not know?'

Did they not really know that if North Vietnam violated the Paris Peace Accords and attacked South Vietnam following the declaration of a ceasefire, South Vietnam would automatically fall?

You would have known.

Although they knew that, they retreated due to political reasons. If that is so, then the US can retreat its soldiers from Korea anytime if there is a political crisis. Of course, the US soldiers from Korea have not retreated until 2023, when I was still alive.

'And by now.'

The White House will be seeking an excuse to retreat from the Vietnam War, since the war will be politically taxing on them.

And the reason for withdrawal will be the Paris Peace Accords, which I know.

'US troops will soon withdraw more from Vietnam.'

So, I believe we will need to request the South Korean government to deploy additional troops.


Until the peace treaty is signed, Vietnam should stay in the status quo for the United States.

We should make maximum use of this situation for South Korea and prepare to receive the first oil shock in two years.

"Egypt will attempt to reassert control of the Suez Canal."

In the future I experienced, the Suez Canal was an important part of Egypt.

'Approximately 30% of national revenue.'

It's actually gigantic.

If you consider it, there is no profitable thing in Egypt other than the Suez Canal.

"Consequently, the bulk of the Arab forces, the Egyptian forces, will cross the ceasefire line drawn with Israel and push into the Sinai Peninsula, and as it is a surprise, it will encounter minimal resistance from the Israeli forces."

At first, the Arab coalition forces would be the ones who were in control.

"Seongsu, is this your judgment? Or is it the analysis of the South Korean military?"

The senator questioned me.

They stare at me as if they cannot believe that a young me came up with this analysis.

"It is the judgment of the Holy Spirit."

While I stood there uncertain of what to say, the President answered through an interpreter. And the President was simply listening to me now as I addressed Senator Walker Smith.

'The original dictator.'

He'd rather speak than listen, but the president isn't yet totally become an autocratic dictator.

But next year, the Yushin Constitution will be announced.

The Republic of Korea will be in a situation unprecedented in its history where its constitutional government will be suspended.


This is the senator who is surprised.


And then the senator requests me to repeat it.

"Israel will panic at first, but it will call a national mobilization and mobilize the majority of its forces to stop the Egyptian offensive, so the war will be a stalemate."

"The Arab army is not only made up of Egyptian soldiers."

"Yes, the Syrian forces will assault the Golan Heights after the Egyptian forces march up. They will panic at first, but later the Israeli forces will make the Syrians flee."

Consequently, Syria will lose additional territory to Israel.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because the youth mentality is different."

"How can I verify that?"

legend has it that when the first, second, and third Middle East wars erupted, American students from Israel and American students from Arab nations checked their bags simultaneously."

"They packed their bags, but they had different goals. The Israeli students ran back to their countries to fight for their countries in distress, while the Arab students packed their bags to flee because their countries could conscript them. That is why Israel is destined to triumph once more."

The senator is nodding his head at my statement.


'It's a national identity fabricated by Israel.'

The Third Middle East War is also referred to as the Six-Day War.

Israel defeated the Arab coalition within 6 days. But did Israeli students abroad actually come back home within 6 days?


After grabbing the chance to win totally, he came back home sure that his nation would triumph.

So it's opportunism.

And I believe that it's something made up that was spread to create the illusion that the national character of Israel is higher than that of Arab nations.


Although it was manipulated like that, everyone around the globe now thinks that the Israeli kid did it.

'South Vietnamese youth.'

In order not to be taken to the battlefield, they were eager to flee to foreign nations like Thailand or Laos.

But North Vietnamese girls and boys were so persistently brainwashed by the Communist Party that they did not mind going into enemy lines with bombs.

Thus, South Vietnam was communized by North Vietnam, and thereafter, all of Southeast Asia went to communism like dominoes.

"I see what you mean by having a different mindset. So what are you trying to say?"

The Middle East is now the supplier of oil to the United States and the world."

There is significant oil production in South America and the North Sea, but at a high cost.

'Oil is economically viable.'

Following the Soviet Union, Venezuela boasts the second largest oil reserves in the world.

It is heavy oil since it has a lot of sulfur, thus it is costly to mine. On the other hand, oil that is mined in the Middle East is light oil, thus it is highly commercial due to the fact that the cost of mining is low.

'If you think about it.'

Canada also possesses a lot of oil.

Oil blended in the mud. And the United States is also an oil-producing nation, but instead of drilling its own oil, the United States imports it.

'Until shale oil extraction technology was developed.'

I thought it wasn't economically viable.

The key fact here is that the United States and South Korea import the majority of their oil requirements from the Middle East.


"If the Middle East becomes a battlefield, oil drilling will stop."

Once oil production in a particular region is halted, the supply dries up, and hence the cost of oil must increase.

"Besides, Saudi Arabia has also been insisting that America desist from supporting Israel, and so it will begin cutting oil production beginning with the 4th Middle East War. Consequently, it will become hard to access oil, and world oil prices will go through the roof."

As petrochemical technology improves on a daily basis, there are hardly any products that cannot be produced out of petroleum.

It is not an overstatement to say that if the production of oil starts to decline, factories worldwide will cease to function.

"America is already facing an intensifying economic downturn. If the price of oil goes through the roof in such a situation, the American economy will face a dark age, and South Korea, which has been developing its economy with unwavering backing from America, will be greeted with a shock beyond shock. Help me, please."

The president of South Korea and the American senator could not conceal their surprise at my rational argument.


Two years later, the first oil shock took place.

But according to the national capacity of the Republic of Korea, even when the first oil shock was expected, two years will be insufficient for preparation.

'And the two years of preparation.'

It needs to be an ideal turning point in the Korean economy.

Of course, it doesn't imply I will gain any capital if I flawlessly prepare for the first oil shock with the president.


Because I don't own any capital yet.

So, besides preparing for the first oil shock, I have to accumulate my capital.

In doing so, the President should be my watering hole.

"That's a correct judgment."

There is an American senator who is in agreement with everything I say.


As I explained to you, America's weapons and supplies will assist Israel in victory, further fueling anti-Americanism amongst Arab nations. Consequently, they will consider what they can turn into weapons.

If I speak with an American senator, the president listens quietly and smiles contentedly.

'It appears that it would be worth doing.'

Remaining still is showing that you have faith in me.".

"We're going to weaponize oil more, because without oil, we can't produce anything anymore."

The Senate scowled at my statement.

Already, Middle Eastern oil-producing nations are weaponizing oil.


"Your Majesty, you need to prepare for that scenario."

The senator nods his head at my statement.

"If you can prepare for that and rescue the American economy from the dark ages, I think you can be a strong Democratic presidential candidate."

"A great presidential candidate?"

A senator who dries off saliva without knowing it.

A politician's ideal is to seize power.

'The President too.'

Since I thought that it must be me, I would declare the Yushin Constitution.

'President Nixon, who was implicated in Watergate, should resign.'

Vice President Ford will assume the presidency without an election and will be the Republican candidate.

'But Carter sought the Democratic presidential nomination.'

Do not stand in the way of President Ford's re-election.

'What if the senator is ready now?'

It may also be Senator Walker Smith, who offered to be my godfather, who will fill in for Carter.

'What if something happens to the US-China relationship, which is growing closer with ping-pong diplomacy, and it deteriorates?'

Specifically, the United States will have no option but to support South Korea actively more after watching Southeast Asian nations, including Vietnam, fall into communism like dominoes.

And all of that assistance must be employed to develop heavy industry in South Korea.

'Daehyun Shipyard was built about 1975.'

We must move that forward.

I would prefer to take charge, with the permission of the President, naturally, and naturally move it forward.

"Politics is like the wind, and the moment that wind becomes a typhoon, you win."

Senator Walker Smith fixed me with a serious gaze as I was speaking.

"That's true."

Senator Walker Smith gives the young man a look that says the kid is a politician.

'Of course I know.'

During my time as Chairman Lee Seo-jin, not Lee Seong-su prior to my return, don't you know how much political contributions I gave to not only Korean politicians but also to American presidential hopefuls?

"Father, America will surely lose the Vietnam War."

"America has never lost."

The senator spoke to me curtly and in an angry manner.